
So I went to the doctor for dizziness upon standing. After we had a conversation she asked how much sodium o was taking in a day I told her about 1500 mg. She was surprised and said no no no you should be getting way more than that. I asked her how much and she said 4000 to get sodium levels back up and then no more than 2300! That is insane! Has anybody ever been told to consume that much sodium?


  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    My blood pressure runs high so no for me, but a friend whose blood pressure is low has to keep her sodium up higher.
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 597 Member
    So I went to the doctor for dizziness upon standing. After we had a conversation she asked how much sodium o was taking in a day I told her about 1500 mg. She was surprised and said no no no you should be getting way more than that. I asked her how much and she said 4000 to get sodium levels back up and then no more than 2300! That is insane! Has anybody ever been told to consume that much sodium?

    Yes. I have low blood pressure and no thyroid which makes balancing my electrolytes difficult. I have way more than that every day.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    If you are diagnosed hypertensive, keep sodium at 1500. If you are not diagnosed hypertensive, good science has demonstrated that daily intake of 5000 mg sodium is optimum for preventing cardio vascular disease.

    Your doctor, advising a period of time at 4000, then 2300, is simply a little behind the times on her understanding. She wants to get you out of danger of hyponatremia, and then get you compliant with what she learned in medical school.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    kasey39 wrote: »
    I crave sodium. For me, sodium is like chocolate is for other people. When I started tracking my sodium I was a little blown away at how much I consume every day, but my blood pressure's great, despite my weight. Just concerned about water retention with the amount I eat every day so I'm trying to watch that now, too.

    Yup - me too. But I do a lot of cardio, so I sweat it out.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.

    Hmmm...that is definitely not low. I dunno. I might change doctors. :|
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    kasey39 wrote: »
    I crave sodium. For me, sodium is like chocolate is for other people. When I started tracking my sodium I was a little blown away at how much I consume every day, but my blood pressure's great, despite my weight. Just concerned about water retention with the amount I eat every day so I'm trying to watch that now, too.

    Yup - me too. But I do a lot of cardio, so I sweat it out.

    That's the thing I'm worried about though. I do some cardio but not anything that I sweat a lot. I work mostly everyday but I don't do any heavy sweating. I would hate to feel so bloated and gain 10 pounds of water weight because I have tried so hard to get to my weight, and still have some to lose.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.

    Hmmm...that is definitely not low. I dunno. I might change doctors. :|

    I know. She didn't seem to have anything to say about my sodium until I told her that I struggle to get to 1500 mg a day. She acted like she has never heard anybody say a number that low before. She said my blood pressure is fine now but with dizziness upon standing sounds like low blood pressure. And with that blood pressure number I'm still having dizziness upon standing.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2017
    So my wife actually needs 10,000mg of sodium per day... yes, that is not a typo. But she has POTS, so she burns through electrolytes like crazy.
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.

    Hmmm...that is definitely not low. I dunno. I might change doctors. :|

    I know. She didn't seem to have anything to say about my sodium until I told her that I struggle to get to 1500 mg a day. She acted like she has never heard anybody say a number that low before. She said my blood pressure is fine now but with dizziness upon standing sounds like low blood pressure. And with that blood pressure number I'm still having dizziness upon standing.

    Out of curiosity, what is your aversion to trying to eat 4000mg of sodium per day? Sodium doesn't cause hypertension or anything. It an electrolyte which is critical to maintaining proper bodily functions.

    Drinking a lot of water + eating very little sodium can cause a lot of issues... dizziness being one of them. It's from your electrolytes being diluted and causing an imbalance.

    BTW, if you are afraid of bloating, increase potassium and magnesium. It will provide balance to your electrolytes and prevent bloating.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    If you are diagnosed hypertensive, keep sodium at 1500. If you are not diagnosed hypertensive, good science has demonstrated that daily intake of 5000 mg sodium is optimum for preventing cardio vascular disease.

    Your doctor, advising a period of time at 4000, then 2300, is simply a little behind the times on her understanding. She wants to get you out of danger of hyponatremia, and then get you compliant with what she learned in medical school.
    Actually that 5000 number has only been produced in two studies by one organization. It's not best practice at this time- other groups need to be able to reproduce the studies, which so far hasn't been done.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.

    Hmmm...that is definitely not low. I dunno. I might change doctors. :|

    Depends on your age. But it's not scary low.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    So my wife actually needs 10,000mg of sodium per day... yes, that is not a typo. But she has POTS, so she burns through electrolytes like crazy.
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.

    Hmmm...that is definitely not low. I dunno. I might change doctors. :|

    I know. She didn't seem to have anything to say about my sodium until I told her that I struggle to get to 1500 mg a day. She acted like she has never heard anybody say a number that low before. She said my blood pressure is fine now but with dizziness upon standing sounds like low blood pressure. And with that blood pressure number I'm still having dizziness upon standing.

    Out of curiosity, what is your aversion to trying to eat 4000mg of sodium per day? Sodium doesn't cause hypertension or anything. It an electrolyte which is critical to maintaining proper bodily functions.

    Drinking a lot of water + eating very little sodium can cause a lot of issues... dizziness being one of them. It's from your electrolytes being diluted and causing an imbalance.

    BTW, if you are afraid of bloating, increase potassium and magnesium. It will provide balance to your electrolytes and prevent bloating.

    I just know that when I eat so much sodium that it causes so much bloating. Even if I just eat 2300 mg of sodium I will gain 3 pounds in a day with the water weight and it takes over a week of low sodium to get back to normal. I usually get about 1000 mg of potassium a day because I find it hard to get anymore than that without going over my calories. I have never tried magnesium though so thanks for that, I'll add a supliment.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    So my wife actually needs 10,000mg of sodium per day... yes, that is not a typo. But she has POTS, so she burns through electrolytes like crazy.
    My blood pressure was low four days ago when I went so she ordered labs. I had a checkup today and she said that she didn't see anything in my labs that was a concern. My blood pressure today, after walking 20 feet and sitting down for a few minutes was 126 over 78. She asked what I was getting a day and I told her I struggle to get over 1500 mg a day with the food choices I have been making because of counting calories and she said, " No no no. Your body needs way more sodium than that." So she said to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and increase to 4000 mg a day and to come back in a week or so to see how I'm doing. I asked her if my sodium woukd decrease after that and she said it depended but 2300 is ideal to most doctors, unless they have high blood pressure.

    Hmmm...that is definitely not low. I dunno. I might change doctors. :|

    I know. She didn't seem to have anything to say about my sodium until I told her that I struggle to get to 1500 mg a day. She acted like she has never heard anybody say a number that low before. She said my blood pressure is fine now but with dizziness upon standing sounds like low blood pressure. And with that blood pressure number I'm still having dizziness upon standing.

    Out of curiosity, what is your aversion to trying to eat 4000mg of sodium per day? Sodium doesn't cause hypertension or anything. It an electrolyte which is critical to maintaining proper bodily functions.

    Drinking a lot of water + eating very little sodium can cause a lot of issues... dizziness being one of them. It's from your electrolytes being diluted and causing an imbalance.

    BTW, if you are afraid of bloating, increase potassium and magnesium. It will provide balance to your electrolytes and prevent bloating.

    I just know that when I eat so much sodium that it causes so much bloating. Even if I just eat 2300 mg of sodium I will gain 3 pounds in a day with the water weight and it takes over a week of low sodium to get back to normal. I usually get about 1000 mg of potassium a day because I find it hard to get anymore than that without going over my calories. I have never tried magnesium though so thanks for that, I'll add a supliment.

    In the end, it's just water weight. The same thing happens when you work out. But increasing pot/mag and drinking plenty of water should balance most of it. But you may have to live with a few more lbs of water weight to prevent dizziness. But if you want to mitigate that, you can cut carbs a bit and increase fats.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    ccsernica wrote: »
    I had to take my dad to the emergency room once, years ago, when he suffered a sudden drop in blood pressure. He was living with his parents at the time, and Grandma was cooking everything with very low sodium to help with Grandpa's blood pressure, and low sodium was the only possible culprit that showed up in Dad's blood work. The doctor prescribed an anchovy pizza.

    Me likes that doctor!

    I have low blood and need to eat a diet higher in sodium (around 5000mg/day) to feel mostly human. Add female hormones to the mix and my weight can go up/down a good 5-8lbs per day. It's just something I have to live with and it's by far preferable to passing out at random moments because I moved my head too fast.
  • johnneedhamSr
    johnneedhamSr Posts: 223 Member
    edited March 2017
    My daily MINIMUM goal is 5,000. That is for an highly active workday, and being on Keto.
    My last 6 days
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Has anybody ever been told to consume that much sodium?

    No. I don't have a medical problem and have trouble getting below 2,300 mg anyway because I like salty foods though.

    If your doctor's advice doesn't make senseto you talk to them or consult another doctor.