5lb dumbells ok?



  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    suzyy721 wrote: »
    @comptonelizabeth can i still see some results with the 5lbs, or thats just to start me off and then i have to progress to higher weights?
    Thanks for your words :)

    If you want to progress you will need to increase weight or number of reps,but you can take it at your pace- there is no rush !
    I started with a bodyweight programme then moved on to stronglifts 5x5. There are times when I stay at the same lifting weight for a couple of weeks or more. I've seen results and I'm in my 60s!
  • rolenthegreat
    rolenthegreat Posts: 78 Member
    suzyy721 wrote: »
    @rolenthegreat thanks for your words.

    so your saying i will never be able to gain weight, just strength? even if i work hard for gaining weight? :(

    No, if you eat in a caloric surplus (more calories in than calories out) you will definitely gain weight. But putting on muscle is a bit harder than putting on fat.
    Some people are recommending heavy lifting workout plans that will help you gain a lot of muscle which is great if you have access to a gym and weights.
    But you mentioned you did not have access to a gym. In which case you might try body weight/calisthenic workouts. These are strength based workouts that you can do from home. (Pushups, squats, planks) They will also help you gain muscle. I just mean that you probably won't be as much muscle as quickly as you would gain from a more intense workout with weights in a gym.

    But there are always ways to make body weight workouts more challenging. One legged squats, push-ups with your feet elevated, side planks.
    It's not a waste of time! Whatever gets you moving is good! One pushup will build more muscle that zero pushups!
  • suzyy721
    suzyy721 Posts: 52 Member
    thank you for the info , appreciate it. totally motivational @comptonelizabeth :*
  • suzyy721
    suzyy721 Posts: 52 Member
    @ndj1979 what if i did higher reps? or better to get a bigger weight?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    suzyy721 wrote: »
    @ndj1979 what if i did higher reps? or better to get a bigger weight?

    once you max out at 3x12 and the weight is too light, you really need to up the weight to get the benefit of progressive overload.
  • suzyy721
    suzyy721 Posts: 52 Member
    @rolenthegreat thank you sista! your words are so helpful and motivational. God bless you for taking the time out to write. im actually noting all the advice you guys are giving me. You're so knowledgeable and it gives me hope. thanks again xoxo
  • suzyy721
    suzyy721 Posts: 52 Member
    thank you so much @ndj1979 i wish you success at everything you do!
  • suzyy721
    suzyy721 Posts: 52 Member
    @French_Peasant ughhhh, i love you. lol. thanks for all of the great advice. i jotted down all the workouts you suggested and of course i will incorporate all the other harder stuff. your words are motivational and the time you took out to write me and help me was very considerate. thank you. and wishing you success in everything you do. xoxo
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    suzyy721 wrote: »
    @TavistockToad im sorry for the confusion. im not pregnant. yet. just needed the info. planning to.

    Oh, good. Because obviously exercise is something about which you'd consult your OB-GYN.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    you can always look into "you are your own gym" and start there..once you have maxed that program out maybe you can join a gym or get heavier dumbbells..

    As a woman who at times hasn't had a lot of upper body strength, sometimes body weight exercises were too hard at the start. Doing a little weight work for a few weeks helped give me the strength for the body weight exercises.