New but unmotivated

Hello- I joined about 3 weeks ago and thought I would "get it" but it has not happened. I do love reading the success stories. I thought maybe if I actually posted and started "participating" I might actually "get on board". I did lose about 30 lbs 2years ago and in the last 6mths have gained it all back. I know I need to get back into exercise and eating right and I would feel better. I try not to complain so I will stop now..anyway I am on here and I am going to try to make it work.


  • sherrysheffer
    sherrysheffer Posts: 10 Member
    I myself fell of track but with a cheering section we can get back up. You can do anything you do If you really want to. Hang in there your on the right track :smile:
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    I agree with Sherry....having a cheering section helps so much!!! This place and my friends are wonderful! Lets loose together!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    You can do it.

    I felt the hardest part of losing my first 60lbs was just getting started. Pre took me forever to just get started. Finally I figured out, the weight would not go away by itself!!!! Only I could change it!!!!



    You're in the right place. MFP is the best tool ever.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Allen05 I feel you pain! I started trying to lose weight back in 2007, I weighed 172 (I'm 5'3" so that's about 50 lbs extra for my height). I joined WW and lost 20 lbs, got laid off, rejoined in 2008 and lost 15 more--I remember the day the Wii Fit told me I was in a "normal" weight range BMI! I felt awesome!

    But then I got off track, finances were bad so I stopped paying for WW again, got stressed, got married and moved half way across the country...when my weight crept back up above 150 and kept going, I decided it was time to do something again, but since the job I took here pays less, I really can't afford to go back to full WW again (I tried online, but it didn't work for me like the meetings did) and then a friend told me about myfitnesspal! Between the forums and the food and exercise tracker, I've lost 4 lbs since I've joined, not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but moving in the right direction--I think if we all stick together and remember that it's not about the one day we got off track, it's about how we stuck with it and owned tracking and exercise, we'll get there together!

    Remember how awesome you felt when you dropped that weight? Keep that in your mind and keep increasing your activity level. Don't get down on yourself when you go over, just get back on track the next day. Welcome to myfitnesspal, we're all here for you!