Loose skin/ frowny face belly button

amandabanfield95 Posts: 9 Member
edited March 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi guys,
I started at 178 and I am currently 154 and still going. My main problem is what I think is loose skin but I'm not really sure if it is or not. So I've seen woman 100lbs more than me who still have an "open"/normal belly button.(no shade thrown towards those ladies of course) But i am about 5'6" so at 154 I'm not completely happy but have a "healthy weight" bmi so I'm kind of nervous I may need a mini tummy tuck. Has anyone had any success in reversing the frowny face belly button? And maybe tips for fat around the belly button. Like I'm more flat and slim where normally moms have a "pooch" under the belly button and more slender on my waist. But it's like I literally have a donut around my belly button. Will that ever go away or has my skin just given up right there. I do have LOTS of stretch marks from pregnancy. Or does anyone know what bmi you would be at once you can tell if it's still fat or loose skin? Thanks in advance! Oh and I'll include a picture but please don't be hatin☺ this is something I'm very embarrassed by so please go easy on me.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited March 2017
    You still have excess fat. It's too early to judge that to be loose skin. You're at the very top of the healthy range and may need to get to the midpoint or below to determine that. Around 20-22% bf.
  • amandabanfield95
    amandabanfield95 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks. Yes without looking it up I think I could drop like 6 more points on the bmi scale to be happy with my results. So I am not done! Good to know. I was hoping it would be another 10 lbs or so before I can tell, so that's great. Just adds to my motivation. Thanks Jemhh!
  • amandabanfield95
    amandabanfield95 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome. Go you! And I totally never thought about the first year after achieving your goal weight. Good point. The body needs lots of time to heal from the outside all the way in. Even a cut can take 6 months to heal deep down. I suppose the beginning is when you see the most immediate results, so i just can't wait for some time to go by.
  • S_ochoa
    S_ochoa Posts: 5 Member
    Just wanted to say congratulations on ur weight loss and having the courage to put ur pictures up. Keep pressing forward and good luck with the rest of your journey =)
  • sfa90
    sfa90 Posts: 105 Member
    edited May 2017
    My belly looks similair! I also have many stretchmarks, I'm around the same weight as you. (152 pounds and I am 5'6) I guess we have to be patient and lose more fat. We can do it :)
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited May 2017
    Congrats on your losses! I'm just short of 5'7" and when I got to around 145 I had some flab around my waist, belly button area included. It was looser than other areas of my body. As I lost more weigt I got actual loose skin at the bottom of my upper arms. Loose skin is more paper thin and wrinkly, so it sounds like what you have is just a bit of chubbness, that will go with a few more pounds weight loss, or at least that was my experience. I found about one inch off equated with 5 pounds weight lost. Best wishes. You can do it!

    By the way, as I lost the weight, although I did so slowly, my abdomen shrank back and looks flat if I weigh 130 - 135. I know there is supposed to be no such thing as specific body area weight loss, but I still think sit ups helped.