Is it a bad idea to weigh myself everyday?

I've been weighing myself everyday, on the same scale and the same time in the morning. Is this okay? Or should it only be once a week? Im finding weighing myself makes me more controlled with my eating during the day? Whether that's good or bad I don't know...


  • LaauraLoses
    LaauraLoses Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh myself every week but once a day isn't bad either. You will see the fluctuations day to day so just don't get bothered by it
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    As long as the constant up-and-down fluctuations don't discourage you, it's fine
  • breahremington1987
    breahremington1987 Posts: 10 Member
    Totally a personal preference! I do it now to look at trends, but several months ago it didn't work for me because I would get too emotional if I saw a number I didn't like.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    edited March 2017
    It depends on the person. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day based on water weight and such, which means you will sometimes randomly weigh more, even if you are sticking to your calorie goals.

    Some people are demotivated by that, so for them it makes more sense to weigh once a week.

    I do weigh every day because I just get even more determined when the scale goes up, LOL.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I weigh daily. Personal preference. If the number gets you down, then don't. But you should use some kind of trending app. I use, but there are others. Depends if you want mobile or web access.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    It's neither "good" nor "bad". Entirely up to you. As long as you know that being up 300g on the scales from yesterday is not a reason to plunge into a fit of depression for the day. I weight daily and use an app called Happy Scale which smooths out the daily weights and shows a trend over time.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Once a day - who wants to wait a week to find that weight is sneaking back on
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    It's neither "good" nor "bad". Entirely up to you. As long as you know that being up 300g on the scales from yesterday is not a reason to plunge into a fit of depression for the day. I weight daily and use an app called Happy Scale which smooths out the daily weights and shows a trend over time.

    300 g. LOL

    Try 3 lbs
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Weighing every day is the only way to monitor your fluctuations and be able to tell if what you're doing is working as expected before it's too late.
  • Hoshiko
    Hoshiko Posts: 179 Member
    I do it and log it just so I can look at the nice graph on Libra.

    Like others have said, if you do weigh every day I highly recommend a trend app like that or happyscale. Helps me to see my natural fluctuations depending on my workout schedule and food choices.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I typically record my weigh every morning after using the toilet and always in the same level of dress. I will commonly see up to +/- 1lb variations, sometimes more. It doesn't bother me much.

    Sometimes, I weigh before bed out of curiosity.

    I think it's an essential metric that you should know.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Love weighing in everyday ... and keeping track of the daily weights. I do the MFP check-in for my daily weight, then I can see the graph in the reports part of the website. It shows all the little ups and downs from my reporting ... and I can easily see the trends. The only thing I wish it did was go back further than 1 year.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Weighing every day is the only way to monitor your fluctuations and be able to tell if what you're doing is working as expected before it's too late.
    I agree this is true for some people. Others may attach a lot of importance to each day's weighings. I recently saw someone who posted weight in fractions of a pound and was fretting over weighing half a pound more than the day before and trying to figure it out.

    It can be helpful to figure out which kind of person you are - someone who can keep it all in a larger perspective, or someone who tends to worry about details. If you're the latter, it's a good idea to either adjust your thinking or, if you can't do that, just weigh less often.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Love weighing in everyday ... and keeping track of the daily weights. I do the MFP check-in for my daily weight, then I can see the graph in the reports part of the website. It shows all the little ups and downs from my reporting ... and I can easily see the trends. The only thing I wish it did was go back further than 1 year.

    MFP does go back as far as you have been a member! There is a box on the progress tab where you can expand or shrink the graph based on 1, 3, 6 months, a year or all time. All your data points should be there for as long as you've had MFP.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    dfwesq wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Weighing every day is the only way to monitor your fluctuations and be able to tell if what you're doing is working as expected before it's too late.
    I agree this is true for some people. Others may attach a lot of importance to each day's weighings. I recently saw someone who posted weight in fractions of a pound and was fretting over weighing half a pound more than the day before and trying to figure it out.

    It can be helpful to figure out which kind of person you are - someone who can keep it all in a larger perspective, or someone who tends to worry about details. If you're the latter, it's a good idea to either adjust your thinking or, if you can't do that, just weigh less often.

    I was like that person an year ago when I started using MFP. I remember posting about gaining some 300gr or something. But then I learned thanks to the other members.
    Weight loss is a long game of patience. It's better if people learn the rules early on.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I weigh daily in the morning, naked, after peeing....I feel like it helps me stay on track and see what affects my weight:)
  • Kellm1218
    Kellm1218 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and track it in this app called "happy scale." It shows you your moving weight loss. Itallows you to gauge actual fat loss/gain and smooths out for water retention and the like.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I weigh every day & track it in Libra as well. I generally have about a 2 lb swing either way, but sometimes it can be up to 5 lbs depending on the TOM & sodium intake. I'm in maintenance now so having the app track my average is useful. I can see if I'm trending up or down over time & make adjustments. I'm a dysfunctional eater, so I do sometimes have to step back & have a reality check about what the scale shows. Being able to see the stats & chart is helpful.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I used to weigh weekly, but have changed to daily because of an incident.

    After a particularly good week, I got on the scale with high hopes. I was terribly disappointed to see weight gain after all that hard work. It really threw me off my game. It turned out that my weight varies greatly from day to day and that particular weigh in day was one of those up ticks.

    Now I just note the daily fluctuations and I usually know what caused them. Not disturbing. I only record new lows in the progress section, because I don't like my friends to give me atta girls for losing the same pound over and over.
  • healthylisa38
    healthylisa38 Posts: 20 Member
    I did research and I found that picking one day of the week is the best and I have chose every Wednesday to weigh in.