How do I get more energy!?!?!?!?!

I just started up my weight loss and fitness health kick about a month ago. I was doing great for the first 20 days. My digestive was on track, which gave me the energy needed for a while and then these last 10 days I feel like I've been ran over by the exhaustion bus. I've lost all motivation and energy. Which is weird because I was still eating healthy to keep up my energy levels and drinking plenty of water and exercising, but still not enough. I just feel drained and I'm struggling to even find the energy to make a healthy meal. Any advice how to get out of this rut!? Please and thanks to all.


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    How many calories do you average per day? Are you eating back any exercise calories?
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited March 2017
    What @pinuplove said. And are you getting enough sleep?
  • Harrisonk86
    Harrisonk86 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm averaging around 1400 calories a day after workout, and I have been getting more than enough rest. I'm thinking if I can't kick it soon I might need to go to my dr.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    and you've lost 6lbs in a month? You could try adding 250 calories a day (or start with 100 maybe) which would slow your loss to 1lb/week. I lost 35lbs at that pace and would not have wanted to go faster.

    Is your new diet low/no carb or fat?

    Do you take vitamin D? This is the time of year that people have seasonal depression even if they eat healthy. I was feeling this way for the last couple weeks, but its a combo of not eating enough and a little depression. Upping my calories, revamping my workout schedule, and vitamins have turned it around.

    Talking to your doctor is a good idea if a few tweaks don't help :)

    Hope you feel better!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Sounds like your rate of loss goal is a bit high and you may not be eating back enough of your exercice calories.

    Up your calories/eat back more of your exercise calories. and see if that helps.
    Also have a look at your nutrition. If you are low on protein and fats you may have to tweak your diet a little.

    As @lilawolf mentioned- a visit to your doc and a blood panel would be a good idea.

    Cheers, h.
  • domeofstars
    domeofstars Posts: 480 Member
    You don't have enough energy because you've cut your calories too low especially with your exercise. As someone else has suggested you could upp your calories a bit. You could try eating 1500 a day for a week and see how you feel. If that helps your energy, great. If it doesn't go up to 1600 for a week. If you lose weight too quickly you risk losing lean muscle which is active metabolic tissue. Which means your metabolism is lowered meaning its a lot easier to gain weight again and harder to maintain any weight loss you do have in the long term. If upping your calories doesn't help your energy see your doctor and get your blood tested.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That MFP eating goal was with the expectation of NO exercise being done - and you exactly matching the activity level you selected.

    Most people actually aren't Sedentary level, even if their job is desk job.

    You do more, you eat more. Since you are exercising, you should never eat your base level calories - always more.

    Think down the road - where is your eating level going to be if that low now with exercise, and you plan to lose a good chunk of weight meaning you'll burn even less daily.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Maybe you need a break. Eat at maintenance for a few days and rest. See if you feel better. It's the sort of thing that works for me.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I drink tea when I am starving, tired and waiting for my food to be done. I also try to keep quick treats like candy out of the house.
    Like others have suggested, you might be too much in a deficit. Even eating all your calories for a week and then cutting back again might help
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    When my energy drops or I get to craving food, I'm starting to learn I'm not eating enough and I need to up my calories for a meal or even two. I track it. I always feel better and even if I gain a pound, that can be lost.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Are you working out every day? I find that my fitness improves if I work out every other day, giving a full day for recovery. I work out at most three days a week.

    How are your macros? Are you getting enough protein?

    The general checkup is a good idea too.
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    Maybe add a bit more calories if you're active you definitely need more than that. B complex supplement support energy and metabolism. It doesn't give you a lot of boost but it's beneficial. I do notice I get sluggish if I don't workout for a day so I always make it a priority to workout first thing before I start my day and I feel better the whole day I get more things done. But if you're still having fatigue no matter what you do run it by your dr of having tests done for thyroid, iron, or any possible deficiencies
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    If you're averaging 1400 calories a day and let's say burning 400 calories in exercise, your NET CALORIES are 1000. And that may be too low. Especially if your macro/micronutrient profile isn't being met correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • katsoslim
    katsoslim Posts: 39 Member
    Maybe you're in a slump? Talk to a friend, or your doctor if it last more than a couple weeks. If it's just hormonal/low energy, get your blood checked for possible nutritional deficiencies (low iron comes to mind first) and in the meantime try a little ACV in your water throughout the day and some fresh air. Hope you feel better soon! :)
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Are you possibly getting TOO much sleep?

    As others have said, eat at maintenance for a few days. It should help reboot you.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    Change up your routine for a few days. Such as eating habits, maybe go biking or tennis instead of running. Do something just for fun but maybe a little active. Listen to your body.
  • starfruit132
    starfruit132 Posts: 291 Member
    I try to eat more carbs like pasta in the evening when I feel sluggish in the mornings. For some reason, the carbs give me more energy. Also, are you cutting back on caffeine all of a sudden?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    How often are you exercising? I find I sometimes need a rest day just to get my energy levels back. Also low vitamin D levels can make you feel sluggish.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    Not enough gas in the tank.... eat more
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Eat well! Non processed foods like fruits and veggies, as many as you can raw, and get to bed early so you can wake up earlier. Stay away from alcohol, fast food, candy, etc. it will take a couple of weeks but after your body adjusts, you'll feel great!