What was your final straw?



  • kellylynnshonting
    kellylynnshonting Posts: 108 Member
    edited March 2017
    My last straw has been everything that I have done to myself while my body has taken (and handled) care of far more than it should have too. I had found a way to take care of everyone and everything else in my life while I put myself on hold and I was feeling it on every level. Something has to give.
  • TheRambler
    TheRambler Posts: 387 Member
    Renewed​my passport. Old passport= 10 years ago. New passport = who ate me??
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    As of Jan 1: Diet or buy new pants. As of today: I get to keep the pants.
  • dave6857
    dave6857 Posts: 8 Member
    When my clothes almost wouldn't fit. I knew a change was needed. Also, now that I'm a dad, I realized I want to be around as long as possible to see them grow up. Staying healthy is the best way to help that goal.
  • Nat97x
    Nat97x Posts: 19 Member
    The last straw for me was when i was asked if I'm pregnant, because the "baby bump" is starting to show. I find that to be hurtful, yet quite comical but it did motivate me to come back to MFP and commit to weight loss and not gain it all back this time around.
  • april111213
    april111213 Posts: 21 Member
    I just stopped chemotherapy and steroids so I know that's why I gained a lot in the last year. But I am also sick of my horrible eating habits. I'm 100 lbs overweight. I get winded playing with my daughter. I'm so ready to be healthy.
  • DaftSheep
    DaftSheep Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2017
    My decision was kind of a combination of things. Around Christmas I was just looking at my boyfriend who is very thin but assures me always that he doesn't care if I'm fat or not, he had only known me this way so why would he care? He is an outstanding human being and I just had this thought like "he loves me for me, but why not be a better me?" I had always been fat, always always, and this was my first REAL attempt at losing it. I made it my "New years resolution" and had my last fast food meal (Taco bell, my fave) on December 31st. Things went good until maybe late February/early March when he took me out to dinner one day. I was like man, this is so much better and easier than making all my own food.... So I stopped. For a good two weeks, I not only went back to eating fast food, I was eating it 2-3 times a day. Then one day my boyfriend wanted McDonald's breakfast before work so we drove out and took it back home. I was thinking "a breakfast burrito meal can't be that much, right? I'll just see" so out of nowhere I went back into MFP and logged my two burritos, hash brown plus finishing my boyfriends hash brown (he said it was too potato-y, I'm like it's made of potatoes!! LOL), and my small orange juice...... My jaw dropped when I saw the number - over 1,000 calories! MFP had given me a calorie limit of 1,310.... I was shocked, and immediately went grocery shopping! And here I am, down 26 pounds as of yesterday. Still on a journey, but I'm finally seeing differences and I know it will be worth it

    Always looking for other people to share the journey with, so let's be friends!
  • katiehughessy1
    katiehughessy1 Posts: 2 Member
    My point was seeing a unexpected photo of me playing with my toddler and realising I have no neck
  • kiwi_kisses
    kiwi_kisses Posts: 11 Member
    Seeing my picture at my sons 1 yr old birthday party, 2 months ago!!!
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    I was at a formal event in a long red silk gown and someone told me I looked like the famous drag queen Divine. Fine if that's what you want but so not what I want.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    Recently my motivation has been "Man, I just got rid of my bigger pants last year, I REALLY don't want to buy those bigger pants again."

    So that's my strategy: Whenever I can, I buy smaller pants and throw out all the bigger ones. My weight loss plan coincides with a tight budget, and I make sure that next-size-up clothes are NEVER in the budget, so I'd better make *kitten* sure I fit in the clothes I have.