10 minute cardio

RicSur Posts: 44 Member
hello again, i am looking for a 10 to 15 minute cardio set i could do daily to keep my weightloss regime going as i seem to have stalled


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    That's a very short duration to make much of a difference to your calorie balance.

    Assuming a calorie burn of 10cals/minute for a reasonable exercise intensity:
    10 x 7 = 70 mins a week = 700cals
    15 x 7 = 105 mins a week = 1050cals

    Do whatever style of cardio you enjoy and will actually do but it's your food intake that's going to make a real difference to a weight loss stall.

    Is this an at home workout or do you have any equipment you can use?
    What do you enjoy doing?

    If everyday personally I would mix it up as same routine daily would be deadly dull.
    Sure someone will suggest HIIT but that's definitely not something you should do daily - alternate days perhaps.
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    edited March 2017
    Kettlebells - if you we're flat out for 10 minutes doing swings you could be burning 200 cals with afterburn added in. Obviously you need a good weight nothing too easy.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    mfp recommends 2130 calories and i don't get near that, 1800 was the most this week. i have been controlling my sugar keeping it under 80g per day, and no added sugar at all. i wonder whether to reduce my sugar intake to 60g. my packed lunch consists of a sandwich, such as corned beef and mustard in a wholemeal thin, 80g of mixed nuts, a pack of Belvita type biscuits and a banana or an apple and a couple of satsuma.
    my breakfast is normally either porridge or Weetabix, which i have after walking my dog, and i start the day with a coffee. we've dropped out the crap like baked beans, for more veg, my only obvious weakness is that my protein is invariably processed of some form.
    apart from the odd coffee if i am in the yard i mainly drink water, in the day.

    I did reserect my running but i have difficulty sticking to it as i am a courier, which is why i was thinking daily short bursts of around 15 minutes.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    what sort of weight Kettlebells Croftie4
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    It's not your sugar, or how much water you drink or picking certain types of food, or labelling beans as crap, or thinking processed is bad that leads to weight loss.....
    It's calories. Or more precisely your calorie balance over an extended period of time.

    2130 + exercise calories as a weight loss goal would seem to indicate you are a big fella!!

  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    i started at 15st 7 and im 6ft on the nose. what would you suggest a good calorie target
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Stick at it for a good month then adjust based on actual results - all estimates or calculators just give you somewhat reasonable start point.
    Even if the number is fortunately spot on just a bit of food logging inaccuracy makes a big difference. Worth weighing food items accurately if only for a while, it's educational how small suggested serving sizes really are! That 80g of mixed nuts is a calorie bomb for example, doesn't make it bad of course but it's worth being accurate.

    Exercise for health, fitness and to look best you can when you get to goal weight. Unless you commit a lot of hours to exercise it's a minor player in the weight loss game.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    thats my biggest problem, my appetite is huge, even though i am not, i rarely feel full, whoch scares me.
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    RicSur wrote: »
    what sort of weight Kettlebells Croftie4

    If your of low fitness 16kg 35lb but if your fit with some strength then 20kg 44lb. Assuming your starting out and you will uae the KB daily your progress to a 20kg anyway. You may want to use two over time.

  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    If buying your own KB's get cast iron stay well away from the vinyl coated.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Skipping/jump rope is great cardio if you only have limited time. Plus, killer calves.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You can do HIIT in 10 mins.... But I wouldn't recommend doing it every day!
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    HIIT sounds ok to me but what would you recommend, i shall try skipping rope but last time i tried i was about as inept as you can get. where would i get KB routines
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    If you're stalling, it may be partly because you DON'T eat up to calories enough. The body is smart. It automatically reduces metabolic rate when it senses deficit and if the deficit is high enough, will adapt metabolism to burning less calories at rest. It's usually why when people are really aggressive at weight loss, they lose a lot of weight the first month or so, then slow to a crawl where weight bounces up/down that may last a couple of months.
    It's NOT the exercise that going to cause your overall weight loss. It still comes out to correctly BALANCING out your CICO.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member

    If starting out muscleandfitness is good as it has 5 week programmes which helps you stay focused.

    You'd have to do this alongside a good eating plan and you'll get fab results alongside a calorie deficit. Make sure you weigh and log your food - do both and you'll be well away. One word of warning if you do get into kettlebells don't get hung up on the scale focus on more your measurements and how you look. Goodluck
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you guys I shall have a look at muscleandfitness.com later on thanks once again.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    RicSur wrote: »
    thats my biggest problem, my appetite is huge, even though i am not, i rarely feel full, whoch scares me.

    change your macro break down.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member

    change your macro break down. [/quote]

    what changes do i need to make JoRocka, more protein, less fiber, less fats? my most recent target has been sugars, and i have today added a HIIT workout allegedly 250 calories for 20 minute workout.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    ok so after my midweek weigh, i have stalled still, so as i say i added in a 20 minute HIIT workout from You Tube had my heart beet up to 130-140bpm can this go higher, as my app says 177bpm max but i find that difficult
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    RicSur wrote: »
    hello again, i am looking for a 10 to 15 minute cardio set i could do daily to keep my weightloss regime going as i seem to have stalled

    Jog up several flights of stairs.