
Sashhbear Posts: 16 Member
So I was wondering if and how to get over my anxiety about gyms. Something about the gym makes me nervous about going there. Am I the only one? Is it normal to have a fear of the gyms?
P.s Feel free to add me, i love hearing about others goals or even chitchatting!


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Are you anxious because it's new and you're unsure about what to do, or how to use the equipment? If so, organise for a staff member/pt to show you around and take you through a training session so you know how things work. Having a training plan also helps!
  • Tania_181
    Tania_181 Posts: 100 Member
    I found that after a while of making myself go to the gym that anxiety and the internal struggle (shall I go/shall I stay home) slowly disappeared. For me it was about becoming familiar with my gym, learning how to use the machines properly and chatting to the instructors and other gym-goers.
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    I think its almost same with anything, you need to keep doing something to lose that fear. The first times will be daunting but it gets easier and easier. Ask for help from people that work there, don't be shy about that. Ask if they can help you with a good program. Ask them to show you how to do certain movements etc.

    Take your time. It will get easier and easier! :smile:
  • dawson002
    dawson002 Posts: 170 Member
    I've struggled with anxiety most of my adult life and like you, hated the thought of joining a gym. Eventually I mustered up the courage and told myself to "man up"!!

    Its quite daunting when you first walk in but I PROMISE YOU after 20 - 30 mins your anxieties will be forgotten.

    Go for it!!
  • briohne128
    briohne128 Posts: 176 Member
    I am a little anxious at the gym but my anxiety is way worse at just the thought of running outside but there is always a solution to everything! So instead of me running outdoors, I have bought a treadmill. For you, I would suggest doing work outs from Youtube! You can do 30 Day Shred, Zumba etc but if you really want to conquer your fear of the gym, I would suggest going with someone you know well or just put your headphones in and focus on why you are there in the first place! Also, I hope you don't mind me adding you :smile: x
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I went to the gym for the first ever time a few weeks ago. Our gym has an induction, where one of their instructors shows you how to use the equipment and gives you a personal programme to follow.

    And it was fine! I picked a quiet period, and she didn't say word one about my weight or my level of fitness, she was just encouraging. And nobody else paid me the slightest bit of attention, they were all busy with their own workouts.

    Yes, gyms are full of fit people; but there are people like me there too. And nobody will look at you funny or think anything other than well of you for working to improve your body.

    Get someone kind to show you the ropes, and then just focus on doing your workout well and how goooood the endorphins make you feel afterwards :)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Go in with a plan or a partner. I had some anxiety about going to a gym. Thinking everyone would be watching me, making fun of me, etc. Turns out, I watch people WAY more than they watch me and when I'm watching people, I am never thinking anything negative about the person. Most of the time, I'm glancing around during my rest between sets and the fact that I'm actually observing someone else doesn't consciously cross my mind. I'm just getting mentally ready for my next set.

    I started with a partner and now I go on my own a lot and sometimes attend classes. Even in class, if I am watching someone consciously, I think to myself something along these lines: "Man, I want HER shoulders. I better do what she's doing. Imitate, keep pushing. I got this." or "I want to be someone that someone else in this class aspires to be like. I need to get better at this. Only way is to keep practicing it and doing it!"

    More often than anything else, if I am actively watching someone in the gym, I am thinking about paying that person a compliment for their determination, how good they look, or how watching their technique helped me improve mine. People are often very appreciative when their efforts are noticed or if they have been told they helped someone even when they didn't intentionally do so.

    So definitely go in there with a partner(I HONESTLY met mine here on MFP) or go in with a plan of what you're going to do(5x5, NROLFW, a program off the internet) and just have at it.

    Bear in mind that if YOU are THERE and you are DOING SOMETHING, you're lapping everybody on the couch, including your former self! :sunglasses:
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    Try going to a class. Chances are there's someone in there like you who's just getting started. Find that other wallflower, say hi, and maybe you'll make a friend/workout buddy!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Ask a friend to go with you

    Email the gym first explain your anxious

    Or buy a treadmill and some weights for a mini home gym

    Or just go walking or jogging and bull kettlebells
  • Blubberbuster1
    Blubberbuster1 Posts: 265 Member
    People are there for a reason, those people in the gym had to start somewhere as well!
    The ripped person was skinny/fat years ago, and probably felt the same way you do, felt too little/big, and aspired to be like the big guy in the gym.
    Every gym I've been to there's always someone willing to help out, even if help wasn't asked for. That's what this is all about, we know the struggle of when we started and I'm always down to give advice to someone on trying different techniques, just like when I was starting out and people would help me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've been in and out of gyms for much of my life...anytime I've switched gyms I've been environment with new people that I don't know...I think it's pretty normal.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    it's not so bad. just plug in, zone out, and do your business. no one will likely bother you unless you seek out help/advice.