Is it okay to eat calorie restricted during the week and and eat a lot on the weekend?



  • Lucas2013
    Lucas2013 Posts: 15 Member
    edited March 2017
    It depends. What a lot of people forget is that the body is in a constant state of fat balance and fat storage. What matters in the long run is what happens over 24 hours. Within those 24 hours, though, there are a lot of things that your body uses the calories for, including bodily functions, creation of new cells, etc. With that being in mind, days where you alternate between high and low calorie days have lots of success with many people, as long as the weekly deficit is the same. It will mostly come down to what you can adhere to. If, for instance, your weekly deficit is 2,000 calories, but you decide to hit the bar with the ladies and order a large pizza, beer, and chicken wings. This can easily add over 2,000 calories over your weekday deficit.

    If you follow it up on Sunday with a deluxe from McDonald's followed by a order of Chinese takeout with a side of ice cream for dessert, you could be taking in as much as 4,000 calories, therefore, by the end of the week, the deficit is entirely canceled out, resulting you in potentially not losing or even gaining weight.

    Although some people can make it through "cheat days" without much damage, it is no surprise that a recent study found a lack of adherence was a bigger factor in weight loss stalls than metabolic adaptation, which only accounts for 15% at most. Although still controversial, an alternate day fasting protocol may help negate the damage of a cheat day to an extent by giving you a bigger buffer for the weekend. A better idea in my opinion, though, is to increase activity levels and calories a bit more, and incorporate some of the foods you love in your daily deficit. You can alternate between high and low days if you want, but it doesn't really matter.
  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    bagge72 wrote: »
    or bring packets of crystal light to dump in and make better tasting drinks

    My sister travels with those small Mio drops for just this reason!
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    cashidy wrote: »
    What about: 800 per day (total 4000) 5 days a week, and 2200 on weekends? That adds up to 1200 a day.

    The potential issue I see with this is that your weekends sound like they are very high but maybe not nutrient dense (with 700 calorie drinks and 1000s of calories for eating out, based on your post). Would you be able to truly meet your nutritional needs on 800 calories a day, 5 days a week? This can be an issue if one is allocating lots of calories to alcohol.

    I'm about 99% sure nutritional needs would not be met on the plan the OP suggested.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    cashidy wrote: »
    What I am gathering is I need to grab a handle on my weekends and not give in to peer pressure haha
    Here here! I've often said "I'll have this because I'm an adult" until I realized, I wasn't making good adult decisions. :smile:
    It's ok to get the salad instead of the fries (or not if the salad looks loaded with cheese, croutons and dressing). Go on some bartender websites and look up new drinks that may be less calories, or have a single rum and coke instead of a double (ok that's my poison of choice usually - well Makers lately) and learn to enjoy it more. I do agree that likely also at least 1200 for the weekdays would be a much better solution too. :smile:
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Since VLCD is 500 calories and should only be done for no more than 5 days under a doctor's supervision, I'm not going to advise you do it while supplementing with plenty of vitamins wink wink. However, if you accurately log everything you eat every day including your weekends and can prove that you have a weekly calorie deficit, you should be able, over a very long time, to notice some weight loss. Mentally, I wouldn't want to try it. I'd crash and burn on Tuesday.

    No, very bad idea. As mentioned VLCD should be under a doctor's care.
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    I have a chinese and maybe a bar of chocolate on a Saturday night most weeks, and I am still loosing.

    It can be done but will slow down your journey. I had a bad week eating wise 2 weeks ago had two big takeaways and stayed the same weight. So you might maintain more than lose but its surly hard to eat 4000?
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    I do intermittent fasting. You don't track calories just have an eating window. I do the 16/8 window. Then there's the 20/4. I train fasted a few times a week. Fasting works for me I've been doing it for a few years sometimes im not consistent like a day or 2 a week something will come up. it helped keep me under control with my food intake and maintain my weight. Since I'm active I never go under 1500 calories even on lighter days. You could also do flexible dieting where you track micronutrients for weight loss, maintaining or build muscle. As much as it sucks for the alcohol part that has a bit of calories cut it back in moderation to occasions and try red wine or dark beer that has benefits like antioxidants and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I do the same is so frustrating..because you count calories all week long and feels like hard work..then you never get anywhere. I'm just going to make sure I exercise on weekends to offset calories and use exercise as the way to fix it. Sticking to low calories just won't work for me on the weekends.
  • brxtt
    brxtt Posts: 23 Member
    i mean, yeah. but i would pick a calorie goal for your week days that will create a sufficient enough deficit for your weekends. that way you can "bank" those calories during the week and use the on the weekend... while still staying under a weekly calorie goal which = weightloss. it's truly about commitment, though. you're going to have to make the choice to commit to a calorie restriction somewhere. i'm definitely more strict on weekdays and enjoy a little more on weekends. but, it's moderate and i still track everything.
  • oliviaguerrero01
    oliviaguerrero01 Posts: 35 Member
    Would anyone like to start a group on insta where we help keep each other accountable and motivate throughout the day? I feel like this would be a great way to stay conscious of what you're eating.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yeah, no. 800 calories all week is all kinds of a bad idea, and you can STILL blow your whole deficit if you lose control after a couple of drinks.

    Remember: The more you drink the more you'll just eat and not write down. Also remember: If you'er drinking *out* you don't know how many calories are in those drinks. Bar drinks tend to use a lot more syrupy mixers than the traditional recipes. Just compare "Margarita mix" contents to an actual margarita recipe, for example. And pours can be bigger of the sweet and cheap (to fill up the glass without blowing the bar's budget on the expensive stuff).

    I'm all for having days that aren't as strict. I do it myself. Btu there's a difference between "i'm going to eat a bit more on the weekend" and "I'm going to eat 3000 calories plus a pitcher of sangria."
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    This is me to a T I do good all week and then I don't know why but I associate the weekends with splurging and it's become an addiction I need to break this habit it is sabotaging me I don't know why I feel like I need to eat Mexican and Chinese and hamburgers on the weekend.... and I know people are going to say you're maybe not eating enough during the week I don't know but I am eating enough I mean in around 15 to 1600 cal during the week I've just been doing this for the last year and yes I did drop 20 some pounds but I just need to break the cycle I have already gained five of those pounds back I don't want to gain the other 15.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Would anyone like to start a group on insta where we help keep each other accountable and motivate throughout the day? I feel like this would be a great way to stay conscious of what you're eating.

    Start one up and let us know

  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'd say it's a start, atleast compared to what you were probably doing before.

    That being said, it's not THAT hard to cut back a little when going out with friends. You don't need the 700 calories foo-foo drink. You can get a light beer for around 100 calories a bottle. Or a glass of wine. There are also a ton of mixed drinks that you can get that are lighter. I usually stick to the beer or wine so you'll have to search those drinks on your own, or I'm sure there are threads about it on here.

    In terms of food, many restaurants have lighter calorie options. Check out the menu if it's a chain restaurant or you have an idea of what they have and add up your calories before you go. Or, like others have suggested, eat half of whatever you order.

    You don't have to tell anyone you're on a diet, but usually a "I've been eating like crap lately and totally craving something light and healthy" is usually a good enough excuse to keep the negativity away.
  • ToriGabrielle
    ToriGabrielle Posts: 25 Member
    I usually eat within my calorie goal during the week and then allow myself to eat at a maintenance goal on the weekends. I log strictly during the week and then I don't stress on the weekend if I go a little over or estimate my calories more freely. I don't really drink alcohol very often though but I do eat out quite a bit on the weekends. Another thing I will try and do when eating out is look and a restaurants nutrition guide and menu before going (if possible) and then I can at least try to budget my calories for the day based on that.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    What the heck are you drinking that's 700 calories? How about a few glasses of wine and some grilled meat and veggies?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    Just another chime in which sort of echoes what others have said.

    Looking at weekly or even longer totals, and banking a few calories for an occasional splurge makes a lot of sense.

    Occasional and splurge are the key concepts.

    A single meal on the weekend represents maybe 5% of your week. A Friday night through Sunday night all you can eat and drink vacation represents 42.9% of your week.

    Splurge involves eating above maintenance; but by the time you get past 2x of your maintenance calories, you're exceeding my definition of "splurge".

    If I recall correctly the OP mentioned continuously increasing weight in spite of eating at a deficit the rest of the week.

    Many of us here have looked back at our "younger" days and said: "no wonder I gained weight when I was drinking 2000 Cal and eating 4000 Cal worth of Pizza in a day, and doing so again and again and again".

    Sorry OP; but, if you want a different outcome you need to address your lack of weekend limits.
  • southernoregongrape
    southernoregongrape Posts: 117 Member
    edited March 2017
    My hubby likes to go out quite often. We usually split a food order between us or both of us take doggy boxes home for meals later on.
    As far as the drinking.......
    I'm a fan.....
    scared ya huh.....
    a shot is about 65 calories of just about any non flavored booze. Most bars will pour about 1.5 shots in a drink.
    I don't care much for diet sodas so I carry my own flavoring mixes with me. Such as the sugar free crystal light individual tubes. I order a vodka in a very tall glass. Since we are regulars, they know to put mine in a beer glass. Then I have them add soda water. The only thing is to add the powder very slowly as it will start to fizz and run over the glass and all over everything.
    I usually have them add more soda water after I drink about 1/4 of the glass because it is always too sweet for me.
    If you are sitting at a table where you might not feel comfortable asking for more soda water, just ask for a soda water back also when you first order, then you can add if needed.
    Hope some of this helps.
  • steved1661
    steved1661 Posts: 12 Member
    One quick thought... if you feel some form of peer pressure (for lack of a better phrase), and need some validated support to NOT drink... establish yourself as the group DESIGNATED DRIVER... you then can be expected to eat and drink more responsibly... and you might just help yourself and friends avoid uncomfortable consequences.