Diets are a freaking waste of time!

Whhhhyyyyy do I diet? Because I wanted quick results, but did I ever stop to think of lasting results. I used to think that the diet would help me lose weight (sometime it did and sometimes it didnt). When it did I felt confidENT until life became real again and I couldn't stick with the DIET for life. For over 12 years I have dieted and I'm done! Done! Done! All diets have brought me is extreme GUILT! made me feel like a failure, sad and total misery. I have not failed, my diet failed me.

I'm tired of wasting time and feeling guilty if I eat a slice of pizza or eat ice cream on a rare occasion. I'm going to track calories. I may not be totally perfect at it, but change takes time. I'm going to work on cutting down portion sizes while still enjoying the things I like.

Here's to a newer, happier me!


  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    I was the exact same and kept gaining and yo-yo dieting. Awful way to live.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    I've been trying without success to convince my sister in law of this. As I type she's on yet another round of low carb "clean eating". Why she's doing that yet again, after seeing my success and after it hasn't worked long-term the last 3 or 4 times she's done this, I'll never get.
  • bertygriffith
    bertygriffith Posts: 48 Member
    Wonderful revelation! Wishing you much success!
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    edited March 2017
    Deleted due to technical issue.
  • Emican2020
    Emican2020 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone. It makes me feel that much more confident that this time I'm doing it right. I want this soooo bad.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I think you are well on the path to success with your attitude. A diet will never work if you can not sustain it for life. If it is unsustainable because you are denying yourself of too much you will always resort back to your old habits. Some can do something like LCHF and continue doing it for years but if you know you couldn't then don't even bother going down that path to begin with. It is just one of many tools out there to lose weight.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • ProgressNotPerfectionIAmEnough
    I have done the diets over and over again as well. I always gain more after each round than I did the times before. Good luck!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Good luck
  • aldavid18
    aldavid18 Posts: 29 Member
    Agree whole heartedly with your change of attitude and thinking. If you enjoy pizza have some. If you like a beer, have one. Just fit it into your MFP #'s and carry on. I'd rather be happy and a little over my daily goal than miserable and being under. Do a little extra exercise if you have too. Mental happiness is as important as physical to me. Best of luck with your new attitude:)
  • mrspett323
    mrspett323 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes honey!!! Release that restriction and live by making reasonable choices, moderation and loving yourself! I think we all have been there and can relate, it feels good knowing that the program you have created for yourself is by you and for you! Everybody's mission is different and what works for one may not work for another. Learning about yourself, educating yourself and staying focused is key! We all are gonna hit bumps along this journey but along the way ,our goals are the same!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    emilykc822 wrote: »
    Whhhhyyyyy do I diet? Because I wanted quick results, but did I ever stop to think of lasting results. I used to think that the diet would help me lose weight (sometime it did and sometimes it didnt). When it did I felt confidENT until life became real again and I couldn't stick with the DIET for life. For over 12 years I have dieted and I'm done! Done! Done! All diets have brought me is extreme GUILT! made me feel like a failure, sad and total misery. I have not failed, my diet failed me.

    I'm tired of wasting time and feeling guilty if I eat a slice of pizza or eat ice cream on a rare occasion. I'm going to track calories. I may not be totally perfect at it, but change takes time. I'm going to work on cutting down portion sizes while still enjoying the things I like.

    Here's to a newer, happier me!

    I support your new healthy mindset and am with you on abandoning overly restrictive fad diets. But 'cutting portions' is still dieting.