Over 150 lbs to lose.

I have trouble finishing what I start and I need help staying accountable. I think maybe it comes down to self-worth. Don't get me wrong...I'm not a victim, but a product of choices I have made that have been self-serving, but not in my best interest. I need daily help to stop making the choice of short term gratification instead of the long term satisfaction of a life well-lived. It's hard. I know what I need to do. But physically my weight makes many of those things impossible or prone to injury. Mentally the struggle is exhausting. Food has been my constant, and without it I feel lost when circumstances are out of my control. Time is a constant issue. Mom, wife, teacher, daughter....how do I get to just be Me? I feel like I haven't been Me in a long time, and I miss her, because she was pretty cool.


  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    In the same boat but learning to accept me and add many positive vibe often!! I have 130 lbs to lose. :) add me.. Staying under calorie goal is great idea.. Let's do this... Log daily and get result
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi, If time is an issue try doing a combination of food tracking and add in some HIIT exercises a few times a week. Do a google search and you will find some basic exercises you can do without any special equipment and most of them can get a burn in 20 minutes or so. I generally burn 350 calories in 20 minutes just with some basic things like crunches, pushups, burpees, a sprint and throw in a little weights.
  • woodmv
    woodmv Posts: 1 Member
    Just in for two weeks now. Have about 200 lbs. to loose. Life long weight problem, but must get it done.
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    I have trouble finishing what I start and I need help staying accountable. I think maybe it comes down to self-worth. Don't get me wrong...I'm not a victim, but a product of choices I have made that have been self-serving, but not in my best interest. I need daily help to stop making the choice of short term gratification instead of the long term satisfaction of a life well-lived. It's hard. I know what I need to do. But physically my weight makes many of those things impossible or prone to injury. Mentally the struggle is exhausting. Food has been my constant, and without it I feel lost when circumstances are out of my control. Time is a constant issue. Mom, wife, teacher, daughter....how do I get to just be Me? I feel like I haven't been Me in a long time, and I miss her, because she was pretty cool.

    You know, I have felt that way for years. Sadly enough, it took my Mother's death last year for me to kick myself in the butt and decide I need to be me. It's what she always wanted anyway. I had a lot to deal with at first, but last month I decided now was the time.
    Like you, I have a LOT of weight to lose. I would like to lose about 100-120. Essentially, know that YOU are worth the fight to get yourself back. You're happier then. You're stronger then. Get determined to grab ahold of the old you and not let go.

    I've heard that as long as you're burning more calories than you're taking in, that you'll lose. Just start there. Add to it later as you can. You can do this!
  • mandygam1
    mandygam1 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm in your boat. Two weeks ago I started working with a trainer. He is kicking my butt - all this extra weight .... just wow. But without his lead I would be faking it ... getting on a treadmill pretending it was doing a lot for me. After working out with him I realized just how many muscles I have that I would never have used even "working out" on my own. With 100+ lbs. to lose, I can't waste time doing my own thing. My advice? A trainer, even if it is just one time where he or she shows you how to do the machines in a gym or some weight lifting exercises, that is the way to go. Otherwise you will do only what doesn't truly stretch you where you need to go. I would work out, and avoid pain… stop working out when I got too out of breath, or when the muscles hurt… But this way I know it's working. I have so far to go, and it's really easy to give up all the time… But, totally not worth being depressed and miserable for the rest of my life. I'm doing it this time around. I wish you well!
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have 100 lbs to go! I have mini goals that are helping me stay motivated. I track them on my website MFP profile. 5 lbs at a time. Good luck!

  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have 100 lbs to go! I have mini goals that are helping me stay motivated. I track them on my website MFP profile. 5 lbs at a time. Good luck!


    hi. I would like more insights, tips, & motivation. can we be friends?
    I am interested in new mfp friends. Here's my info from my mfp blog. Would like your input.