Your go to easy meal (few ingredients, minimal prep time) and pantry essentials for easy meals!

AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
While managing school work and trying to keep pain from a disc problem at bay, I am exhausted and having difficulty preparing elaborate meals as standing too long in the kitchen is painful after being at school all day.

My go to meal this week has been 200g of fat free refried beans spread on 3 tostada shells with 28g of reduced fat cheese and a drizzle of taco sauce and salsa verde on top. So simple and takes less than 5 min to heat the shells in the oven and microwave the beans and throw it all together and they clock in at 424 calories or so. They definitely satisfy me and fit in with my macros.

I'm also doing rice cakes with laughing cow spread on top. Also very easy!

I know I will get bored of these eventually. What else do you make that is simple and easy to throw together?

I have several things pinned on Pinterest, but ideally looking for more suggestions. No dietary restrictions for me. I try to avoid pastas because they are a trigger food and I will eat an ungodly amount of it if given the opportunity. Just trying to keep my calories in check (I'm on 1200 a day) since I am less active given my condition and still hoping to lose even though I can't exercise.

My mom is coming this weekend to care for me a bit and I know she is going to stock up my pantry so I want to be ready with what else I need! What are some essentials you like to keep on hand for easy meals? I know I'll be getting some more beans and taco shells, but wondering what else you guys like to keep in the pantry.

Thanks in advance!


  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    We would eat kransky sausages with stirfried mushroom and zucchini seriously 3 times a week. Not sick of it yet. Plus, hubby cooks during the week and anything tastes better than having to cook dinner yourself.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Most of my week night meals are easy and's a couple...

    As far as pantry staples and whatnot goes, that would be a laundry list about a mile long...we cook at home the vast majority of the time so we have a lot of staples.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    You can see it in my diary: I've been leaning on Cheerios lately. But I work full time and I'm buying a house and dealing with an injury that requires constant doctor's visits. Also, Cheerios calm me and settle my stomach, so I don't want to eat much afterward. (Mom credits her prenatal habits for giving me this characteristic. For about two months, she inhaled Cheerios and little else...)
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    oatmeal. Water. Oats. some berries. Done
  • flowerld1
    flowerld1 Posts: 1 Member
    Raw chicken breast w/ seasoning. Put on cookie sheet with tin foil. Broil til done (about 15 min). BBQ sauce for dipping on side. Done.
  • MsChucktowski
    MsChucktowski Posts: 121 Member
    I like to make a quick stew with veggies (zucchini, mushrooms, onion, etc), canned tomatoes, lentils or black beans, and have it on toast or with rice. I make enough for two or three serves.

    - baked beans on toast
    - omelette with veg/meat
  • Trnava
    Trnava Posts: 30 Member
    You'll need a cutting board for this. Chop up a small potato, pepper, and onion (Slice peppers and onion in bulk and freeze on a tray. Store in a freezer bag so you always have them ready to go) and saute in a bit of oil. When almost done, add canned sardines until heated through. Use whatever veggies you have on hand - zucchini, carrots, kale - that sound good. Vegetables and omega 3s. Times we're too busy to cook may be when we need brain food the most.
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    Trnava wrote: »
    You'll need a cutting board for this. Chop up a small potato, pepper, and onion (Slice peppers and onion in bulk and freeze on a tray. Store in a freezer bag so you always have them ready to go) and saute in a bit of oil. When almost done, add canned sardines until heated through. Use whatever veggies you have on hand - zucchini, carrots, kale - that sound good. Vegetables and omega 3s. Times we're too busy to cook may be when we need brain food the most.

    I haven't had sardines in SO long! I definitely will have to try this!l I have never actually cooked with them before (my gramma would put them on French bread for us straight from the can and it was amazing!)
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    Rotisserie chicken. Add to a bagged salad. Dress with fav dressing. Yum!
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    My quickest, easiest meals:
    Omelets. I do mine with 2 eggs, hubby's with 3. Fill with sauteed veggies and a bit of cheese.
    Soup. This one is so easy, but good:
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Rotisserie chicken is a great idea. I like to buy it, pick it and seperate it how I like it and then use throughout the week. Husband loves chicken salad so I make a lot of that...super easy and usually add some ACV, grapes, cucumbers, salt, and pepper to the chicken & mayo.

    Go to easy meal when I feel like doing a bit of prep - chicken tacos
    Go to easy meal when I don't feel like doing anything - grilled cheese with Campbell's tomato bisque

    Its also easy enough to throw some meat (chicken, pork chops) in a pan with some seasoning and then throw a bag of frozen veggies (steamer bags) in the microwave. Done in 10 min or so.

    Essentials? I always have chicken breast, cheese (both shredded & sliced), broccoli, eggs, olive oil, mayo, flour tortillas (for tacos, breakfast burritos, etc), and frozen vegetables.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Kullerva wrote: »
    You can see it in my diary: I've been leaning on Cheerios lately. But I work full time and I'm buying a house and dealing with an injury that requires constant doctor's visits. Also, Cheerios calm me and settle my stomach, so I don't want to eat much afterward. (Mom credits her prenatal habits for giving me this characteristic. For about two months, she inhaled Cheerios and little else...)

    haha! I've eaten cheerios every morning this week for breakfast...I love cheerios. Plain with no milk ;)
  • abelcat1
    abelcat1 Posts: 186 Member
    Ok chicken soup is ready in 20 :D and taste just yum. Chop and fry in a tiny bit of oil a chicken breast no skin. Add a bag of frozen vegetables of choice. Stir for a minute with plenty of curry and dried ginger. Ad chicken stock and 500 ml of water. Cook for 5-10 minutes. I like to add a little bit of cornstarch for a less watery soup. I eat this soup several times a week. My freezer is full of different combination of stirfry vegetables. (And by the way... this recipe allow several servings for a few calories,- I´m hungry when I get home from work, and like to eat.. :-)
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    One of my favs with a lot of flavor is to drain a can of mushrooms,add cheese ,thin sliced onion & pepper & a drizzle of any sauce you like.Can heat in oven or microwave.Use as a filling in lettuce leaves or tacos.Add scrambled egg....heat a bag of frozen veggies to go with.
    I keep a container of cucumber/ onion slices in the fridge.Add water,sugar,vinegar to taste.S & P......keeps good & so tasty as a side salad.
    A pan of veggies,onion,carrots & cabbage with beef seasoning easy to heat up.Can eat on it for a wk.
    Google chicken & plum sauce. Easy & yum.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    In the morning, I will throw a pack of boneless skinless chicken thighs, a bottle of zesty Italian dressing and about 2 tbsp of BBQ rub seasoning in a ziplock bag. Let that marinate in the fridge all day. When you get home put them on a baking sheet for 30-35 min on 375. While that's baking I will either steam a bag of veggies in the microwave or heat a can of veggies on the stove. Maybe do some instant mashed potatoes with garlic powder. Even eat it on a salad. We eat that chicken all the time. I keep the sides simple so they will be done by the time the chicken is done.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Pretty much everything I cook on a regular basis is ready in under 30 minutes from start of cooking to plating.
    I use a skillet a lot more than I do a saucepan. It always starts of with slicing or shredding my base vegetables and softening them up in a skillet. From there, it could be grains, or protein of some sort, or more of a different vegetable, and sometimes even pasta or left over something ... one skillet dinner or lunch. Usually less than 500 calories for the meal.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I usually cook on Thursdays and eat leftovers till they run out. Tonight was red bean chili with bulgur over cornbread.

    But fast and easy, spur of the moment? I guess you could call it a freestyle nondairy frittata. Get a saucepan that's oven safe. Grease the bottom and sides, either with cooking spray or with a small amount of oil smeared around with a paper towel. Heat a tsp of oil on medium high. Add all the veggies you want and cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on how long it takes for them to soften. (If you have time, you can parboil the harder ones like carrots and potatoes; the one I did recently used green beans, mushrooms, onions, and cherry tomatoes.) Season with salt and pepper, and any other seasonings you want. Beat up 2 or 3 eggs, add salt and pepper, and pour over the veggies. Let it sit on the burner until the bottom starts to set (you'll see it pull away from the sides a little). Then stick the whole thing under the broiler until the top is browned. Invert onto a plate. You can serve with salsa or enjoy plain. And if you want to make a large amount, you can use a larger pan or skillet. Just increase the number of eggs and veggies.