Don't know how to log this....

I downloaded c25k onto my iPhone. I don't know how many calories it's going to burn since it's a 5 min warm up 15 min run/walk then 5 min cool hrm so I'm in the dark lol how would I even start to figure this out? Thanks for ANY advice/input! :)


  • kellymarie619
    The best thing is to get a heart rate monitor that will tell you. Otherwise I would log each part separately. For instance, if you walked at 3mph for 5 minutes log that. If your total running was 7.5 minutes log that....I don't have an hrm but I do have a treadmill that tracks approximate calories burned, so I go by that. Good luck!
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
    Sounds a bit complicated but for the first week I looked up on MFP the 5 min walk calories burnt. Then how many of the 20mins I'd be running, then how many I'd be walking. Track those two numbers individuially, add them all up and then enter it into MFP as "C25K" with the number you get! :) Wont be exact but for me it made at least a bit of sense! xx Oh yeah, then did the same for the rest!
  • JoBFit
    JoBFit Posts: 81
    My C25K app for iPhone tells me how many calories I've burned. I had to put my weight in first. Not as accurate as a HRM but a ball park figure.
    Good luck with it.
  • paulmg1234
    paulmg1234 Posts: 37
    Hi there. I would track 10 min at 3.0 walking pace and 15 minutes at slow jogging/very brisk walking pace. That's how I would do it. All the best!
  • havertyj
    havertyj Posts: 3
    I went all the way through C25K and loved it... I have started it over running at a increased speed. I am on week 2 day 2 and I think it comes out to 10 minutes of jogging and 18 minutes of walking. I normally put those in as two separate items for MFP and use whatever it said I had burned. Of course as the weeks go by and you keep doing the C25K, it gets easier to figure out how much jogging and walking you have done. I know on the first week I had to sit down and try to figure out how much I had done of both.

    My first time through I simply took the average of both walking and jogging to put it down in MFP.

    Keep it up and I think you will like it.... I finished it at the end of June and ran my first 5K in July. I ran much faster than I had trained finishing the 5K in a little over 31 minutes. Good luck and hopefully this helps on how to record it here on MFP.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    You'll see lots of different methods. I like to keep things as simple as possible - so I split the difference between my walk and run rates and log it as 30 min of that. (I walk at 3.0 and jog at 4.0, so log as 30 min of 3.5)
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    If you've got an iphone, I would get Runkeeper. It's a free app that lets you log all sorts of exercise using GPS. You input your details and it works out the calories you've used for that particular outing. I like it because you can see how fast you're going in each individual minute of the session. It keeps a log of all your activities on line and if you upgrade ( which I haven't) to elite, you get loads more details about how you've done. I love it! :smile:
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Just doloaded runkeeper! It looks like it's going to help me out a lot! Thanks for all the advice!