Help with weights.

I just joined a gym. I am doing the elliptical, Zumba (well the other people there are doing Zumba I don't know WTH I'm doing). I want to use the weights. I'm not sure what machines to use and how many reps and weights to use?. I'm..215 and 5'3"... Just joined my fitness pal five days ago. And I have been given 1560 calories a day. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    I would start with light weights and do 8 to 12 reps and 3 to four sets hope that helps u should speak to a trainer at your gym
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    work with a trainer on your form, just to ensure that you're doing everything with the right motions/movements. improper form will only lead to the dark side.

    also, check out these:
    New Rules Of Lifting For Women
    Starting Strength

    and each of these programs have groups on here. Don't just take some blanket advice like "Hey, pick up stuff this many times" as provided above. You need to warm up, understand proper form, how/when to rest, how fast to progress, etc.
  • canridge1
    canridge1 Posts: 3 Member
    Zumba is my FAVE. I do it every night. You will adjust to it and learn to love it. I felt like an utter idiot my first month or so. I got a Zumba kit with several dvds for my home and that's where I felt most comfortable. I have the Zumba step kit and trust me, it's well worth the money. So many dvds and resources, equipment, & cookbooks. I love the elliptical as well, but just be careful on it. I did the elliptical so much when I first started my journey that I got illotibial band syndrome from it which was NOT pleasant to say the very least. It can still be hard on your knees, even if many say it is not. Proper form is really key. You want to definitely do lots of cardio which it sounds like you're incorporating. As far as weights go, I'll agree with another comment above, keep it light. I bought a pair of 3 pound dumbells and that's what I use for my arms. Pop fitness on YouTube is a great resource for workouts, also I just Pinterest arm excercises and reps. As far as Zumba goes, aside from my kit I also YouTube Dance Firness with Jessica. She is GREAT. Also, refit cardio dance on YouTube. Best of luck!
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    work with a trainer on your form, just to ensure that you're doing everything with the right motions/movements. improper form will only lead to the dark side.

    also, check out these:
    New Rules Of Lifting For Women
    Starting Strength

    and each of these programs have groups on here. Don't just take some blanket advice like "Hey, pick up stuff this many times" as provided above. You need to warm up, understand proper form, how/when to rest, how fast to progress, etc.

    This is good advice! When I first started lifting, I really wanted to learn what I was doing first. New Rules of Lifting was a great starting point, and I would also watch videos on YouTube to see form. Lifting is awesome and will make you feel strong and confident. It tightens things up in a way that cardio does not.
  • april111213
    april111213 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. I really appreciate your help!