Hey GUYS! Where do you get your motivation to lose weight?



  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I've got two words for you: goal pants.
  • prettyash76
    prettyash76 Posts: 117
    I think about getting back into my too small clothes and this pair of cargo capris i never had a chance to wear.
  • Chubby_bunnyy
    Chubby_bunnyy Posts: 50 Member
    Skinny girls, people I don't want to look like, a bit of self hatred lol, and also I wouldn't fit all the small small clothes I just bought
  • agent300
    agent300 Posts: 73
    Each of us has within us the ability to be what and who we want....you just have to decide. Now go do it!


    exactly. everything is a choice.
  • sbarrett7171
    sbarrett7171 Posts: 65 Member
    Do jumping jacks in front of the mirror while nude. That usually pisses me off enough to not want to blow it.
  • michellemariescott
    michellemariescott Posts: 26 Member
    I started counting calories in March, lost 18 lbs and then hit a summer wall of bbq's, lime beer and white wine spritzers. I haven't gained any weight for the last 2 months, but haven't lost any either. I am finding it very difficult to get back on the wagon and start tracking my food again even though I have another 15 lbs to lose.
    All these comments are helpful reminders of the mindset i need to return to!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Man...I was doing so well until about a month ago and then all my motivation totally crapped out on me. I had lost 37 pounds and felt great. I don't know what happened!

    I gave myself a little bit of a break with tracking and now I'm getting back in the swing of things. I am motivated by my health. I don't want to put myself at risk for preventable illnesses. I've watched my dad's health deteriorate at a rapid rate and he's young. Also, I just feel better when I'm taking care of myself. I've felt like crap since I fell out of my routine. Feeling comfortable in my body is a big motivator.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I look at tiny ANIME CHARACTERS (Yeah, I know I am weird lol. It helps though :laugh:).

    Also, every once and a while (I remember my dreams vividly almost every night), I have a dream where I wake up and I am TINY (I become smaller, AND shorter -- I like being short and have actually shrunk this year)! I become extremely excited and can't wait to try on my clothes and look cute...I then think about what I am going to buy and feel so excited. :wink:

    Also, when I go out in public and look at my legs jiggle. :embarassed: That always inspires me
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    My daughter, i dont want her growing up with an unhealthy mum and thinking it is ok to eat whatever you want whenever you want. My partner, i want to be as attractive to him as i can be. Past pictures of me at my highest weight. MFP - is great these boards are so supportive and everyone elses success is such great motivation. Looking in the mirror does it for me too! When i see slim girls in their fitted jeans/shorts/dresses etc, i just think "yep thats what i want to be"
  • bethy0316
    bethy0316 Posts: 75
    I look at pics of skinny girls I am jealous of ... and I know that with a little hard work I can be that.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I get my motivation because I was tired of letting myself go. I was tired of making excuses as to why I was fat, and watching the numbers on my pants get higher and higher.

    Now that I've started going to the gym and eating better, i'm addicted. I'm addicted to the muscles that are showing in my legs and arms and back. I'm addicted to the fact that when I wave or walk my arms and legs don't jiggle as much. I'm addicted to the fact that a size 10 which was way tight months ago, now needs to have the waist altered.. and even that is getting to be too big!

    There is motivation all around you... don't be afraid to use it!
  • Northantsman
    The memory of a couple of attacks of angyna last year and 24 hours in hospital attached to a heart monitor keep me motivated!
  • DrHDLM
    DrHDLM Posts: 43 Member
    Get an Emo to tell you how ugly he or she thinks you are (even if is not true)
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    It comes from inside. No external motivation tool will work. You have to 'want' it for yourself.

    You are the only one around when the food hits the plate!
    You are the only one with your hand on the fork!
    You are the only one who can kick your own *kitten*!
    You are strong, you have will, you demand, you will succeed.

    All of your friends on MFP are here to support you! But in the end only you can help yourself. You know this already, but it's easy to lie to ourselves. We've all done it.

    Now - Go kick your *kitten* and get it done!

    "Strength is a matter of the made-up mind." - John Beecher