I am grateful I binged

So today, I have had a day of complete and utter binge-eating...but I'm not sorry. I realized the reason why I was binge eating was because I was not wanting to face certain feelings. I wanted to share what I am repeating which is making me feel better about over eating: I am willing to release these feelings. I recognize and release these feelings, they are better out than in.

Tomorrow i'm not going to feel guilty or starve myself or over exercise. I am just going to continue eating about a 500 calorie deficit a day. I've had a day here and there where I've gone way over calories but I've just gotten back on track with my healthy eating and exercise plan and the weight has continued to drop. I'm not going to let one binge derail me, and I hope if you do binge you don't let it derail you either.


  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I think a lot of us ended up overweight because of stress induced eating. Sometimes even just acknowledging that isn't enough, but it's always the first step. Weight loss its self is stressful, and I know sometimes even just looking at the scale can stress me out (it happens!).

    I used to have a hard time getting 'back on the wagon' after binges, but what works for me is sort of the opposite. If I don't admit that I'm ashamed of myself the behavior won't change, but that is what works for me personally, we are all different and all over eat for very different reasons.

    Anyway, keep up the good fight. The important thing in the end is that we are all always moving forward in the best way possible. No matter how we address our mistakes is less important than the fact that we address them and learn to move on and avoid them in the future!
  • domeofstars
    domeofstars Posts: 480 Member
    Yes I agree as long as we are always moving forward...I still won't beat myself up in the future if I do make any more mistakes. In the grand scheme of things, having one day where I overeat is only....1 day. What matters is what i'm doing overall :D
  • roatch07
    roatch07 Posts: 6 Member
    Having a day here or there is said to be good take like 1 day a week and don't couture or care what u eat because we are so used to over eating that the. We starve and then we binge eat because of it or we give up