How many times have you failed (gain weight back) and had to start again?



  • fbchick51
    fbchick51 Posts: 240 Member
    this is the third time around, though I don't consider them failures either. First time I gained weight was during my first pregnancy. Gained 60lbs. After giving birth, I didn't really diet just got back to my normal active lifestyle and 40lbs fell off. Kept it off for a year until my second pregnancy. Gained 50lbs. Took me a couple of years to get the hang of dealing with two little ones, before I got back into getting into shape. Managed to drop all 50lbs in about a year. Kept it off for nearly 8 years before a series of life events (divorce, cancer, shifted to a work from home schedule) helped me gain 70lbs over a 7 year span. Finally got to a point I could focus on weightloss and now down 15lbs since Janurary
  • pupntot
    pupntot Posts: 25 Member
    Before MFP, too many times to remember.

    Since MFP, once, and I'm making sure it was the last time.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many times have you failed (gain weight back) and had to start again?

    I just barely set foot in the overweight range of my BMI scale back when I was about 23 ... distracted by surgeries and moving ... and then lost that weight very soon after when I got more active again.

    I remained in my normal BMI range for the next 20 years when I nudged up into that overweight range again ... again, distracted by ill health (DVT) and moving ... and then I lost that weight a few months later when I got more active again.

    I maintained my weight for about a year, then very slowly started gaining again until about 2 years later when I got back up into the overweight range ... distracted by ill health (several things) and several moves and 8 months of travelling the world and eating all the good food out there.

    As soon as things settled and I was able to get more active again, I lost the weight and have kept it off now for almost 2 years. :)

    I should add to all this ... I don't feel as though I've failed at any point along the way. Life happens. Sometimes you lose focus for a few months and put weight on. Then you gain focus again and lose it. Chances are I'll do it again at some point. :)

  • pupntot
    pupntot Posts: 25 Member
    I have "given up" many times. I can't even count them... Every time it is because I cheat on a day, then all of the sudden it turns into 2 days...then 3... until it lasts for over a month...

    this is me! I can't trust myself to have cheat days
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Once. I lost 40lbs (168 to 128) in 2012 and gained it all back plus 10 more up to 175.
    I lost that all again and even more. I maintained for a year. Currently 126 (50 down!) and back to losing working down to 120 for vanity purposes.
    This will be the last time, I didn't change and went back to old habits. This time I haven't and I like my new habits and I have many fitness goals to stick to.
  • Michaelxo444
    Michaelxo444 Posts: 225 Member
    I wouldn't say failed I made a conscious decision a few times to say F it but I always get back to it because I know the longer I play around the more work I have to do so I'm always aware of my choices

    For example you are driving down the road and get a flare tire and you pull over waiting for tripple A would you say F it and stab the other 3 tires because you got a flat? NO you would fix the one and keep going same when you mess up you fix it and keep going you don't say that's it it's over and completely give up
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    I have a weight range that I'm comfortable with. When I get out of that range, I dial in my diet and do some extra cardio for a few weeks until I'm back in range. That's just part of the process of maintaining your target weight. Thinking of it as "failing" seems a little overly dramatic to me.
  • missmagnoliablossom
    missmagnoliablossom Posts: 240 Member
    During the course of the past 10 years or so? Constantly. I lost 85 pounds, then gained them all back and some of their fatbish friends. A couple of years ago, I lost more than 50, gained back about 30, and here I am today. While I'm not proud of this, I know it's been a learning journey for me. I'm sure I'll make many more mistakes, but I think I'm finally in a good place where I don't feel restricted, taxed, tired, obsessed, etc., as I used to.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Technically speaking, pretty much every winter...but I don't really look at it as "I stopped and have to start again" or as a failure kind of thing.

    Basically in the winter my miles on the bike dip and general activity goes down...i.e. I'm more likely to be found watching football on Sunday in the winter vs out at the zoo with my boys in nicer weather. My nutrition stays relatively constant which is to say that my diet doesn't really change much in regards to actual nutrition or the calories I'm taking since I'm not compensating for decreased activity with my diet, I put on about 10 Lbs every winter and then strip it off every spring when the weather turns beautiful and I find myself out on the road again.

    It's pretty much just a seasonal cycle for me and no big deal really.

  • StargazingGirl
    StargazingGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Twice. As I decided 'yes, I know, I need to lose weight', the doctors and nutritionists had decided 'you need to have weight loss surgery', no. No I do NOT! That never made sense to me. It would be like calling the plumber to re-plumb my home if my roof was leaking.
    So, with this time, I got a new doctor, it took cycling through three of them, found one that gave me ton of homework. I dug into the science of 'why the F*** am I so dang fat'!
    The more information I gathered and applied to myself, the better and better my results were.
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm at the 2nd time actually losing significant weight. But I've likely attempted 10 times with no real success. I lost nearly 40lbs in 2015. Gained ALL + some back. Now I'm 17 in. This time feels good. Feels like I'm on the right track. It's hard not to kick your own butt for having already done this. But it is what it is. All you can do is learn from mistakes and move forward!

    ETA: I didn't learn how to do it correctly until I found MFP. Before, I thought it was deprivation and extreme misery. I also never had to worry about weight until I stopped competitively running. Holy hell batman - that'll make you gain.. realllll fast. haha.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited March 2017
    Once. I maintained a healthy weight for about 40 years then stopped paying attention and gained 30 lbs in about 9 years or so (not really sure). That was really my only fail so far. I lost the weight and have kept it off. During that time I've gained a little back and lost a bit more but I've never let it get out of control so I count that as success. I'm sure I'll gain a few over vacation this summer, and even more over the year end holidays, but I'll lose it again. That's just life.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited March 2017
    Since 2012 I've fallen off the wagon about 3x. I am back again trying to lose 25 lbs to begin. I plan to stick to it this time!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Too many. I love cake. But I'm learning that I love chicken just as much, which does help :D

  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I've never failed, because I haven't quit, but I did give up on myself for awhile. :smiley: I'll go with 1.5, I lost about 80pds, then lost my job and lost my motivation. Recently I had a few months of being tired (a few weeks of 14+hr days) followed by not caring in which I regained some weight, but definitely not all.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    jaz090202 wrote: »
    It's mentally exhausting. I loss 12lbs and.gained 6 back. So I am starting again. I know I am to blame. I just have to realize that I can't splurge all weekend. I can't go to the bar for hours with friends, bc I'm not gonna order a Michelob Ulta..
    just wanted to vent

    Hmmm, well I don't consider my gaining a failure, exactly. I mean, I lost 60 pounds 12-13 years ago. Got lazy with my logging and gained 10 2 years ago, lost the 10 and gained 15. Stupidity is a better word. :D A son that left for college and so my human garbage disposal is gone, and my BF is plain HORRIBLE at wanting me to eat whenever he does, and wanting me to cook waffles and bacon and cookies...and so on and so on. I'm over it. He is on his own with food. ;) I'm back in the groove and planning on staying there.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I've teetered between 20 and 30 lbs overweight for my whole adult life and never been really happy with my body. I've dieted more times than I can count losing and gaining the same 5-10lbs, but have always fell for the hype that you have to cut things out (low carb, vegetarian, Keto, vegan, no added fats, gluten free etc). The most I ever lost was last year on MFP and gave up (for reasons I don't remember), gained it all back plus and couple, kicked myself in the butt, and now I'm back at it. I feel like this is actually teaching me how to eat and move to get off and keep off the weight longterm and I'm happy about that:)