Beginner Food Prepper

Would anyone mind helping or sharing with me recipes for weekly meal prepping? I'm not quiet sure how much to cook for myself or portion sizes, etc. would very much appreciate the help!
Thanks so much,


  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Hi Lauren, best of luck finding something that works for you. I love to make salads on Sunday for lunch for the coming week. I buy my veggies fresh on Sunday and they stay fresh all week. I do use cherry tomatoes to help keep the moisture down. I add dressing when I am ready to eat. It takes 30 minutes or less to make 5 salads and I don't think about lunch again. Copy and paste from day to day.

    I love to put chicken in the crock pot and cook ahead for Tex mex wraps. I use ole extreme fiber tortillas, wk corn and black beans, a little cheese and left over Taco Bell packets - finally a use for all of those floating around!!! Super yummy and about 135 calories the way i make them.

    Stalk your friends diarys. I have found many tricks there
  • lccherry12
    lccherry12 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you both so much for your input! I will definitely have to doing both of those tips and see how it goes!

    Thanks again!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I prep breakfast and lunch for M-F. I go through phases of what my staples are, but lately it has been a Greek yogurt, Fiber One cereal, and an orange for breakfast. When I meal prep on Sundays, I weigh out enough cereal in a baggie for each day of the week. I peel and weigh the orange in the AM.

    For lunches, I pick a veggie, a fruit, a carb, a fat, and a protein. For me this usually is 100g grapes or watermelon, 100g snap peas or carrots or celery, 2-4 oz tuna or salmon or chicken, and a mini bagel with 1/3 fat cream cheese.

    I also have an apple most days for snack, so I slice all the apples and soak in lemon water, then use my food sealer to vacuum seal the apples so they do the brown.

    In the morning, I just grab the containers and put them in my lunchbox.
  • trooperjasher
    trooperjasher Posts: 1 Member
    You might check out Fit Couple Cooks; the make some tasty meal prep foods that are easy. They have a channel on Youtube.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I cook, portion, and freeze a ton of meals. That way I have variety and can eat something different everyday.
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    My husband and I typically have a protein shake for breakfast, and I have portioned out the chocolate protein powder and PB2 so all I have to do is dump everything in a blender bottle. I sometimes make a green smoothie that I can prep the night before. You can also make mini crustless quiches or just boiled eggs and keep them on hand.

    For lunches I will grill a couple of plain chicken breasts, and portion about 3-4 oz. per day. I can add different seasonings or sauces each day so it's not the same thing and I don't get bored.
    Also, I portion out raw or blanched vegetables so I can just eat them as is or microwave a bit. Same with fruits, I do those in containers of 2-3 oz. Basically I just grab and go in the mornings, makes things so much faster.
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    Personally, I think meal prepping is really fun!! I like to double my dinner menu and portion out the leftovers for lunches throughout the week. Last night I made a Mexican quinoa dish that served 4, I doubled that recipe and fed my family of 5. I put the leftovers in a container in the fridge and my hubby and I now have 3 lunches taken care of for the rest of the week. On Sunday's I'll usually make a 'one-pan meal' (check them out on Pinterest) and keep that for lunches throughout the week as well. I really like to have multiple options for lunch because I find that if I have something to look forward to in the middle of the day I won't eat crap at the office before hand. I don't like to pre-portion my food because I find that it takes up too much space in my fridge but, I do use glass containers that are typically a little larger. Try different things to find out what works for you, good luck!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I do the Greek yogurt parfait thing too - fat helps me stay full so I do Fiber One cereal and chopped nuts. When I pack my lunch - I also "pack" breakfast. The night before work, I dump yogurt in a large covered soup mug and add 1/4 cup frozen raspberries (lemon yogurt & berries yum!). In the a.m. I throw in 1 zip-lock baggie & stir.

    Egg McMuffins. I bake 9 eggs + 9 egg whites in a 9" square pan. I cool, cut into squares & freeze with a slice of Canadian Bacon. The night before I take a zip-lock baggie out of the freezer. In the a.m. I microwave (medium or low heat) the eggs, toast a high fiber English muffin, add a piece of 2% cheese and I'm out the door.

    I do tons of chicken over the weekend. That way I have individual portions for salads and wraps. Iceberg lettuce is horrible for multiple day use. Select something more hearty - romaine is my go to.

    Crock pot soup (or stew) is always nice for leftovers. You can even buy disposable freezer containers (Reynolds at Wal-Mart).
  • lccherry12
    lccherry12 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much ladies these tips are all so helpful!

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited March 2017
    lccherry12 wrote: »
    Would anyone mind helping or sharing with me recipes for weekly meal prepping? I'm not quiet sure how much to cook for myself or portion sizes, etc. would very much appreciate the help!
    Thanks so much,

    My approach is pretty simple
    - I made a double batch of steel cut oats (8 servings) and divide up into Tupperware stored in the fridge
    - I made a pot of lentil curry soup (20 cup servings) and divide up into Tupperware, stored in freezer & fridge

    My advice it to cook in batches and store in containers that make it easy to estimate/control your serving size. I always have some leftovers I can reheat along with frozen mixed veggies that I can steam up
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    To know quantities, I preplan and log my meals and go from there. During the week I eat the same food so it makes life easy!

    I portion out meat to freeze raw, or to cook and freeze in portions. I cook rice and freeze, steam sweet potato and freeze (i defrost it then stick it in the oven if I'm having it for dinner to heat/crisp), vegies are chopped and put in containers, fruit and yogurts are divided up etc.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I also have an unhealthy obsession with food containers. Lately I've been into Sistema divided containers. They hold everything I mentioned in my previous post in almost exactly the proportions I gave and they fit nicely in my lunchbox. I love containers so, so much!
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    Cilantro lime crockpot chicken. Easy, delicious, and high in protein
  • ashjongfit
    ashjongfit Posts: 147 Member
    edited March 2017
    I prep things more than full on meals right now.
    Example of last week.

    I made a massive bin of mixed green salad (spinach, lettuce, spring mix, carrot, radish, cucumbers, onions), cooked pinto beans, quinoa, and a few russet potatoes, made some zoodles, cooked beef taco meat and chicken breast and boiled eggs, cut fruit (berries and apple slices soaked to not brown for my toddler) and carrot and cuke sticks.

    SO from these things we had, berries in our oats or with greek yogurt or toast and eggs for breakfasts. We had salads with chicken breast or eggs and quinoa, avocado toast with boiled egg and veggie sticks, taco salads, soup with chicken breast, carrots, pinto beans and zoodles for lunches. For dinners we had chicken on pizzas with salad, taco salad with pinto beans, taco stuffed potatoes, chicken with pasta sauce and zoodles, taco beef egg pie and salad, taco meat and pinto beans to make chili and then a few eat up the rest days. Snacks were fruit, smoothies, veggies and eggs.

    Hardly any of these meals took longer than 20 minutes to throw together, we ate a lot of veggies that otherwise would have gone bad.

    I like to make big batches of grains, meat like chicken, taco beef, crockpot taco chicken, beef pasta sauce, etc and use it for the mains though out the week. I will prep veggies and fruit once at the start and once in the middle of the week as we go through them fast.

    Edit to say for portion sizes, I just go by how many calories I have that day/ week and how hungry I am etc. So if I had a longer workout, I might have 5oz of chicken vs 3oz or 2 cups of pasta vs 1.
  • IncredibleMulk77
    IncredibleMulk77 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to take a look at my Instagram (incrediblemulk77), I post photos of all of my meal preps (I've prepped weekly for about 18 months now). Also, if you would like to add me on here as well, I keep an open diary and you can take a look at what I'm eating as well.