How would you take it!?



  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    My outsider guy perspective: I am assuming you are eating well, not starving yourself, maybe even doing some exercising to tone up. So that is awesome. You also state that this coworker is a nice guy and meant to be complimentary. Therefore you probably misinterpreted the comment. Someone much wiser than me once said; "More harm is done in this world through miscommunication and laziness than evil intent". WE often miscommunicate and then are too lazy to find out what was really meant.. so we walk away mad or upset. (been there, done that, trying to do that less:)
    Also, in life we tend to have two choices, see things in a positive light or in a negative light. Clearly the choice is yours but I would pick the positive choice (as in: Wow, look at you, being all slim and trim,and yet still great is that).
    And lastly, sometimes we worry too much about what others say or think when really we are the only ones who probably have the most insight into ourselves. Be well. LIfe is good.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    He does tend to be quite the jokester...I'm probably overreacting.
  • comet1971
    comet1971 Posts: 1
    My thought is if he had a look of concern that you could see, he means well. People can get so used to seeing one "view" of you that when you change it, they don't know how to explain it so they fill in the blanks (are they sick, did they stop eating). It's human nature to come up with answers (allbeit not correct ones usually).

    Now, if you've lost a TON of weight REALLY fast, then you may want to look at what you are doing just to be sure you are doing it in a healthy way so you can keep it off. It's very easy to get caught in the black and white of things - measuring, etc. If you are eating what you should be for your height/weight/health, then take it as a compliment and move on. If you are eating less than what is recommended, and/or exercising more than recommended, then you need to take a look at your habits and adjust.

    If this co-worker is a friend, you may want to discuss it with him and assure him that you are eating still just in a more healthy way.

    Good luck and continued success to a healthy and happy life!

    P.S. your current pic in the question looks great!!! Keep going!!!
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    Whenever someone says something that gets me thinking, I try to look at the person as a whole. Is this a nice person that just happened to say something that came out wrong? Probably.

    I personally think that we are overthinkers. How does that saying go again... when you're 20 you care what people think about you... when you're 40 you no longer care what people think about you... and when you're 60 you realize that nobody was thinking about you in the first place. lol

    I think that this guy wanted you to know that he noticed your loss. In an office setting, I don't know that there are really many appropriate ways to say it. lol
  • Buddhaboy
    Buddhaboy Posts: 60 Member
    It's funny how many people come up to me and ask if I've been sick, or dying or something
    The kicker is I'm only a little more then half way to my goal
    (Started at 289 lbs...want to be 189 lbs)

    I'm thinking a 6' 189 lb still a big guy...heck even if I top out in the mid 190's I'll be happy
    I got people coming up to me now (including my wife) sounding concerned that I might be taking the diet too far
    and right now at 234 lbs...I should stop, because I'm looking too thin

    I've been careful, trying not to lose any more the 2 pounds a week
    BUT...I think people get concerned when ever they see dramatic changes in people they know
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    i think you look great! and he was probably just used to seeing you at your previous weight yet trying to make a joke but didn't mean the words to come out how they did.
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    Most people think to lose weight, you have to "diet" and starve yourself. So, to see someone doing it healthily would be different. I think he meant to compliment you, nothing else.
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    It probably came out of his mouth wrong and he didn't realize it until he saw your face. As long as he seemed sincere afterwards, I wouldn't take it ias a compliment or a rude remark, just something kinda stupid that came out of his mouth.

    what she said. If you're consuming good calories, exercising and drinking plenty of water, don't be worried unless your MD says something at your next checkup. if other people keep making comments, go see your doc and ask if your plan is good! they're the brutally honest ones, especially if you're honest with them. :)
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Tell him next time you have a rare uncurrable disease. Then just spin around and walk off. Make him feel like do do for awhile...:)

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • getyupcowgirl
    getyupcowgirl Posts: 70 Member
    You are doing great! I know you eat because I look at your diary all the time! It was probably his way of giving you a compliment in a joking way. Keep up the good work!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    A comment like that would annoy me, but it seems like he wasnt trying to be rude.

    I think that it's SO rare to see someone lose a significant amount of weight by simple diet and exercise these days. With all the people getting velashape and gastric bypass...people are just shocked, doubtful, concerned, or just plain uncomfortable with your dramatic weight loss.

    That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It's obviously their problem...but try to see the silver lining which is: THEY NOTICED HOW GREAT YOU LOOK!!!
  • LaurenJn83
    LaurenJn83 Posts: 46
    I have some family and friends that comment like that. Implying they don't think i'm eating enough or getting adequate nutrition. Probably because I've dropped 50 lbs in 5 months. They seem to think I have an eating disorder if I mention I still have 20-25 lbs to go. I really don't think 130-135 is unreasonable for someone who is only 5' 4". I would still probably be an size 8, not even a 6 or 4. Oh well. I think many people have a distorted view about what is an appropriate portion size (I know I did before I started this).
    Anyway, I would take his mindless comment with a grain of salt. He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about :)