Massage threapist,calorie burining?

im a massage threapist,I do mostly deep tissue and sports massage mostly hour long massages which can be quite tiring as I use my body weight from my core to attain the pressure required. I'm also on my feet and moving most of the day.Would this be classed as excercise? Thanks


  • njdoll
    njdoll Posts: 106 Member
    I'm a sonographer and am on my feet all day performing cardiac and vascular ultrasounds. Often it requires putting muscle into the job as well as holding positions that depend on core strength. I don't consider it exercise but do think this type of job is definitely better than a desk job as far as general health goes. Standing and the small movements associated with it increases circulation which is better for your overall health. But I definitely need and require real movement and real weight training.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    I wouldn't count it as extra calories burned but when figuring your daily goals you can check off the "active " catagory "
  • emilysmall1
    emilysmall1 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks ladies.
  • SleepMoveEatRepeat
    SleepMoveEatRepeat Posts: 26 Member
    I am also a LMT and I add 100 cal expenditure per client. I figured it's not like we are just standing there doing nothing. I only do medical massages, and it's a lot of work lifting body parts, stretching people, etc. I even think 100 cal is too little, but I don't want to go over, so...
    I will be getting a HRM soon and I'll be able to tell more accurately. I really can't wait to know what I'm going to find out.