High fats low carb - not losing weight



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    So I guess using some people's logic in here most vegans (usually hclf) should he super duper obese because omg carbs make you fat?

    Consider this comment OP - all vegans are not fat. And, there are plenty of vegan bodybuilders and elite athletes. They are clearly not overweight. Vegans can be overweight, as can a person on any sort of diet as it is not type of diet that dictates weight, but rather how much one eats.

    OP - I sincerely hope you can cut through the ridiculous claims in this thread about the importance of eating low carb for weight loss. Based on the title of your thread, I'm assuming you have some sort of belief that eating LCHF means you should be dropping weight, but yet you also mention eating an average of 1500 calories a day (and don't mention where you got that number from), and then you mentioned how you may start upping your exercise. This leads me to believe you may not fully understand the process.

    You need to eat in a deficit - take in fewer calories than your body burns - to lose weight. For weight loss purposes, it does not matter where those calories come from. That might be where you want to start - are you logging accurately (this includes choosing accurate entries from the database)?

    Additionally, as several have mentioned, weight loss is not linear and the closer you get to goal, especially when in a healthy weight range, the more your weight loss will seem to stall. Again, as several have said, normal fluctuations can mask actual loss. It's important to understand this or you may drive yourself crazy and start trying to change things all over the place when what you really need to do is have patience.

    I am on (what I expect to be) my last 15 pounds or so. I just started upping my daily walking and started a bodyweight training program after having not lifted weights since I had two injuries last spring and summer (not due to lifting). I will spend days/weeks mostly at one number (I weigh daily and track the trend with trendweight.com), maybe go up a pound, back down, down a pound, back up, then finally go down maybe half a pound and remain steady and then start the fluctuations all over again before dropping another half pound or pound. I know I'm eating at a deficit and I started a new exercise regime (retaining water), so I just accept it (sometimes gritting my teeth) and keep going. I know the scale will move downwards over time. I could make my deficit bigger if I wanted to see more steady losses, but being close to goal, I do not want to risk more muscle loss than necessary. So I keep my goal at half a pound a week.

    Patience and consistency are necessary to be successful at weight loss. Given how many people regain after weight loss, I would say that it's good to develop patience and consistency while losing as you'll need to be consistent in maintenance as well. Also, consider whether LCHF is how you want to eat for the rest of your life. If the answer is no, you might want to consider a different way of eating now.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I have done both the woes of the lchf and hclf. I lost weight on both and gained weight on both. I like to eat nothing but bread and fruit actually, unfortunately eventually it gets out of hand and I eat excessive amounts. I can overeat on low carb too. Admittedly I found myself unable to do really low or no carb, it doesnt agree with my digestion. I did a keto diet a few years ago and after a few months of feeling lousy in ketosis I jumped back into vegetarian high carb. Now I'm eating lowish carbs, dairy, vegetables, fish, a little fruit, in fresh foods. I'm more stable. No advice, just experience.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    cbarann89 wrote: »
    Keto diet isn't just about losing weight it's about changing your whole lifestyle around. I know
    Many many people who are using this way of eating and have lost drastically when doing it correctly and not cheating. I wouldn't knock it to you try it . Many health benefits . I lost 19 pounds my first 3 weeks . Pretty

    I've tried it.

    I certainly knock it.

    It was one of the worst experiences in my losing weight because I believed the drivel of how aaahhhhhnazing keto/lost w carb is. If you call spending several days a week in the bathroom amazing, I'd hate to see what horrible is. That's great that it works for some people, but for me it was painful hell.

    It's not a magical weight loss diet. A bit of water weight loss in the first few weeks is cool, but not worth it due to the weight loss outcomes from all calorie restricted diets being the same. Meh. I'd rather eat and be comfortable and happy.

    I lost 13lvs of water weight in 1 week. Sorry, but it's just water weight. Big deal.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    So I'm a lb shy of being a healthy weight in terms of BMI. I want to lose another 14lb. I haven't lost in two weeks, as per title I'm following a high fat low carb diet recently. I've not lost a lb, I've started exercising (once a week at body combat) I'm fairly active in the day as I'm a mum to two little people! Not sure where I'm going wrong, do I need to exercise more? I went for the high fat low carb route as lots of the food I already eat so it just logging it all, eating I'd say 1500 cal a day

    With only 14 pounds to lose, it's going to be slow. Many women who are close to goal just notice weight loss after their period - where are you in your menstrual cycle?

    Also, since you've just started body combat, you could be retaining some water from that, which would mask fat loss.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    So I guess using some people's logic in here most vegans (usually hclf) should he super duper obese because omg carbs make you fat?

    Yes, I spent three years living in vegetarian yoga retreat centers where the food was inherently HCLF. The live-in staff and guests were fitter than the general population. Perhaps yoga magically negates the magical fat-storage powers of carbs? :D