Hey y'all...
So I just started yesterday on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workouts. I have a question though since I get them through On Demand and it doesn't tell you anywhere: Are you supposed to do all 30 days on the level 1 video and then if you decide to do level 2 you would do that for another 30 days. Or are you supposed to rotate by night.. like Day 1 - Level 1, Day 2 - Level 2, Day 3 - Level 1, etc? Or is like 15 days on level one, then 15 days on level two.
I guess it's probably more of a you make the decision kind of answer to this, but i'm just trying to get the best results out of these 30 days as possible.

Thanks so much!:heart:


  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    Does your on demand have the other levels? mine doesn't .......i read others doing each segment for 10days
  • beenaron
    beenaron Posts: 4 Member
    When I went into it last night I had access to level 1 and level 2. I also had fat blast and something to do with Abs. All under the Jillian Michael's section.
  • oklanoue
    oklanoue Posts: 33
    Dang I hope you don't move to Level 2 that quick...Level 1 kicked my but the first day...I haven't done it yet today...for day 2...still sticking on L:evel 1 for a while :-)