Thyroid and weight loss



  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    If you read this it does say that excess salt and water is a cause for weight gain with people with Hypothyroidism. No it isn't the same for everyone, but I did mention that in my post. But it did affect me. So , I have to agree with my dr on that. No two people with hypothyroidism will have the same symptoms and yes some do have to work harder. Diet alone did not help with my weight loss. I did have to do exercises which is harder than cutting calories or monitoring what foods to or not to eat. So, not going over calories is easy compared to doing cardio as well as some strength training. Yes exercise is mainly for fitness. But it still helps burn calories in a good way. Not everyone with Hypo can lose weight by just cutting calories. That is just fact. Just like some have to watch their refined carbs while others don't. Only you and your dr know you. I did not put my weight on because of excess daily calories. I have never in my life ate more than 1500 on any given day. I wish I could blame it on over eating. I would of lost the weight years ago :smile:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Open your diary so that we can see your logging.

    Are you logging exercise? Are you eating exercise calories? Are you eating 1200-1400 calories or netting 1200-1400 calories after exercise?
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited March 2017
    If you read this it does say that excess salt and water is a cause for weight gain with people with Hypothyroidism. No it isn't the same for everyone, but I did mention that in my post. But it did affect me. So , I have to agree with my dr on that. No two people with hypothyroidism will have the same symptoms and yes some do have to work harder. Diet alone did not help with my weight loss. I did have to do exercises which is harder than cutting calories or monitoring what foods to or not to eat. So, not going over calories is easy compared to doing cardio as well as some strength training. Yes exercise is mainly for fitness. But it still helps burn calories in a good way. Not everyone with Hypo can lose weight by just cutting calories. That is just fact. Just like some have to watch their refined carbs while others don't. Only you and your dr know you. I did not put my weight on because of excess daily calories. I have never in my life ate more than 1500 on any given day. I wish I could blame it on over eating. I would of lost the weight years ago :smile:

    The only way to gain or not lose weight is to eat "too much." The definition of "too much" varies by situation. If you truly couldn't lose on 1500 calories, then it was too much for your situation. Adding exercise to create a deeper deficit is often easier than severely restricting calories, because severe restriction is difficult to do on a consistent basis.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    excess salt and water can cause weight gain for anyone...
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    why do I need to open my diary? I am at goal weight( hit it the end of last oct) an eat my recommended calories. I joined MFP last april after already losing 30 pounds. so my diary today has no say in the years past. I was not a member when I could not lose the weight so I could not possibly open my diary and I am not going to go through years of notebooks and take pictures to prove to you that I was not going over the calories allotted. Someone mentioned I was over eating and that was what caused me to not lose the weight with hypo, not so for me. That is why I mentioned my calorie allotment. I watched my salt like my dr suggested and lost the weight. So that has no effect on my calories now. I was eating the calories my dr suggested. My thyroid numbers are perfect. That is why I mentioned in my first post to the OP that salt could be an issue with her as well. Didn't say it was. But it does affect losing weight with some who suffer hypo. I shared the link confirming my post about excess salt because someone had mention it had no effect. I am not here to argue. We are all here to share our stories, our tips, what worked , what didn't. Everyone is different and their bodies are different. No 2 Dr's are the same. Medications don't even work the same. With hypo and some other illnesses, it is just trial and error. Journaling every thing to find out how our bodies deal with certain things. To find a pattern or not find one in some cases.
  • Cobourg
    Cobourg Posts: 54 Member
    I have hypothyroid issues along with parathyroid issues and am also taking levothyroxine. Usually eat between 1000 - 1200 calories daily and walk mainly. I have done this with a dietician and lost 60 lbs but have gained about 20 back. I am under 5' tall so need to track carefully. When I pay attention to calories I lose but if I miss judge by only a bit I can gain. Watch your calories and watch what you eat. For some breads, pasta and rice can be a problem. I eat very little of each of these but when I do I don't lose. Anyway good luck and I would also suggest a good dietician. My doctor provided me with the one he went to so I figured if it was good for him then it was a good bet for me.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You should be lifting weights too. And I'm sorry to tell you, but you probably should be eating less.

    I'm on Synthroid too, am five feet four inches tall, and when I was 142, I cut out big lunches, even though I was eating healthy foods. Plain and simple, I eat less.
  • gnu4liberty
    gnu4liberty Posts: 48 Member
    I have the understanding that grapefruit gets your liver into a fat burning mode.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I will add ... selenium. One Brazil Nut a day is enough. My endo showed me a recent student with some positive results. He had a dietician go over my food diary and supplement schedule and I'm not getting enough, even remotely. My medication hasn't changed, but my levels have dropped a little more (still within the normal range) and have been really stable for the last 1.5 years, which has been better for me. Even with meds, they'd fluctuate a little. I am in maintenance and lost my weight PTA (Post Thyroid Apocalypse).

    I second the T3 test and potential for supplementation. I'm on 15mg of cytomel daily along with my levoxyl.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I have the understanding that grapefruit gets your liver into a fat burning mode.

    You have the wrong understanding.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I had my levels checked last month, and they were within normal range now. Any certain diet I should try?

    I would talk to a professional because it varies between people what helps.

    For me I was already wheat free for an allergy but went totally gluten and soy free for my hashimotos diagnosis. It helped me. I carry less water weight and my joint pain decreased so I could become more active.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    I will add ... selenium. One Brazil Nut a day is enough. My endo showed me a recent student with some positive results. He had a dietician go over my food diary and supplement schedule and I'm not getting enough, even remotely. My medication hasn't changed, but my levels have dropped a little more (still within the normal range) and have been really stable for the last 1.5 years, which has been better for me. Even with meds, they'd fluctuate a little. I am in maintenance and lost my weight PTA (Post Thyroid Apocalypse).

    I second the T3 test and potential for supplementation. I'm on 15mg of cytomel daily along with my levoxyl.

    I also take a selenium supplement along with my meds. It helps. My t3/free t3 were still off after everything else fell within range.
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    I will add ... selenium. One Brazil Nut a day is enough. My endo showed me a recent student with some positive results. He had a dietician go over my food diary and supplement schedule and I'm not getting enough, even remotely. My medication hasn't changed, but my levels have dropped a little more (still within the normal range) and have been really stable for the last 1.5 years, which has been better for me. Even with meds, they'd fluctuate a little. I am in maintenance and lost my weight PTA (Post Thyroid Apocalypse).

    I second the T3 test and potential for supplementation. I'm on 15mg of cytomel daily along with my levoxyl.

    I third that, you can always ask (aka demand) for 5 mcg of Cytomel to start out with, see if that helps.
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    Grapefruit and thyroid meds do not mix!
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    If you are on medication and your blood tests show normal results, then it is not the reason you aren't losing weight.

    Doctors will often only check TSH and that doesn't show the full picture. They may need T3 medication before they can lose weight.

    Also the UK has a much higher TSH range of what is considered normal.
  • moira1968
    moira1968 Posts: 17 Member
    It should be noted that blood test assays vary from country to country, so posting your blood result numbers is not useful. I had to get used to different ranges when I moved from UK to Ireland because the labs used a different form of testing.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    My TSH levels were 3.3 last time they got checked last year. Should I get them checked again? I was also Vitamin D deficient. I'm not losing weight as easy this time as I did two years ago and I'm wondering if this is partially to blame.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Grapefruit and thyroid meds do not mix!

    Grapefruit doesn't mix with A LOT of meds! Always check for food interactions from a reliable source like your doc or pharmacist. Or the drug manyfacturer's website.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    onyxgirl17 wrote: »
    My TSH levels were 3.3 last time they got checked last year. Should I get them checked again? I was also Vitamin D deficient. I'm not losing weight as easy this time as I did two years ago and I'm wondering if this is partially to blame.

    Do you know what standard your doc/lab/insurance uses for hypothyroid? Some use 3, mine uses 4. Your vitamin d deficiency could be causing fatigue, making it hard to move and thus harder to lose weight by being more sedentary.

    The normal range is a range. If you still don't feel OK, talk to your doctor about your on-going symptoms. Maybe your sweet spot is a different point in that range.