exercise in the morning or evening?

I read somewhere exercise in the morning is good because u burn your body fat because your body has no excess energy at the time. So im always jog in the morning. But i figure if im not exercise in the evening, so the calories if my lunch and breakfast may not burn fast enough. It seems like i loss weight faster if i do exercise in the evening. Which one is good tho?


  • amir_hariri
    amir_hariri Posts: 9 Member
    *in my lunch and breakfast
  • DanSanthomes
    DanSanthomes Posts: 134 Member
    Cardio in the morning, weights in the evening - (before main meal).

    Try it and see how it works, everyone is different but it's working for me. (Just make sure you also get a rest day a week).
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    I think it's what fits into your lifestyle... sometimes I'm on the treadmill at 10:30pm. But I'm getting some time in, not a morning person
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    You may not feel at peak performance in the morning or evening, but it's really a personal thing. Exercise to me makes me tired, so I like to exercise at night (and I'm not a morning person at all). I have friends that will go for a 'short' run of 5k or so in the morning and feel energized all day.Your body is 'burning' calories when you exercise regardless of what time of day.

    Your weight loss will be from maintaining an appropriate calorie deficit. Your exercise should not really add on to that deficit if you're using MFP to calculate your calories (the NEAT method gives you the appropriate deficit you should eat at without any exercise), if you're using TDEE method then you'll just want to exercise as you calculated regardless of the timeframe.
    This is why with the MFP/NEAT calculation you can lose weight without exercise, because you're already at a deficit, exercise should at least be 50% eaten back (50% unless whatever you're using to calculate, such as a fitbit, is super accurate as most machines and the MFP listings are inaccurate).
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Whenever you can make time for it. As others have said, it makes no difference when it comes to fat loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I read somewhere exercise in the morning is good because u burn your body fat because your body has no excess energy at the time. So im always jog in the morning. But i figure if im not exercise in the evening, so the calories if my lunch and breakfast may not burn fast enough. It seems like i loss weight faster if i do exercise in the evening. Which one is good tho?

    You are constantly cycling between fuel sources...you aren't going to burn more net fat per day exercising fasted. Your net fat loss will be a result of your calorie deficiency regardless of when you exercise.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I do it when it fits in to my day the best. It's usually in the mid to late afternoons.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Workout timing is completely irrelevant for weight loss. Do it whenever it best suits your personal preferences.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You have plenty of energy in your body 24x7.
    Makes zero difference to fat loss over 24hr period - that's a function of your calorie deficit.
    so the calories if my lunch and breakfast may not burn fast enough
    A calorie is just a unit of energy - how can your lunch and breakfast burn faster?
  • amir_hariri
    amir_hariri Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all.