Any Michigander's hating the heatwave?

AJDL Posts: 16 Member
I live in Michigan, and the past 6 days have been over 90 degrees. So irregular! It really is not helping me in the exercise department. I love to run(actually lost 15lbs last yr, just from running, then got pregnant), but in this heat, I like to sit in the AC and eat popsicles(Edy's no sugar added real fruit pops) with my kids. I haven't had any weight fluctuation since I haven't been exercising(duh!!). Anyone else feeling the heat?


  • mkateweis
    mkateweis Posts: 24 Member
    melting in the suburbs of detroit! hard to keep motivated. will it ever end??
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    Yes!!! Working out has been killing me this week!! Let it end!!!! lol
  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    It's all over the country!!! Just push thru it. It was 111 with heat index here today. Just get a camelback and move on! Yeeee haaaaaaw
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Just one state under you and it has been miserable... 116 yesterday and 113 today with the heat index. Humid, too. Do want cooler weather soon.
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    Miserable here in Kalamazoo... wish the temps would cool down so I could go outside more!
  • kiki40
    kiki40 Posts: 19
    I feel your pain!! I live in Windsor, Canada, just across the border from you. Hopefully we don't have many more days left of this heatwave!!
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    I lived in MI for 31 years, and I know the humidity can be killer, reside in Austin TX now, and it has been in the triple digits for the better part of 5 weeks now, but the humidity isn't there, I love it
  • mommy2kynnedy
    mommy2kynnedy Posts: 17 Member
    Yes!!!! I live in souteast MI and have been wanting to run but its to dang hot! I just had a baby at the end of April and wanted to go for morning walks with her this week before I go back to work from maternity next can do...ITS TOO HOT :(
  • beckyann858
    beckyann858 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm also in the suburbs of Detroit, and OMG!! I'm doing my very very best not to complain because I'll take the heat over the snow any day, but working out has been a nightmare! I'm being extra vigilant about drinking water, and I hope all of you are doing the same! Try to stay cool! :glasses:
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    This Hoosier has had enough of it also. High 90's for weeks and into the triple digits last couple days. It sucks, but I have been running. I try to go at dusk, drink extra water all day, and route my run through neighborhoods so I can get several cooling sprays from the sprinklers. Just think how much easier our runs will seem once it cools off. :happy:
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    It is miserable! I haven't been out walking in days--just the bare minimum on the Wii. I miss my early morning walks!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    Southeastern MI baby and it is HOT, HOT, HOT...and humid. UGH...staying inside mostly thank goodness the gym has good Michigan folk are not used to this craziness, give me 10 degrees any day over this...I like cozy fires and cold weather allows this..not this hot crap we are getting right now, air conditioner can't even keep up
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I'm not a Michigander, I'm a Marylander, and the heat is on along the east coast too. It's been in the 90's all week and today it hit 101, Friday to be 103 and Saturday 102 is forecast. Those are the temps WITHOUT the humidity. Today the air was so saturated and hot you couldn't catch your breath. It's 11pm and still 89 degrees. No exercise going on in the outdoors for me. I love cold weather.
  • _CLEAN_
    _CLEAN_ Posts: 6
    It's over 34 states so it's not just us. Crazy heat!
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I am from Ohio and its miserable hot here. Can't wait for the heat to be gone. I bought a bike a week ago and its been too hot to ride. I REALLY want to ride my bike!!! Keep the water going in everyone and it will hopefully be over soon!!!
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    Sweltering in New Jersey too with temps in the 100s and high humidity. Yesterday I was just barely able to get my morning walk in but felt really sick for a little while after with fatigue and nausea. Decided to pass on a workout today because ending up in the ER with heatstroke isn't worth it.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Suburb of Detroit here, and I am DYING. I also am having a bout of Vertigo from (supposedly) flying so I am not running outside until it's cooler and the world stops spinning : (
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I know what you mean. Yesterday was brutal. Walking to my car at lunch, I thought I would melt before I got there.

    I did go to my Olympic lifting class yesterday. It was slightly cooler inside, but not much. I probably lost 5lbs of sweat! (I wish, but I do know that I was able to wring out my handkerchief that I use to wipe my sweat while I was working.)

    You can try to get out in the mornings before it gets too hot for your run. Plus, we're cooling off now, only going into the low 90s today!! (That's really sad.)

    Good luck and stay cool!!
  • Scott156
    Scott156 Posts: 13
    I'm in SE Michigan and yes I am tired of it. It's really put a halt on my outdoor activity. My dog is my jogging partner and she's a golden retriever with tons of hair so its WAY too hot for her (and me). But seeing the disappointment in her eyes every morning when I don't grab the leash is killing me..
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Not Michigan, but close enough.. Suburbs of Chicago IL. It's hotter and then hot over here.. and finally right now, is it raining!
    I've only been to the gym twice this week because its so hot.. but I did lift yesterday and plan to go at least once this weekend!