Reintroduction of myself

Well it seems I am starting back at zero plus some. My name is Jessica I have 175lbs to lose. I am trying to get my motivation going for losing weight but just haven't been able to find it. Anyone else needing to lose over 100-200 pounds?? If so please add me lets try to motivate each other.


  • salesguy72
    salesguy72 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there, you can do it, it will take time but it can be done. I have lost almost 35 pounds since xmas. I have limited my calorie intake to 1300-1500 calories for the entire day. lots of veggies and fruits and pretty much no white starches, and I try to get a minimum of 5000 steps in per day. What are you doing now to get the weight loss started?
  • vickyrose94
    vickyrose94 Posts: 39 Member
    You got this girl! You should be able to lose 15-30 lbs by just making a couple changes in your lifestyle before you need to make more. When I started I had about 60-70 pounds to lose and so far I've lost 26! I have a background in health, fitness, and wellness if you'd like to be friends I could cheer you on and give you tips! ☺