Black sheep

Does anyone else feel they are totally alone and the "odd one out" when it comes to love of clean eating and exercise. I deleted my food and fitness blog on instagram because I suppose I didn't want to be judged for not been the "norm" I'll not change my lifestyle choices and my love of living a cleaner and healthier lifestyle but do miss sharing it with like minded people. I hope to one day meet like minded ppl who are passionate about it as much as I am. I'd like to start up a blog up again because I genuinely enjoyed it


  • amyr271
    amyr271 Posts: 343 Member
    So if you were sharing your thoughts with like minded people on instagram, then how were you out of the 'norm'?

    You were surrounded with similar people?
  • amyr271
    amyr271 Posts: 343 Member
    Only reason I dislike blogging is because of anxiety I have at present. This post was to express my thoughts on blogging and feeling like you don't belong in your social circle majority of the time.

    Then change your social circle if it bothers you that much? If you enjoy blogging and the people you meet through it, don't give it up! You're the one helping yourself.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I don't eat clean.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Odd one out yes as I don't smoke and barely drink. Alone no, don't see why it should
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You can blog on myfitnesspal.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You can have a blog without telling your family or friends about it. Share it with those who have similar type of blogs. If you follow or like or comment blogs and posts the blogger may follow you.

    I had a wordpress blog and it was fairly easy to find others on wordpress with similar blogs to connect with.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,481 Member
    "Odd one out"? Yes, frequently. If we don't want to end up overweight with associated issues, we gotta go our own way. Not always easy. Hang in.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Yes. I have to eat everything from scratch due to health issues beyond weight. I bring my own food to outings all the time. At first people found it so strange and silly, and would try to push food on me. I refused consistently, and eventually they realized how serious I was. After a while, most stopped caring.

    It's still difficult sometimes because in my culture, it's considered incredibly rude to refuse food in someone's house. My friends and most aunties don't care now, but there are a couple that still make passive comments. I just limit my contact as much as possible.

    I want to write a blog as well. I am at a place where it doesn't matter what other people think (not as much, anyway), so My only issue is figuring out a decent title lol.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I came across this poem the other day. I wish I knew more about the author.
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    I've always been 'off' and sort of beat to a different drum. I've realized that as I've gotten older, I find friends who are very similar to me and have similar characteristics but it does involve establishing really intimate relationships with others and me being very open.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    "Odd one out"? Yes, frequently. If we don't want to end up overweight with associated issues, we gotta go our own way. Not always easy. Hang in.
    This. Just do your own thing. Be different. It's your life and you get to run it. Let your family members run their own and if they put you down have the grace to ignore it. They're family, after all.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    I listened to a podcast on this very subject today. It's called 40+ fitness but anyone would benefit. Its free on castbox and most any of those free podcast apps. The title of the topic is "Health and Fitness Saboteurs." he has some great ideas that will help u.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't communicate with friends and family through blogging (I do have a FB page but don't post on it much, and if I did I wouldn't post about what I am eating). I don't drink and probably wouldn't follow people who were blogging about drinking or partying or whatever but then my friends and family mostly FB about their kids and getting together with various others I know and some community stuff and other non food and drink related things. They might post something on a special meal (but then I like nice restaurant meals too) or a race or hike or bike ride or something, or a vacation, and I've posted race and outdoors and vacation things too.

    I guess what I'd suggest is thinking about what your goals are in using the social media you do. Then act accordingly and be happy.

    Oh, and I enjoy exercise and training for things and eating healthfully, but don't consider that to mean I can't be a foodie and enjoy interesting new restaurants or higher cal food on occasion, and I also don't use the term "clean" since I think it suggests that I am judging other foods as non clean and also puts on me expectations (no processed foods every, as if there weren't lots of perfectly healthful processed foods like greek yogurt or smoked salmon or a lovely pasta dish with vegetables and lean meat or using some cheese or olive oil as accents, etc.) that I think are pointless and I would always be falling short about. (Maybe I'm wrong, but when someone uses the term "eat clean" I tend to think they are likely to be preachy and judgmental about what others do.)
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    I either don't bring it up or I watch my tone. It's too easy to come off as a sanctimonious scold, and I try to be more Ray Smuckles than Pat, if you feel me.