Is this a crazy plan?

Ok I am 5'9" and 164.4 lbs. I am in a healthy weight range but barely! I want to weigh 140 lbs by October 31 that is in 102 days. I am eating 1200 calories a day and my BMR is 1600. That is a 2800 calories less a week and I am projected to lose 1 lbs every 8.5 days. That alone will cause me to lose 12 lbs by my goal date, but I need to lose 24.6 total telling me I need to lose another 12.6 lbs by exercising!!!!! That means I need to atleast burn 435 calories everyday with out eating my exercise calories so my net would be 765 calories. I just want to know if you think this is possibe or should I give myself a few extra weeks?


  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Give yourself a few more weeks. Just posting this here on the MFP boards, I think you have a feeling that this is not healthy or doable.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    give yourself a little longer...
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    Any less than 1200 calories/day and your body will go into starvation mode. You won't lost weight and you won't have the nutrients you need. Take it slow. It's better for you than quick weight loss and it's easier to keep the routine if you're not killing yourself. You won't make your goal by that date, but you'll be better off in the long run.
  • janiecorona
    janiecorona Posts: 248
    Although that might work, it is not a healthy lifestyle or something you can keep up for a long time. I suggest going for something that you can live with and not something you might not be able to succeed in. It's not about how fast you get there, but getting there and staying there. Good luck!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    That is totally not realistic. The closer you get to your goal weight, the more stubborn the weight loss will be. Too high of a deficit and your body will go into starvation mode. Slow and steady is the key. :)
  • colbiegirl
    colbiegirl Posts: 138
    Don't do less than 1,000 a day. I learned that the hard way! Your weight will go down, but so will your health! My hair is thinning, nails are cracking, and I'm struggling to get it back up to 1,200 calories per day with 400 + exercise. It's a lot easier to lose weight slower and not set a date so much...
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Give yourself a few more weeks. Just posting this here on the MFP boards, I think you have a feeling that this is not healthy or doable.

    I agree.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    I lost 30 pounds in 3 months by eating 1200 calories a day and doing P90X. i was NOT eating my cals back.

    i did plateau after that becaus ei wasn't eating enough though.
  • Jarosz79
    Jarosz79 Posts: 7
    I think that you need to give yourself a few more weeks. Things happen and come up that can cause you to eat more than you are projecting. If you start to get the sense of failure because you have set your goal so high and in stone you will lose motivation and get frustrated! Plus weight loss needs to be done in a healthy way, changing your eating habits to eating lots of fruit and veggies, whole grains, and lean protiens will shock your system and get the weight loss started (if you don't already eat like this). Cutting your calories too low can put your body into a type of hybernation sotring ALL calories that come in, because it thinks it's starving. I currently struggle with this from poor eating habits over a long period of time, never eating enough. eating something every couple hours keeps you body fueled and feeling good so that you can lose the weight that you want to. Give yourself time and be happy with everything that you lose, cause you already look great!
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    Give yorself a little longer to get to your goal....better to be a bit slower, but doable, than rapid and not something you can stick to (or that your body can handle for too long). Plus, too few calories can stop your weight loss....think of it as losing it for good, not just losing it for a certain date.
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    What's happening on the goal date that you "have to" be down to your desired weight? Getting married? Starring in a movie? If not, lose your weight more slowly. If you try to go too fast you risk crash dieting - not healthy, and not sustainable over the long term (yeah, you'll gain it back!). That said, doing 500 calories a day in exercise is not that hard to do - I'm doing it and I'm an awful lot older than you which makes it much harder! But you should eat back those calories to keep your metabolism up. Are you eating your veggies? Hope so... they're good for you!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    This is why we prefer to have adults on this site. Children shoud NOT be attempting to lose weight in this way, and we don't have the tools here to advise children. Please talk to your doctor before starting any weight loss program.

    Your brain is still developing and you are risking your entire future by attempting this course of action. Please please do not attempt this!!
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    Don't do it. It is unhealthy. Losing weight is fine but not to the extreme of starvation. You are too young especially to be eating that few of calories. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    my net would be 765 calories.

    This is not healthy ...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Ok I am 5'9" and 164.4 lbs. I am in a healthy weight range but barely! I want to weigh 140 lbs by October 31 that is in 102 days. I am eating 1200 calories a day and my BMR is 1600. That is a 2800 calories less a week and I am projected to lose 1 lbs every 8.5 days. That alone will cause me to lose 12 lbs by my goal date, but I need to lose 24.6 total telling me I need to lose another 12.6 lbs by exercising!!!!! That means I need to atleast burn 435 calories everyday with out eating my exercise calories so my net would be 765 calories. I just want to know if you think this is possibe or should I give myself a few extra weeks?

    Your calculation is wrong. You are basing your deficit off of BMR, your maintenance is higher, and you are in a larger deficit than 400/day. Go to goals and look at calories burned from normal daily activity, that is maintenance so you would take that - 1200 to get your deficit.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I'm 5' 9" too and have a similar weight goal to yours. However, I must point out that as you're still so young your body hasn't finished growing and isn't yet your adult shape and your calorific needs are going to be a lot different to that of an adult. When you get to your final shape your idea of an ideal weight will probably change. Don't be too hard on yourself and ensure that your giving your body the goodness it needs. It's my personal opinion that you should talk to your doctor before attempting to reduce your calories to 1200 per day and then exercise on top - that's a lot for a body to handle!!

    Take care of yourself x

    Edit: Just to add, looking at your profile picture please don't refer to yourself as 'the fat one'. You're a very pretty girl :happy:
  • jesscorinne
    Thanks for the advice much needed. I do want to find the healthest way to lose weight with out harming my body and brain! I was considering this but thats why i went to you people first! Thanks again I will revise this and check in again then hopefully you guys will aprove!
  • jesscorinne
    Thanks for the advice much needed. I do want to find the healthest way to lose weight with out harming my body and brain! I was considering this but thats why i went to you people first! Thanks again I will revise this and check in again then hopefully you guys will aprove!