Husband and wife team.....1 year 2 months and over 130lbs loss

csedore03 Posts: 6 Member
My husband and I started using multiple fitness pal in January of 2016. We have logged every day since. Together we have dropped over 130 lbs. We are more active and feel so much better. Thank you My Fitness pal.


  • glennagael
    glennagael Posts: 84 Member
    That's fantastic! Way to go, both of you!
  • njnjr13
    njnjr13 Posts: 2 Member
    Well done, keep it up!
  • Landofkim
    Landofkim Posts: 89 Member
    Amazing! So wonderful to support each other and make the lifestyle chang together. Committed totally !!!
  • rdgfit
    rdgfit Posts: 98 Member
    Congratulations! Way to go supporting each other!
  • TashaCordin
    TashaCordin Posts: 2 Member
    My husband and I started Jan 10 of 2017... So a couple no. Down .. And we have lost 73 already ... We started with another couple too .. (My friends husband had a heart attack recently and we ate not far off in age and weight so a great motivator) when we collectively lose 300lbs we are going on a big vacation ... Yay!! Long road ahead but in it for the long haul better quality of life
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    great work! My wife and I know just how hard it is to do this together. we've lost 150lbs between us now with just a little more to go.
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