Canadian Team : Crazy Canucks !!!!



  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143

    Challenge Idea's:

    * Drink at least 5 cups of water per day (this will increase each week until we are at 8).

    * 1.5 hours of exercise this week (can be split up at 30 min per day, or whatever works for you).

    Post a message or something on here when you have completed each challenge!

    Yay! I love motivating each other. Everyone else, post what you think would be good too, these are just a few to get us started.

    Thanks for welcoming me to this Canadian Team !!
    Are there any other challenges for us right now, or just the ones quoted above?
    Weigh In is Wednesdays ? is that correct?
    Is someone keeping track of how much weight we have lost as a team ?

    Go Canucks Go !!!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Good day all :flowerforyou:

    Today is weigh-in day (as we all know). When I started MFP in January I started weighing myself on Sundays so I'm going to continue to do that and just report it on Wednesdays here. Just thought I'd mention that as my tticker will change on Sun not Wed :blushing:

    So I lost one pound this week (5 lbs since I started MFP) and I'm down to 165 (yeah me) :bigsmile:

    It's nice when you get to a mini goal like 5 or 10 lbs. I hope you all did well this week.

    Go Team Canada Go!!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    weigh in day,: 154.9 is what the scale says . . . and i did it a couple times this morning to make sure. im just surprised is all . . . it took this site to get me to lose weight and it feels absolutely GREAT!!!!

    hope everyone did great as well!! Good luck Team Canada!!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    HI All!!

    Just wondering if i could join the team? I just started last week and so far am down a bit!! I am really encouraged by some of the people on here and how much they have lost!! It keeps me motivated!

    I weigh myself everyday, so do i just post my Wednesday weight then? If so it was 124.2 on my digital bathroom scale and 123.7 as per my wii fit!

    The 2 challenges i already do as i drink 4 bottles of water a day(500 ml) and go on my treadmill at 30-50 mins. a day, depending how much time i have.

    HAVE A GREAT DAY !!!!!
  • harter97
    harter97 Posts: 44 Member
    We've decided to let Team Alberta go and form a bigger team with the all us crazy

    So please sign up and we can get started.

    I was thinking weigh in on Wednesdays !!!

    Post any ideas you have for keeping the team motivated and on track. :happy:

    Weight today: least it is progress!
    Water challenge: I managed to do it every day - even though I would rather have had a quote
    Fitness: did 30 minutes on weightloss setting 5/7 days (disappointed it says that it only burned 111 calories though!)
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    OK I weighed myself yesterday

    My starting weight was 229 on Jan 19 th

    my current weight is 225.8, Jan 28 th

    I had a glass of milk so far today, but I am going t downstairs to get my water bottle. it's 2 cups and I am so far managing min 3 bottles per day. Yesterday I managed to drink 4 of them for the first time.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    weight lose of 3.4 pounds this week. Good Luck everyone!


    Have a great day!
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    WTG everyone, welcome mom.

    So to make things a little easier for me to track on weigh in days, there will be a thread that says weigh in crazy canucks and then the date. It will be alittle easier if I have everyone weighing in the same spot :happy:
    Also if you just post what your weight was (rather than pounds lost) that is great too cause the spread sheet I have automatically calculates the weight loss and percentage.:happy:

    Thanks everyone and tomorrow i'll post our weekly challenge :happy:
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Weigh in day....:ohwell: weight this morning was 135.5 only lost 1.5 pounds this week. But I did lose a combined total of about 1.5 inches too!:drinker: That is good!! They always say the last 10 pounds are the hardest to come off... I will definatly agree... I will keep plugging away...
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Welcome to the new members of our team !!!

    Calling all Canadians to our team !!! :drinker:
  • ShrinkingMel
    I just joined MFP yesterday and am totally in for joining this team, I have read all the previous posts and I can't even describe how thrilling it is to see such support! No kidding Canadians are the friendliest people, wow.

    Water challenge will actually be a challenge for me. I'm terrible at drinking it. Excercise challenge not so much as I go to the gym for 3hrs/week when the kids are in preschool.

    Starting Weight: 200lbs
    Small Step Goal: 15lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120lbs
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    where has everyone disappeared to..:glasses:
  • harter97
    harter97 Posts: 44 Member
    I am here....still trying to figure out MFP and how to use it to its full potential.

    Hard day - ended up meeting up with a friend and going out for an unplanned lunch. Then had a birthday party where there was ice cream cake yet again - I had avoided it Wednesday and Thursday and two other parties, but I was hormonal and tired and gave in and ate. So here I am at 4:30 and I am already 200 calories over my target. Guess it is no dinner and a walk/jog on the treadmill for me
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    I'm here tonight. I have been doing relaly well at work... I work as an Activity Director in a nursing home and part of my job is to serve coffee/tea and muffins in the morning and coffee/tea and cookies in the afternoon... except the last Friday of the month (today) we have a birthday party for all residents who have a birthday during the month. I have done well and not taken a muffin, cookie or cake... I take fruit along for me and have it before i have to serve snacks to them. Sometimes it is sooooo tempting to have a cookie though:grumble:
    Yesterday I was right on target for my calories and the day before I was way under.. today i went over a bit so I think it will all add up in the end as long as i don't go over the total calories for the week.
    I have had to take some time off from exercise because of my knee.. i over did it the other day and it has been swollen and sore to the point it keeps me awake at night. I hope to get back to it tomorrow.
  • josoleil
    :flowerforyou: Hi, just find out about this site yesterday, I'm from L'Avenir in Québec and love to share my weight lost goal with my Canadian friends.
    I love to exercise but I also love to eat, :devil: my choosing the good food for a better health.
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I'm here, just been super busy with the kids, the house and our business!!

    I have been doing really good the last few days and hope to keep it up, you guys are all my motivation that i can do this!!

    I tell ya though, this site is addicting!! I coulD spend all day on it just reading everyones progress and recipes etc..

    Keep up the GREAT work everyone and HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Great to hear everyone is doing awesome !!!
    Angel take it easy on that knee, i totally know what you're going through, I've had
    2 knee surgeries in the past 7 months and now they tell me they need to do another.
    This is my whole reason for losing weight cause I know that I can't undergo another
    surgery at this weight.:noway: I'm actually hoping that if I lose the weight I won't need the
    surgery in the end, crossing my fingers !!!

    Have a great weekend everyone !!!
    Drink that water !!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    I'm Here, I had a crummy couple of days eating wise. On Wed I made the mistake of eating according to my plan to go to the gym, but I ended upso dizzy I couldn't stand up. Have no idea what was wrong, except I drank a black tea. A BIG no no for me, coffee is bad too. It does something to my system, I get shaky, light headed, dizzy, nauseous and so On. But this time it hit me hard. We then DH stayed home yesterday and we both fell of track, bad bad bad. Today though I did good, I am on target for my calories today, as well as Mon and Tues. I will have to do an extra long walk on the treadmill tomorrow morning And push a little harder at the weights. I don't want to gain anything, I'm ok holding for a week but I don't want to have to redo all of last weeks work. Oh well Tomorrow is a new day, I plan on being good on sunday too. Although I will save calories for some Chili...mmmmmm Can't have football without Chili. Maybe I will try a lower fat recipe.

    Angel def take it easy on that knee. I have knee problems too and the prospect of future knee surgery scares me.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I'm here too. My husband had some time off work so I was spending some time with him (plus he was hogging the computer).

    It's so great that we're getting more members, all the more encouragement.

    I've been doing well with my eating, I just wish my digestion 'issues' would go away. I get bloated and tend to be 'burpy'. I'm avoiding wheat and dairy but my gassiness and indigestion are much better but they haven't gone totally away (which is what I'd like to happen or at least figure out what's causing it.)

    I just want to be able to concentrate on eating healthy and know what my triggers are. It's frustrating having to figure out what makes me this way.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    :frown: This is me. Shivering in Ontario! I'm very new here at MFP but love it already b/c of all the tickers and everyone are postitive and very friendly. Joined just hours ago. A group just for Canucks! I'm in!

    What do we have in common was asked in a post above?

    1. Eh's ...yeah, we do say eh alot.
    2. Tim Horton's
    3. Tim Horton's
    4. Tim Horton's
    5. Family Day! Yeah! Or is that just Ontario? hmmmmm

    I love Canada! Go Canada!

    Challenges: I already drink lots of water everyday and this being in the challenge is a good reminder so is the exercise part. Tks for starting this group and challenges. Best to all.

    Friday, Jan.30=172
    Friday, Feb.6 =
    Goal Weight=134

    Weigh in Day=Friday

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting