Why am I gaining weight on 1200 calories?

I'm 26. 5'4" and began at 131lbs one month ago. I work a sedentary job. For the past month, I have been eating 1200 calories per day (weighing/measuring all food with my scale and pre-packing all food for work). In the past two weeks, I have been to the gym 7 times lifting heavy weights with 4 times doing cardio, not changing my caloric intake. I just weighted myself at 139lbs!!! I have NEVER weighed this much before! What is the deal?!


  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited March 2017
    1. Are you eating back at least half of your exercise calories?
    2. What is your goal weight?

  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    You're probably not eating enough for the amount of excercise you're getting. Your body will think you're starving and go into a starvation mode to protect you. 1,200 calories is low for a young woman. I am 62 and that is the area I am in to create a deficit.

    I would up my calories to at least 1,400 to 1,600 and still do all of the things you're doing to be accountable for your intake each day.

    As someone above stated, pay attention to your clothing. Weight can vary based on many factors. As you've already heard weight lifting produces more muscle mass and muscle is more dense than fat. This is good because additional muscle burns more calories in everything we do.

    Make sure you weigh yourself in the morning on the same with your clothes off and before you eat breakfast.
  • 713Free2BeMe
    713Free2BeMe Posts: 1 Member
    I understand...I experienced the same issue. I have been cutting back and changing my eating habits as well as staying just under my calorie count and I gained a pound. I just started my new regimen about a week ago so, we'll see hoq it goes
  • nikkibay8
    nikkibay8 Posts: 23 Member
    Clothes are fitting fine, I start my inactive birth control pills tmrw, not constipated at all.

    My goal weight is 124lbs.

    I did heavy lifting with lower body today and ran 3 miles (300 burned calories). I drank 100 ounces of water today.

    That's a lot of water retention if that's the reason for my weight 'gain'!!
  • nikkibay8
    nikkibay8 Posts: 23 Member
    I have a goal of losing one pound per week.
  • nikkibay8
    nikkibay8 Posts: 23 Member
    I measured it this evening (bad girl, I know. Now my mind is spinning). But I would think that I sweat out and urinated a lot of it... guess not!
  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    I agree with the perfect storm anology. I would still up my intake to 1,500 and see what it looks like over time. Weigh yourself everyday right after you get up and go the bathroom with no clothes on. You will eventually drop weight. So much of weight loss is based on what we ingest.
  • jetsman37
    jetsman37 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like you are gaining muscle weight- which is a good thing. If lifting is a key part of your routine I would focus on body composition rather than the weigjt on the scale. Are your clothes looser? That is a good sign you are losing fat weight but gaining muscle which will help you torch more calories moving forwards.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    I would give it 4-5 days and weigh again.