Eating 9-12 (5oz) cans of tuna a day



  • litoria
    litoria Posts: 239 Member
    I'd be a bit worried about the sodium in all that tinned fish
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    CadenDavid wrote: »
    I don't think it's a big deal, but since finding this out I don't really want to take it any further. But it's my only option at this point so I need to know how much harm it is going to do.. And as far as getting other foods. I have the occasional friend to help me out. But i always feel extreme guilt. So i try to pull my own as much as I can

    Can you swap some tuna for other food from any friends? that is ALOT of tuna! :/
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    CadenDavid wrote: »
    Can't afford anything else. At least right now. It's the only thing I have available.

    You can't afford bread, pasta, frozen vegetables, peanut butter, beans, fresh fruit, eggs!? Cans of tuna aren't free, are they?

    I was under the impression that he already had a stock pile of them and can't buy anything else since he's been out of work. I could be wrong, though.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    CadenDavid wrote: »
    Can't afford anything else. At least right now. It's the only thing I have available.

    You can't afford bread, pasta, frozen vegetables, peanut butter, beans, fresh fruit, eggs!? Cans of tuna aren't free, are they?

    I was under the impression that he already had a stock pile of them and can't buy anything else since he's been out of work. I could be wrong, though.

    This is how I read it as well.
  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member
    When I was at University I lived on a £10 food budget for the week, £5 even on some weeks! My staple foods were:

    Baked beans 30p a can (good source of iron & some protein)
    Jacket potatoes (50p for a pack of 4)
    A pack of 12 eggs
    A small block of cheese £1.50 (more protein & calcium)
    A pack of cook from frozen chicken breasts £4 for 1kg
    A pack of Tesco value frozen veg (around £1)

    So you can eat healthy on the cheap, infact tuna was considered a luxury for me!

    Unless you already have 30 cans of tuna lying around (you said 10 a day to last 3 days) I'm not sure I quite follow
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    edited March 2017
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    CadenDavid wrote: »
    Can't afford anything else. At least right now. It's the only thing I have available.

    You can't afford bread, pasta, frozen vegetables, peanut butter, beans, fresh fruit, eggs!? Cans of tuna aren't free, are they?

    I was under the impression that he already had a stock pile of them and can't buy anything else since he's been out of work. I could be wrong, though.

    This is how I read it as well.

    Me too. OP said he had $0 until Sunday (11th post from the top), but he already has a lot of cans of tuna he can eat. The posts saying he should buy other foods aren't addressing his question, unfortunately.

  • ifbblinds
    ifbblinds Posts: 12 Member
    CadenDavid wrote: »
    So I did this once before. For a month.. Not sure if it was really 10 cans a day but it was definitely my main food course. But I just started doing it again but I just recently found out that mercury levels in tuna are so high that it is recommended to have only about 3-4 (4oz) cans a week. Anybody have any insight into this matter? Also when I did it the first time i lost about 22lbs in a little over a month. So.. It works haha. But I'm definitely concerned

    I feel (pending the size on tuna can) that you are having way to much protein per day. In reference to nutrition, having the same source of protein will hinder protein synthesis and protein uptake. You need a variety of protein sources. You can look at eggs as a great substitute and very cost effective, chicken breast, a tub of cheap protein powder will be more of an outlay though cost per serve would be less than your tins of tuna and you get a cleaner protein. I respect you are on a budget, keep grinding, chin up, you will pick up more work, more money and stabilize yourself.
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    CadenDavid wrote: »
    So I did this once before. For a month.. Not sure if it was really 10 cans a day but it was definitely my main food course. But I just started doing it again but I just recently found out that mercury levels in tuna are so high that it is recommended to have only about 3-4 (4oz) cans a week. Anybody have any insight into this matter? Also when I did it the first time i lost about 22lbs in a little over a month. So.. It works haha. But I'm definitely concerned

    You can also get canned chicken. Canned stuff usually has a ton of sodium though. Personally I'd say go for tilapia if budget is an issue.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited March 2017
    Mercury poisoning is a legit thing and not something you want to mess around with. For me, I also think it would be really unpleasant to eat that much tuna.
    ETA: Now that I've actually read the thread, on a short-term basis, it shouldn't do any harm. Bummer of a financial situation-hope it improves shortly!