Need some uplifting

I was so hungry today that I splurged like a maniac.I ate everything in sight I believe.On top of that I don't feel well but I exercised for 45 minutes anyways.I hope this splurge that I have been on the past few days doesn't cause me to gain all my weight back.I should start my monthly anyday now and I am thinking that might be why I was craving everything in sight.I just want to make better choices when I feel like this especially around the TOM.Thats usually the only time I slpurge like this I have been really strict and staying within my calories up until the week before PMS which is this week.Any ideas on how to not feel so hungry right before PMS and during.


  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I was so hungry today that I splurged like a maniac.I ate everything in sight I believe.On top of that I don't feel well but I exercised for 45 minutes anyways.I hope this splurge that I have been on the past few days doesn't cause me to gain all my weight back.I should start my monthly anyday now and I am thinking that might be why I was craving everything in sight.I just want to make better choices when I feel like this especially around the TOM.Thats usually the only time I slpurge like this I have been really strict and staying within my calories up until the week before PMS which is this week.Any ideas on how to not feel so hungry right before PMS and during.
  • joonieB
    joonieB Posts: 101
    Ack! I feel like I could have written this! I found myself (for the first time since I began here Jan 5th) eating past my set amount of popcorn. And I knew what I was doing but I just kept doing it! I was disappointed in myself because I thought I had "fixed" this problem. I guess what the "old timers" have been saying all along is right--there will be bumps in the road and we won't be perfect every day. This was a good wake-up for me, I guess I was getting cocky or something. But like you, I have been hungry for a few days in a row and it is driving me crazy. I say good luck to us both tomorrow! (And good for you for exercising when you really didn't feel like it)
  • Julie837
    Hi, the same happens to me, and I hate feeling like I'm not in control. I always crave salty stuff and meat, maybe because I'm about to lose some iron, so perhaps it's best just to nibble on low fat proteins. I like 97% fat free lunch meats with dijon mustard and sweet n' hot peppers, wrapped without bread. It's a ton of sodium, but if you flush it with a lot of water, and it's just once a month, then maybe it'll slow you down from snacking on other stuff. Just remember that you can't kill a diet in one day, or even two, so don't make a big deal out of it. You'll feel great by Monday! Julie
  • Erin31
    Erin31 Posts: 4
    :flowerforyou: Don't be too hard on yourself! We all feel like this at times especially around that TOM. Our bodies are quite remarkable, letting us know what they need. Maybe your body is little low in iron and it was craving some (which is usually the case just before starting your monthly). Or maybe you are dehydrated and you body is asking for lots of food with high water content. Or it could just be all those wonderful hormones that we ladies are so blessed with. Give yourself today because it is done, but start fresh again in the morning!! :bigsmile: Keep a smile on your face, hope in your heart and determination in your spirit. You can do this !!:wink:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    "If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be human,,, you'd be a used car salesman,,,"
    <Winona Ryder, "Heathers">

    No biggie, a little bump in a big road, you know what to do. :wink:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am with you.....I am feeling the lower back talking to me. By tomorrow it will be screaming at me and I am feeling HUNGRY......hang in there, stay on track, in order for this to be a life choice, you have to give yourself the option to lazy out on your eating too. Otherwise so many have told me I won't make it....hang in there and get back to things as soon as you send TOM packin this month...........
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks guys I really needed to hear all of your comments.It helps me so much just knowing I can come on here and complain to someone about whats bugging me.My husband works long hours and he usually doesn't get home until we are all in bed so it is nice to have someone to vent to when I am upset with myself.Tomorrow is a new day and I am promising to start fresh.Thanks again and God bless all you wonderful people on here that keep inspiring yourselves and others.Good WORK!!!:heart::smile::wink: :heart:
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Yes I agree with erin31 . Please dont be so hard on yourself. I feel this way to and I thin its normal. I am hungry eatding up to that time I don't think any of us got fat by eating an extra few hunren calories a few days a month lol.

    Maybe plan ahead and have some treats planned out since you know its coming...

    I also feel very weak and tired during my first few days so insted of fighting I embrace it .Women are cyclical and I actualy like it. I take that time to rest more and do some extra pampering ( hot baths and home facials etc...) I see it as a time to slow down and relax.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting


    Yeah, don't be hard on yourself. We've all been there. Eating everything in sight and still wanting more. Just know it's a bump on the road and that it does not define you. Your being aware is a great step. Ask yourself, what is that you really wanted?
    You're not alone. I had 3 of those type of days this week. One day was so so bad. I never thought I would stop eating that day. So, hang in there. Tks for sharing your challenges with us.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    That's exactly how I've been feeling over the last couple of days! And I work on the checkouts in a supermarket, so I'm surrounded by temptation all day!
    I gave in yesterday, I've been craving cheese but refuse to have any in the house while I feel like this, so I had a can of Braised Tofu. It was savory and its protein and it has a lot less fat than cheese. I kinda worked, but I'd still kill for a chunk of Wensleydale.:laugh:
    Thing is I know that as soon as I start my monthly the cravings vanish, so as long as I control what I binge on, I'll be okay.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    It's that stinkin' TOM! I think we're all the same. I've done it lots and then wanted to cry. It's the LOSS OF CONTROL feeling that's the worst for me. Tomorrow is a new day, but can I stay in control and get back on track that always worries me. It's OK to do this at that time. Geez, it's bad enough we ladies have to deal with TOM. 1 day isn't gonna do too much damage. But try to take only 1 day. We're all here for ya!:flowerforyou:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    You know that if men suffered the TOM they would have found a 'cure' decades ago!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    You know that if men suffered the TOM they would have found a 'cure' decades ago!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If men had TOM, their lives would be over each month-woe is me:cry: