How Accurate Are These Wristband Trackers?

Been meaning to post this for awhile. I have the Under Armour band that syncs with MFP. But I have noticed a difference in how I workout and calories burned that makes me question how accurate the band is.

For instance, when I first began working out months ago, I would do a straight 20-30 mins of weights, core and cardio (with no breaks) and in the end would burn 205-250 calories.

Now I have been working out while watching TV, taking my time and taking small breaks in between sets. So I'd do 3 exercises, then sit and rest for 1-2 mins, then do a few more, then break again, etc. I would only get about half of my workout in but in twice the time (45 mins) but still burned a solid 250+.

Another time, I planned a 45 min workout. I ended up doing 15 mins, then sat and watched TV for the rest of the 30 and still burned about 250.

So how is it I am able to burn the same amount when doing a full workout with no break as a half workout with breaks??

Is it that your body continues to burn, even at rest?


  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Yes, you're body burns calories every minute of every day, so that is at least part of the equation. As for the rest... How were you tracking your calorie burn before you got the band? Are you doing the exact same workout now (same weights, same "cardio") as before? Using heavier weights, or doing a different type of cardio can also affect your calorie burn.

  • lilcharmer214
    lilcharmer214 Posts: 75 Member
    jennkain97 wrote: »
    Yes, you're body burns calories every minute of every day, so that is at least part of the equation. As for the rest... How were you tracking your calorie burn before you got the band? Are you doing the exact same workout now (same weights, same "cardio") as before? Using heavier weights, or doing a different type of cardio can also affect your calorie burn.

    I don't think I used any tracking method before the bands. I would just put in my weights and reps in MFP and whatever it said is what I used.

    It is the same workout with small variations but I have upped my dumbbells from 8 to 12 lbs. Didn't think of that.