working out but clothes are tighter

Hi guys,

I'm so frustrated and confused and I don't know what to do. I've been reading up on this and some people on this site have even brought it up, but I just don't feel like any of the explanations pertain to me. I've been working out for about a month and a half now, eating well (net 1200 calories), and working out almost every day (40 min on elliptical and a little strength training). I'm 5'7" and about 138 lbs. I started at 135 and then went up to 141 and now am slowly getting back down to my original starting weight. My pants are way tighter, my thighs and butt are huge, and I just don't understand why. Some people have suggested that it's just muscle building underneath and the fat will come off in time, but I've been working out for a while now. Shouldn't I be losing the fat now? If anyone has any insight I'd appreciate it.



  • sarahkbarnes
    Sounds like you've built up some muscle. Muscle is more dense (ie heavier than fat) which explains the numbers going up. Muscle also burns fat, so hang in there, the fat will start to melt away!
  • dddttt
    dddttt Posts: 39 Member
    You wrote that you're slowly getting back to the original weight - that does mean you're starting to lose weight, I think. :) Maybe you could ask your gym trainer for an advice on which machines you should be using? Don't give up, though!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Not to be a Debbie Downer but there is no way to put on 6 lbs of lean muscle in a short amount of time doing a little strength training.. there has to be another explanation...

    Starting with... what are you eating/drinking to get your net calories? If you're eating a lot of processed foods- your sodium level could be high, paired with normal fluctuations women go through in our menstrual cycles (I religiously go up at least 4 lbs the week prior to my period)... when are you weighing- same scale, time, circumstances, empty stomach or after meals/fluids?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    How tall are you? Seems to me you're not that overweight. You should adjust your settings to lose 1/2lb a week with as little to lose as you have and should probably be eating MORE! Trust me, it sounds backwards but it will work.
  • lilmill
    lilmill Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for all your thoughts. 135 was really just an estimate. I actually didn't start weighing myself until I was working out for about a week and was then shocked when it said 141. I don't really care about my weight all that much, I would just like my clothes to fit better which is why it's so annoying that the opposite is happening. I'm trying to follow the GI diet, so I'm eating a lot of vegetables, fruits, grains, and a lot of water, and I eat several small meals throughout the day. I will admit sometimes when I go out to eat, I fall off the wagon a bit, but I'll still keep my net calories around 1200. BerryH, believe it or not, I already have increased my calories. Before I was at about 1000 net calories, and since switching to 1200 I've felt like I'm constantly eating! And you're right, I'm not overweight, which might be why I'm not losing the two pounds a week or so that I would like. Do you guys think it's possible for me to lose at a rate of 2 lbs a week or should I adjust my goals to be more realistic?

    Thanks again!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A goal of 2lb a week is definitely unrealistic for someone with not much to lose, that's only for quite overweight people. Here's Banks' amazingly informative post on the subject:

    "Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)"

    You're probably in the final category if not already within your healthy weight zone, so definitely change your goals. My weight loss was getting slow until I changed my goal to lose 1/2lb a week.

    The Tools section will tell you your current BMI.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Water retention, lactic acid (increases your muscle temp happens from exercising)

    check what type of food you are eating, avoid sodium and reduce your goal weight loss as you have alot less to get rid of.
  • lilmill
    lilmill Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for that link BerryH, that definitely makes sense. I guess I was just kind of in denial thinking if I pushed hard enough I could do it. I feel a lot better about where I'm at and what I'm doing, now I just need to be more patient. Thanks again!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It seems that you've got your weekly loss goal set to 2 lbs. (since you're at 1200). You are too close to goal and probably have too much lean muscle mass for this to be effective. In fact it is actually making you gain.

    Here is a fantastic explanation of why this is happening:

    I was stuck for a year like that until I found MFP and read the above post. I hope it helps you.

  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Try fat burning exercises! Find your target heart rate and perform exercise at 60% of that number - that is your optimal fat burn target heart rate.
  • mamaboobear
    Whenever I do just strength training, my clothes get tighter. My advice would be to try a different cardio option, like following a work out dvd. I was never able to lose weight with my elliptical, it felt like I was just thickening up my legs. Everyone is different but switching to more of a free type of cardio, like dvd's, jumping jacks, etc. that is what has finally helped me lose on the scale. Good luck