25-30 year olds looking to lose 50pounds



  • RaenaLynn
    RaenaLynn Posts: 87 Member
    26 and need to lose about 60 :dizzy:
  • MariannePhoto
    MariannePhoto Posts: 75 Member
    31 (but I look 16 ha) and wanting to lose around 35-50 more.
  • Yivs_87
    Yivs_87 Posts: 246 Member
    Turning 30 in a couple of months. Want to lose 40 lbs. Always looking for more friends :)
  • SarahFromWalthamForest
    28 need to lose 50-74lbs.
  • jaroby
    jaroby Posts: 152 Member
    I love this! I'm freshly 29 and I really don't know exactly how much I want/need to lose...somewhere between 30-50lbs? All depends on how I look and feel. The last time I was around 140 (what I would be after a 50lb loss) was wayyyyyy before kids...we're talking college days. I currently am MUCH stronger so I think it's possible for me to "look" 140 but actually weigh more.

    Yeah? Yeah.

    Feel free to add me please!

    *side note*
    I'm currently breastfeeding (BF) kiddo #2. She's almost 1yr and is showing signs of being ready to wean. My body holds on TIGHT to fat while I'm BF. Also, I (and the hubs) don't feel as though our family is complete yet so I'm trying to time out weaning the baby at the right time so I can give myself a bit to burn off the residual fat from 2 babies before we try for baby #3. I don't feel rushed but I'm definitely motivated! I'm also mentally preparing for the reality that I might decide to hit pause on the weight loss before trying for baby #3. Not because it's not important to me, but because my whole mentality around weight loss is the healthiest it's ever been. I'll be active and eating well my entire life. The weight will come off. There's no fear about that. So if it's time to try and I'm not at goal then the goal get "paused" until baby #3 is conceived, born and weaned
  • kautrinamorgan
    kautrinamorgan Posts: 1 Member
    We just had our 3rd. Currently nursing too. Good luck!!!
  • mr910354
    mr910354 Posts: 11 Member
    Im 27 and recently lost 42lbs total (a little less since joining mfp as I lost some before joining). Hoping to lose another 8
  • aferr12
    aferr12 Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm so fed up with myself. I haven't fully logged in here (despite what mfp says lol) and I've only gained weight. I am so sick of being fat! Every day is the same thing: wake up, tell myself that I'm going to eat healthy and log my food. I never do. Why? Because this is *kitten*. I know that I love food and have an unhealthy relationship with it. I don't know how many times I need to relearn this lesson before I'm guilty of it again-that for me, that I need to fill this empty void with something meaningful, not with food. Also, I need to meal prep to avoid all of my potential pitfalls and I need to keep myself accountable by logging on mfp. I am sooo sick of being fat and unhappy. When is this going to end? Will I ever lose weight? Uggghhh.

    Some ideas for becoming happier:

    Learn something new

    What are some revelations you've had lately?
  • Zoltansbeard
    Zoltansbeard Posts: 27 Member
    aferr12 wrote: »
    I'm so fed up with myself. I haven't fully logged in here (despite what mfp says lol) and I've only gained weight. I am so sick of being fat! Every day is the same thing: wake up, tell myself that I'm going to eat healthy and log my food. I never do. Why? Because this is *kitten*. I know that I love food and have an unhealthy relationship with it. I don't know how many times I need to relearn this lesson before I'm guilty of it again-that for me, that I need to fill this empty void with something meaningful, not with food. Also, I need to meal prep to avoid all of my potential pitfalls and I need to keep myself accountable by logging on mfp. I am sooo sick of being fat and unhappy. When is this going to end? Will I ever lose weight? Uggghhh.

    Some ideas for becoming happier:

    Learn something new

    What are some revelations you've had lately?

    I was in a very simillar mindset just 2 Weeks ago so i can totally understand you.

    2 revelations i had since then:

    1. It made me cry as a grown man to fully realise and admit to myself that my Emotional Eating is an addiction just like beeing a drug addict or alcoholic. In some ways drugs are worse but with food you cant even stay away from it because you need it on a daily basis. How do you get off an addiction when you cant avoid your "drug" ?

    2. I need to cut myself some slack and quit beating myself up when i have a bad meal, bad day or even a bad week. The damage you can do with one bad day is suprisingly limited. You can only very little actual fat from one day to another no matter how much you ate. I will never give up on my long term goal and not beat myself up again over a bad short term stretch.

  • TaraJohnson2015
    TaraJohnson2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 26 and looking to loose 60lbs it's truly inspiring to see other people who are motivated and still battling the challenge called life. With a husband, kid, full time job and going back for my masters I just don't feel like I have time for me and I feel like that is the hardest part for me. Looking to gain some support through this group!
  • aferr12
    aferr12 Posts: 27 Member
    zoltan's beard:
    This is what sucks for us. Food is our drug and we can't even avoid it, yet people think doing so is easy. Definitely not. And I understand the guilt about bad days. I feel like it's because we overeat so often and it feels ridiculous cheating when you're fat. But everyone deserves a day : )


    You're an inspiration! I just completed my masters and that's without having a family, so I don't know how you're doing it. Honestly, meal prep is a good idea I think. It may seem overwhelming at first, but it will make life so much easier. Good luck and keep posting here.
  • aferr12
    aferr12 Posts: 27 Member
    Btw, mfp changed my "bs" comment to *kitten.* I didn't realize that I couldn't curse on here. haha
  • lrb142014
    lrb142014 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone. I am 27 currently working to lose 20-30lbs. I am down 107lbs already. Seems that as I get closer to my goal, weight loss gets tougher. Always open to meeting others to provide support and encouragement. Feel free to add me! All the best to everyone on their journey!!
  • Tatatainment
    Tatatainment Posts: 3 Member
  • barrettjessann6510
    barrettjessann6510 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 26 and looking to lose 30! I don't know if 30 is too low for this group.. but I would really love to stay connected and motivated! 30 is a starter. I know I could lose more from there but I can't recall the last time I weighed in that bracket so I'd have to pay by ear by what's actually healthy for me when I get to that point. But it's getting there that is the thing! So feel free to add me :)
  • justme4158
    justme4158 Posts: 1 Member
    29 looking to lose 30 add me :)
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am "granny" , 31 :D But maybe I can sneak in? :)

    I have around 40lbs to loose.
  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    aferr12 wrote: »
    I'm so fed up with myself. I haven't fully logged in here (despite what mfp says lol) and I've only gained weight. I am so sick of being fat! Every day is the same thing: wake up, tell myself that I'm going to eat healthy and log my food. I never do. Why? Because this is *kitten*. I know that I love food and have an unhealthy relationship with it. I don't know how many times I need to relearn this lesson before I'm guilty of it again-that for me, that I need to fill this empty void with something meaningful, not with food. Also, I need to meal prep to avoid all of my potential pitfalls and I need to keep myself accountable by logging on mfp. I am sooo sick of being fat and unhappy. When is this going to end? Will I ever lose weight? Uggghhh.

    Some ideas for becoming happier:

    Learn something new

    What are some revelations you've had lately?

    I know the struggle, dear! Food is so very addictive for me as well, sadly. I should try meal prepping. Never done it because I like to vary what I eat and feel like I then would have to eat the same food all week. But I am pretty sure, it would make my life a lot easier :smile:

    My biggest struggle I had lately was being patient with myself. I realised that whenever I get really upset and disappointed after going over my calorie goal (resulting in getting way to hard on myself) usually is when I am being very impatient and wanting to reach my goal weight asap. So I have to keep reminding myself that this is not a sprint and it may take all the time in the world. And that it's ok to fall off the waggon as long as I get back at it. Weight loss is about so much more than losing fat. It is about getting confronted with who I am, overcome my fears and struggles and learn and grow.

    Also in addition to your great happiness list: I love the impact of a gratitude journal or diary. Really helps getting into a positive and grateful mindset :blush:

    I think talking about your ups and downs and experiences is the best way to reach for support and help, stay accountable and help others with the same struggle. So you get a big thumb up for that! Don't give up!

  • X100KLS1992
    X100KLS1992 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi. I'm going to be 25 in a few months. I have a bit more than 50lbs to lose. I had a baby in Januaryso have lost a few stone. A lot more to go x
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    26 and looking to lose 50-60! Feel free to add me :]