Does anyone else not feel satisfied?



  • petemeyer
    petemeyer Posts: 1
    I dont see how anyone makes it on 1200 calories a day and is still feeling good. I am a guy and that makes a big difference. My trainer recomended 1700 a day for me. I told him no way. I am very active and excercise every day. I went with 2000 and feel good and my energy is up and I am losing weight.
  • vraesgame
    vraesgame Posts: 129 Member
    AT first i felt weird eating 1200 but then i learned how to cook a decent amount of food and snack right at low cal snacks and i feel like i'm eating so much when in actuality i'm not.

    that's exactly how I felt too. It took me some time to adjust but after my body got use to it I found it hard to eat more calories without eating junk. I also drink a lot of water which helps me keep that full feeling and from binging on unneccesary food.
  • banjjo
    banjjo Posts: 89
    Eat what your body needs. Some people need much more than 1200 just because their basal metabolic rate is higher than others. You know those people who are skinny no matter what they eat, and they could be eating fattening pastries all day? You may have a high basal metabolic rate and able to eat more. I say eat at a couple more hundred calories and see how you feel and if that's not enough, go up a couple hundred more and see if you still lose. Just play with what feels right. I find if I add whole grains, like brown rice or whole wheat tortilla's, I feel much fuller for longer. You could also try something like that. I do the Insanity workout and it tells me to eat much more than 1200. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. Infact, that's another idea. You could vary your calorie limit from day to day. One day 1200, the next 1400, and then 1600 and then back to 1400, or something like that. It's supposed to keep your body guessing so it's not getting used to just the same amount of calories. Good luck!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    1200 cals is too low. Please read this post. It can explain better than I can:
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I am eating on average around 1,200 calories a day right now. I feel satisfied, but I didn't the first week or so. I have also learned to have smaller meals or snacks more often to keep me from feeling hungry. Once I became adjusted to the fewer calories the cravings tend to stay away. Also, make sure you are drinking tons of water. I only drink water now almost entirely because I have found that with only a limit of 1,200 calories a day I need to save those precious calories for filing foods not wasting them on beverages.

    I don't plan to always eat this few of calories but for now I am shredding the weight off and once I get closer to my goal will add back exercise calories and then once I reach my goal eat even more calories and strength train a lot more to tone up.
  • vetta
    vetta Posts: 4 Member
    Eat more protein it helps keep you full and I think 1200 calories is a bit low. What kind of work do you do? most women should have at least 1500 calories a day and still be able to lose weight. Alos if you lift heavy weights you will build muscle which burns fat. just keep trying different things something will work for you
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Two things: Are you NETTING 1200 calories a day or just eating that and then exercising there for netting less? Because you need to NET 1200 minimum.

    Second thing: my body refuses to lose weight at 1200 calories net, plus it makes my brain feel foggy and makes me cranky. I'm much happier at 1350-1450. Currently my goal is 1460 (weigh 173lbs, sedentary, 5'7") but with exercise each day I eat usually about 1600 calories and I'm MUCH happier, and the weight still comes off just fine.

    In 15 days I'll have been this one year and I just hit 69lbs lost this morning!!
  • cinnabrit
    cinnabrit Posts: 3
    Maybe a key is too eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and make sure that I'm getting enough fiber. I've pretty much stuck close to about 1500 calories/day for several years, and I'm sort of shocked at how deprived I've felt after taking away those extra 300 calories. Thanks for all the advice!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    What is your BMR? Eat that amount. My BMR is 1975 calories.
  • Me and my gf started ours one monday and are also on 1200 calories, we havent stopped moaning about how hungry we are all the time :( we have just put it down to the fact our body is getting used to not as much food lol
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Me and my gf started ours one monday and are also on 1200 calories, we havent stopped moaning about how hungry we are all the time :( we have just put it down to the fact our body is getting used to not as much food lol

    1500 is considered the minimum for males... and even that is a generic minimum, most require more.
  • cinnabrit
    cinnabrit Posts: 3
    Awesome advice. I've not been logging my exercise, so I'm guessing if I start doing that I will be able to eat more. Also, my BMR (as I just calculated it) is 1664. So 1200 seems pretty low.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Awesome advice. I've not been logging my exercise, so I'm guessing if I start doing that I will be able to eat more. Also, my BMR (as I just calculated it) is 1664. So 1200 seems pretty low.

    Yes it is. My opinion, aim for 1700 NET.
  • 1200 cals is too low. Please read this post. It can explain better than I can:

    Oh i eat...i eat a lot! And all at 1200 cals. We know what we want to eat, I eat what i want, in moderation and exercise. What's right for some isn't for others. We shouldn't judge.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I've found that what foods I'm eating makes a big difference in whether I feel satisfied or not. If I eat low nutrient foods (chips, soda, fast food, etc.) I want to eat way more than my calorie allotment. I never seem to reach a satiation point. But if I'm eating nutrient rich foods with plenty of fiber and good fats, I feel completely satisfied with less food. (Upping your protein also seems to work for some people, but not for me. It just makes my stomach feel heavy as well as unsatisfied.) I also seem to feel satisfied longer if I eat "light to heavy". For example, if I eat a big bunch of salad or fruit before I eat my carb and protein entree, that makes me more feel more satisfied than just eating more of the entree.
  • MsNiss
    MsNiss Posts: 57
    I found at first it was very difficult for me too. After about a week though, I guess my body got used to it as I felt that hunger much less. Also, working out for the extra calories really helps too! :)
  • izzyinbliss
    izzyinbliss Posts: 37 Member
    My goal's also 1200 calories NET per day, which I've found to be quite reasonable for my height and goal of getting back to a healthier weight. However, I agree that it is very tough to stay within 1200 with the typical food options we have eating out, no matter how "healthy" the choice! I've found that when I make my food myself, I can control the ingredients and menu options, and thus be able to eat more satisfying portions without going over my calorie goal. And when I feel a yearning for something indulgent, I just exercise more to earn some calorie points to eat whatever I desire! Some days, I run for an ice-cream, others, I run for a burger ;-)