is Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) a good workout?

cnada Posts: 14 Member
I have never tried hot yoga, but i heard its great! I'm a little nervous about the heated rooms, am I going to pass out from the heat?


  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    I cut my yoga teeth on Bikram Yoga. Felt great. You will likely not pass out from the heat (like the current heatwave in the midwest actually). You can REALLY stretch warmed up muscles. However I would not class it as a workout, more of a therapy.
    Try it. You will not regret it. But give it a few tries to get used to all the different poses.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I've never done it but my mom (62) goes 3 or 4 times a weeks for the last few years and loves it. Her skin looks awesome, she is slim and strong and fit. So...I would say yes.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I took a Bikram Yoga class once. It felt like a pretty serious workout to me. It's more strength then cardio but I sure did sweat! My muscles were sore, too.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    It is a good workout. In other yoga I burn about 300 calories in 90 minutes. In Bikram I burn 550ish per 90 minutes. It is hot but that's the point. Wear minimal, comfortable clothing. I like shorts and a cami tank. Also take a towel to lay over your yoga mat. You can take water though it's best if you don't drink much while in the room. Half of the time is spent on the floor and it's not fun with a stomach full of water sloshing around. Hydrate before and after as much as possible. Your first couple of times watch others as much as you need and if you're feeling too hot or nauseated lay down for a bit. Don't leave the room. Just do as much as you can but really focus on correct posture. After a couple visits you'll be able to participate the whole time.