Losing weight for a trip to Walt Disney World

What are some great tips for trying to lose weight before a Disney World vacation?


  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Same as any other reason .
    Calories in less then calories out
    Log food carefully
  • srv524
    srv524 Posts: 1,363 Member
    You're not going to do an extreme diet and lose a shitload of weight and have it be healthy. Eat properly and have good nutrition. And visualize your Disney trip every day and what the ideal you would look like. That vision must be the reason you keep going.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Eat in a deficit to lose weight.

    Be active to improve health /fitness and enjoy yourself.

    When is your vacation?
  • kauto92
    kauto92 Posts: 7 Member
    Workout in the evening. Body deposits any blood fat to recover muscles rather than around your body!
    Read a science paper and put this into action. Results were unbelievably better than me working out in the day!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    kauto92 wrote: »
    Workout in the evening. Body deposits any blood fat to recover muscles rather than around your body!
    Read a science paper and put this into action. Results were unbelievably better than me working out in the day!

  • Altess
    Altess Posts: 77 Member
    Try to imagine walking around DW.
    While you count your steps.
    Here is a link to others who tracked their steps and path.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    evilokc wrote: »
    what are you going to do at Disney that you need to be thin for? there are a ton of fat people there.

    I'm guessing it's a matter of wanting to feel comfortable in shorts or possibly concern about comfort on rides. (Haven't look at OP's profile so I could be off, of course.)
  • kauto92
    kauto92 Posts: 7 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    kauto92 wrote: »
    Workout in the evening. Body deposits any blood fat to recover muscles rather than around your body!
    Read a science paper and put this into action. Results were unbelievably better than me working out in the day!


    I've Desperately travelled the internet for it and I can't find the darn thing! They showed it in a documentary aswel. It was used as means to turn people away from "fad dieting" because it showed if you correctly excersied and focused on the right nutrition you could loose more weight than you ever hoped to and be healthy with it. It was fascinating. They span his blood every morning after his breakfast for a month after he exercised the evening before. Then switched it to him exercising in the day and spinning his blood the same time the following day. THe only diet they said that he linked to promoting benefits for people with things such as type 2 diebeties, was the 5:2 diet. Which he voluntary chose to put himself through a following month.
    In the end the result wasn't about weight loss, but more about being healthy and understanding about muscle mass weighing more than the fat we loose. Hence why people turn to fad diet in an effort to ditch weight quickly without doing the excersise.
    Just wish I could find that link for you
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    kauto92 wrote: »
    Workout in the evening. Body deposits any blood fat to recover muscles rather than around your body!
    Read a science paper and put this into action. Results were unbelievably better than me working out in the day!

    LOL, no. never heard of such a thing and a study involving one person (that you cannot find the source for) does not count as evidence.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Why is your Disney trip a reason to lose weight?

    why don't you lose weight because you want to get in better shape and take care of your body. Quiet frankly no one at Disney gives a rats patooey about what you look like.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Why is your Disney trip a reason to lose weight?

    why don't you lose weight because you want to get in better shape and take care of your body. Quiet frankly no one at Disney gives a rats patooey about what you look like.

  • kat_disney6
    kat_disney6 Posts: 3 Member
    When walking around Disney World, it is hot and I do not want to be overweight and out of breath from walking all day. You walk over 10 miles a day at Disney World so it is like a goal to be fit before then so I am not miserable and I won't have to worry about what I am eating.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    I'd recommend prioritizing the walking. Start a walking program and get used to being on your feet. Even thin people who aren't used to all that walking can suffer a little.

    Then work on losing weight as a permanent change. Set up MFP for weight loss and do what it says. And all that walking will add to your calorie allotment. Win-win! :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I agree with walking, plus get some decent supportive walking shoes. If you lose weight, it seems you would worry more about what you are eating at DW so you don't regain the weight. Just a thought.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Eat for strength first and you will have less room in your stomach for junk. This will help power you to increase movement. Together these can help you have a great time at Disney. A fad diet to loose X pounds by then could leave you feeling worse.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    What are some great tips for trying to lose weight before a Disney World vacation?

    Eat fewer calories than you burn before you go to Disney World?
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited March 2017
    When walking around Disney World, it is hot and I do not want to be overweight and out of breath from walking all day. You walk over 10 miles a day at Disney World so it is like a goal to be fit before then so I am not miserable and I won't have to worry about what I am eating.
    So start walking now so you get used to it. You can walk comfortably even if you're a bit heavy, if you work on fitness.

    evilokc wrote: »
    what are you going to do at Disney that you need to be thin for? there are a ton of fat people there.
    I'd say there are many, many tons of fat people there. I have to admit I didn't really grasp the extent of this country's obesity problem until I took my kid to Disneyland a few years ago and looked around while we stood in line. Good Lord, there was a lot of fat there.