Burned calories

Grieseam Posts: 4
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
My calories are set at 1380 for the day (to lose 1lb per week).

I typically burn between 500-800 calories on a good day and 300-500 on an okay day. Is it best to eat ALL of these "extra" calories?? I'd like to lose weight faster, but will it slow my metabolism if I don't eat all of them and just stick with the 1380 for the day?



  • sarahazen
    sarahazen Posts: 34
    How do you know you burn 500-800 or 300-500....what are you using to give you this info? Just don't go below 1200....if that fills you then it's fine, but I would stick with the 1380 it will be easier to be consistent with this for life.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've always eaten most of them back, and used the MFP and gym machine estimates for my burn, and had good results. :smile:

    But you need to find out what works best for YOU. Try different things, eating more, eating less, exercising more, exercising less, until you find your groove.
  • Grieseam
    Grieseam Posts: 4
    I use the FMB calculator (usually pick the lower number so I don't over-estimate) and I constantly check my heart rate at the gym with the machines and track the calories given by the machines. I push myself pretty hard, but learning to cut back and go slower, longer to burn fat. Trying to stabilize my heart rate at a fat burning level! I've used a garmin for running.
  • lmaharj
    lmaharj Posts: 82 Member
    How do you know you burn 500-800 or 300-500....what are you using to give you this info?

    I like that most people jump to the conclusion that the postee is doing something wrong. How about we assume they know what they burn and answer the question without the attack?
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