Weight loss goal: getting pregnant. Am I alone?

5 years without conception. I just turned 31, and I feel like it's time to get seriousl my dr told me to lose weight so here I am. I was 315lbs, currently 260. My period is really back and incredibly painful, I've had two cycles since I started losing weight in November. Is anyone else working towards their baby? Has anyone had luck getting pregnant after weight loss? Thanks!


  • bobbikrause
    bobbikrause Posts: 4 Member
    I have not, but sending some baby dust your way! Sounds like you've made some awesome progress, and that can only help, right? Getting your period back is a HUGE NSV! Way to go :)
  • hannahontheleftcoast
    hannahontheleftcoast Posts: 37 Member
    thank you bobbi!!! i really appreciate that!!

    that story makes me feel hopeful Tmac!! my dr thinks that my weight is really affecting my hormones and im inclined to agree! im really hoping this year is the year. at the rate im going now i will be 200lbs this summer so i have my fingers crossed!!!!
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    My fingers are crossed for you too! Dealing with infertility is very hard. Hugs and best wishes!
  • hannahontheleftcoast
    hannahontheleftcoast Posts: 37 Member
    My fingers are crossed for you too! Dealing with infertility is very hard. Hugs and best wishes!

    thank you! i appreciate that. the first couple of years were very very hard. then i gave up.... then i decided i didnt want to give up!
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Don't give up! Infertility treatments have come so far. I had one kiddo 17 years ago after 7 years of trying to get pregnant. Lots of heartache but we finally had success. Hang in there.
  • hannahontheleftcoast
    hannahontheleftcoast Posts: 37 Member
    Ty girl I'm def not giving up now! I'm on a mission
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm trying to lose weight to get pregnant with number 2. So far I consider it a victory I can run around with my little boy better now. Baby dust to all!
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I'm right there with you! Every time I do get pregnant now I miscarry. Periods are hell. Pregnancy is my ultimate goal I'm hoping I'll get pregnant by February next year. But right now everything is on hold until I get down to a healthy BMI. Weight loss combined with clomid should get us sustainable pregnancy but we'll see. I've been going throw this for years. I feel your pain. /=
  • hannahontheleftcoast
    hannahontheleftcoast Posts: 37 Member
    I'm right there with you! Every time I do get pregnant now I miscarry. Periods are hell. Pregnancy is my ultimate goal I'm hoping I'll get pregnant by February next year. But right now everything is on hold until I get down to a healthy BMI. Weight loss combined with clomid should get us sustainable pregnancy but we'll see. I've been going throw this for years. I feel your pain. /=

    Big hugs. Baby dust to you I hope it happens for you
  • skinnyinachubbybody
    skinnyinachubbybody Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going to be 35 in about 11 weeks (but who's counting), and have been trying to focus on weight loss and fitness so I don't stress about the fact that we have been TTC for almost 5 years, though not super seriously.

    When I started this weight loss (this time) weighing 220+ lbs about 6 months ago, I didn't feel good about myself so also didn't want my DH to touch me. I'm now down about 50 lbs and feel more confident in my own skin.

    I use that, plus knowing I'll have a healthier pregnancy if I'm at a lower weight, to keep me motivated, but also to distract me that I'm not pregnant. And knowing you're not alone always helps too!

    Sending positive thoughts and baby dust your way!
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far! Hugs to you and I am hopeful you will soon get that plus sign!
    I am currently 206 pounds (SW 227) and I weigh what I weighed when I got pregnant with my first. I'm right on the verge of being out of the "obese" BMI and I am waiting until I lose more weight to get pregnant again because losing weight after a baby is seriously hard.
    No matter when it happens for you, your body will time it perfectly!
  • hannahontheleftcoast
    hannahontheleftcoast Posts: 37 Member
    Ty ladies ☺️
  • MsKittykat81
    MsKittykat81 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm TTC for 3 months, I'm 36. I want to lose about 25Ibs and at the same time get pregnant very soon so a bit confused!!