Is it normal to be losing weight and feel dizzy?



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I believe it was about 2000 cal per day.

    So MFP told you 2000 calories (which is before purposeful exercise unless you misinterpreted it and accounted for exercise as your activity level) and you thought it a good idea to shoot for 1200 instead?
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'll ad more cals to my diet.
  • millcreekr
    millcreekr Posts: 25 Member
    I find that if I have more protein at my afternoon meal, I have more strength for my early evening work out with the personal trainer. He works us out for an intense hour, so I do need to have lots of protein I've found out. I think low blood sugar and a hard work out can make you dizzy too, but I'm no doctor. Try the high protein. Like today, I had two cheesy crustless quiche (got the recipe from my fitnesspal), 237 calories and 15 grams of protein. I had that with a half cup fat free cottage cheese, 80 calories and 13 grams of protein plus about a quarter cup of cooked sweet potato. (I'm weird, for some reason I like cottage cheese and sweet potato!) This was a late lunch at 2 p.m. My work out is at 5:30 p.m. This should take me to my work out, and when I come home I will make a salad and maybe have some fruit as a reward.
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    I believe it was about 2000 cal per day.

    So MFP told you 2000 calories (which is before purposeful exercise unless you misinterpreted it and accounted for exercise as your activity level) and you thought it a good idea to shoot for 1200 instead?

    Something like that. I figured I can lose weight quicker by cutting 500 more cals.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'll ad more cals to my diet.

    2000 sounds about right based on your stats.. faster and aggressive weight loss is not the answer. Got to fuel your body ! Good luck!
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    I mean this will all the love.. but.. would you be horribly offended if i gave you the advice about not starving yourself and eating more that you gave earlier lol .. and i probably sound sarcastic but im more serious then i am being snarky

    But I'm not. Lol
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Faster isn't better.
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    But you are... 1200 calories isnt even giving your body enough nutrition to live on without exercise and you are using whatever little you are giving it to fuel your workouts

    It's more like 1500, and I was not feeling bad at all for the past few weeks until today.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    Oh yeah. Totally normal. If you're losing weight too fast!

    Eat more. Stop trying to crash diet.
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone I'm doing 2000 cals from now on.
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    Thanks everyone I'm doing 2000 cals from now on.

    Good call. Food is your friend, not the enemy. It is fuel, you wouldn't take a long road trip without filling up your car with gas first, right? So don't work out without gassing up first, lol. :)
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited March 2017
    First and most importantly, are you dehydrated? This can happen very easily. Make sure you get plenty of hydration, and make sure you get enough sodium, potassium etc... So that's my first advice, next how low are your calories? Maybe you need more carbs or maybe you need to lose weight at a slower rate. Unless you are hypoglycemic low blood sugar probably isn't the problem, the only way to know if it is, is to actually check your blood sugar with a glucose meter.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2017
    Thanks everyone I'm doing 2000 cals from now on.

    High fives! :) Your body will thank you for it! Have a little patience and good luck!
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Good choice. Maybe hang out a few minutes hydrating after a hard workout too. Just to have time for a self-assessment before getting behind the wheel, which could put you (and maybe me!) in imminent danger.
  • CaptainHandsome
    CaptainHandsome Posts: 127 Member
    edited March 2017
    You'll definitely lose weight faster at 1200 calories. The weight you lose will be muscle weight, not fat. Go for 2000 calories, and absolutely eat some carbs and protein an hour or so before you work out, you need fuel for the work out and you don't want to be starving (or dizzy) after.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    I don't eat before I go to the gym, can that be it?

    You're not eating enough for somebody getting that much, especially a man. That could be it.