Driver's License Weight



  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Mine says the weight I weighed the last time I had it renewed, when I turned 21 (8 years ago), which is actually 5lbs above my goal weight, so hopefully when I have to get it renewed next year it will be right or I will be able to have them lower it :smile:
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Glad I live in PA -- we don't have to put our weight on our licenses!

    Don't have it here in NC either!
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I don't know how many years I had it that weight but mine said 250 and I weighed 350 just a few months ago. I'm hoping to make it accurate by January when it is renewed.
  • CandyJ9
    CandyJ9 Posts: 38
    My current driver's license weight is 136. I WAS 136 when I wrote that weight down--I even updated it from the 127 my first license was after I had to replace it when it got stolen with my whole purse.

    Currently I'm 41 pounds more than that. Hopefully I'll be back down to 136 in a few months. And then back to my goal weight of 127.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member

    Funny, one time I was having surgery and the anesthesiologist came in to chat before. He asked "so, how much do you say you weigh today?". I laughed. He said "yeah well we have to add 10%. to whatever you say".

    Hahaha dancers joke all the time about the difference between your "real weight" and your "resume weight". My resume needs to be updated (I haven't used it in about a year because I'm actually in a company), but it was about 15 pounds off the last time I used it. Most tall girls (like me!) lie a lot because there are a number of companies out there that have weight limits (ie, all females can't weigh more than 125 pounds). When I was an inch and a half shorter and at my most anorexic I was 125 pounds - no way I'm going back there again, but I'll write it on my resume if it will get me a job!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    its accurate NOW lol 3 years ago i weighed 20lbs less than my highest(at 162ish highest was 182) so i lied and said i weighed alittle over 20lbs less than the 162 it says 140 as of a few days ago i am 140 lol!

    (edited cause i wrote 2 years ago but lmfao its been 3) durka dur kate
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My license says 145 which was accurate at the time, but now I'm 34 lbs heavier and my goal weight isn't even that low! Granted, at my goal weight I'll be more muscle and should be the same size as when I weighed 135. But, when I renew it, I now live in Michigan and they don't require it.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Mine wasn't accurate because when I got it renewed 6 years ago, I was 9 months pregnant (about to go into the hospital, actually)! It says 165 lbs, but I was 215 in my picture. So I've got a double/triple chin thing going on from being all bloated from the pregnancy and then it says 165. I don't look like my picture anymore (thankfully) but I'm still higher than 165. Funny enough, that's my current first goal. haha
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Mine says 185...I am at 230. I was 200 when I had them hopefully I will be at goal when I have to get them renewed in 2013!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Isn't that a great question!

    Mine reads 245 and it was BS when I gave that number — I was about 10 pounds heavier!

    Different story now!
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    Mine says 150 lbs and it was accurate when I got it. Then it became inaccurate because I went up to 160 lbs and stayed like that for a couple of months. Now I'm 123 lbs (with a couple more pounds to lose) so it's inaccurate again but I can't renew it for two more years.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Mine says 150. I was about 25 pounds more when I got it renewed a several years ago, but I thought I could pass. It was 75 pounds off at my heaviest before MFP. I figured I would need to be more honest when I get it renewed in about a year and a half, but who knows...maybe it won't need to change!
  • RoseBudd85
    RoseBudd85 Posts: 49
    I only lied by 5 pounds. lol It just sounded better.
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    My ID when it was issued last year said 260 but I was over 280 at the time. About 4 days ago I went in to get my permit and put it at the (now) correct weight of 243! I should have put 160 which is my goal weight but I am proud of my 243 currently!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Mine says 180. It was a lie, was well over 200 when it was issued.

    It is still a lie - I'm now 160 :-)
  • jamja
    jamja Posts: 190
    Mine reads 220. I exceeded it by as much as 70 lbs. I now weigh 26 lbs less at 194.
  • jozzierdgz
    jozzierdgz Posts: 60 Member
    my DL weight says 180, and that's what I weighed back in '05 when I first got it.... That was my weight after two kids and the next time I renew my license i want to be able to put down 160 since that is my goal weight :)
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Mine says 250 >.> So I "estimated" a little (a lot) on the low side, but the point is that I will be there soon!
  • ToningtheButt
    mine in this state doesnt have weight but back where im from it does at 16 when i got it i put 130 but i was actually in the high 140's
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    I just moved so I had to update my address. I put my correct weight at the time (280). However, I have lost more than 30 pounds since then and I will have to renew it in October for my 30th birthday and I plan on definitely being close to my goal weight. I should be close to getting into the 190s right around then so I can't wait to take a new picture then.