Insanity... No results

tag91 Posts: 1
I'm on Week 3, Day 3 of Insanity and like a lot of the other posters, haven't seen any results. I'm 20, 244lbs, 5'8. Before I started Insanity, I never really truly worked out, aside from going to Curves (saw no results there either) a couple times a week. So the crazy me completely jumped into Insanity with pretty much no muscle mass or cardio strength whatsoever. The first two weeks, I gained 5 pounds, which I'm positive has to be muscle. I'm tracking my calories, and don't ever go over 1500 a day. The fitness guide tells me I'm supposed to eat a ridiculous amount of calories per day... around 3000!! And this is to LOSE weight?! How is that right? I simply can't eat that much. I know I'm getting stronger, but what should I be doing differently so that I can lose weight? I figured it wouldn't take as much effort since I haven't diligently exercised before, and I have plenty of weight to lose. Can anyone help?


  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'm on Week 3, Day 3 of Insanity and like a lot of the other posters, haven't seen any results. I'm 20, 244lbs, 5'8. Before I started Insanity, I never really truly worked out, aside from going to Curves (saw no results there either) a couple times a week. So the crazy me completely jumped into Insanity with pretty much no muscle mass or cardio strength whatsoever. The first two weeks, I gained 5 pounds, which I'm positive has to be muscle. I'm tracking my calories, and don't ever go over 1500 a day. The fitness guide tells me I'm supposed to eat a ridiculous amount of calories per day... around 3000!! And this is to LOSE weight?! How is that right? I simply can't eat that much. I know I'm getting stronger, but what should I be doing differently so that I can lose weight? I figured it wouldn't take as much effort since I haven't diligently exercised before, and I have plenty of weight to lose. Can anyone help?

    Insanity isn't necessarily designed as a strict weight loss program - you're likely gaining water weight as a result in the drastic change in exercise / activity. You may need to eat more - say 1800 calories for that level of activity. Do consider that a typical Insanity workout (35-40 minutes) can burn between 350-600 calories. If you're not used to exercising, you may be burning even more trying to keep up.

    As for the gain, it's not muscle mass. Sorry to rain on your parade, but we build muscle rather slowly. Weight gain is most often the result of water retention.
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    From Team Beachbody's website I should be consuming 2100 calories to do the Insanity program and to reach the weight loss I am shooting for.

    This is significantly more than it shows on here. If you have ever watched a show like Biggest Loser you have probably seen where the trainers keep telling them they have to consume their calories to burn the weight off like they want.

    Are you using the Team Beachbody's website? I have found it to be an invaluable resource in my Insanity program.

    Make sure to follow the guides that are given otherwise you could be putting your body in survival mode.
  • InsaneMontae
    InsaneMontae Posts: 108 Member
    Ok i plugged in your height weight and that your doing insanity and it say you should be consuming at least 2400 calories...if your not even breaking 1500 a day you are putting your body into starvation you are storing fat instead of burning it...another thing is are you giving it everything you have or as soon as you break a sweat you think well i can just do whatever now i broke a sweat so im going to lose weight??? You have to DIGGGGGGG!!!!! AND DIGGGGG!!!! SOME MORE AND WHEN YOU CANT DIGGGGGG NOMORE YOU HAVE TO DIGGGGGG!!!!!!!DEEPER!!!!!!! ... If you have any questions let me know.




  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I've been wondering this too. Should I be following the guidelines on beachbody or here?
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    It isn't physically possible to gain 5 pounds of muscle in two weeks ESPECIALLY when you are eat at a deficit...

    Unfortunately there isn't any specific way for us to know exactly what is causing you to not see the results you are looking for.

    I would suggest that you eat a couple hundred calories more a day to help make up for the calorie burn,

    I would suggest eating lots of protein, and complex carbs

    Are you giving it your all?

    did you take starting measurements? If so have your measurements decreased?

    Unless you are over eating (which you say you aren't) and if you aren't giving the program your all and are doing everything to the T I find it hard to believe that you aren't seeing any results...

    I think it is time to switch soemthing up and tweak a few things.
  • obronc
    obronc Posts: 1
    I recommend that you do not get discouraged! The results will come! The biggest mistake that most people make are assuming that everyone's body is the same and results should be typical. Rome was not built overnight. Based upon what youve described yourself as, i can almost guarantee the it will take you 2 rounds of Insanity to lose dramatic weight before u plateau. Also, the biggest mistake you are making is eating 1500 calories a day! Your putting your body into starvation mode...this will cause you to retain water and fat! I understand it sounds crazy that if you eat more you lose more, but it is true however its a lot more complicated. You need to go on a high protein low carb diet...dont worry about the fat content or the calorie content. There are many books and resources out there that help explain this issue...Also, you need to be eating lots and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and drinking at the very least 96 ounces of water. If you can stay a gallon of water a day, even better! Weight loss starts in the kitchen and not in the gym! By eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking massive amounts of water, you will literally lose weight via bowel movements...I recommend you watch the documentaries "Food Matters" and "Food INC", it will blow your mind!
    Another thing i want you to do is...get a heart rate monitor! The heart rate monitor will tell you if you are actually working hard or not. If you don't stay in that fat burning zone, then you wont lose weight as well, period!

    I've completed p90X 5 times and just finished Insanity. I lost 30 lbs and 7 inches off my waist. This didn't happen until i completed p90X the second time. Right now, i consider myself in great shape, but my body doesnt resemble a Tony Horton's or Sean T's. Those dudes have been athletes for a very long time and have had their bodies for a very long time as well. It takes years to get where the are....
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    I've been wondering this too. Should I be following the guidelines on beachbody or here?

    I would suggest Beachbody just for the simple fact that this does not track accurately what an Insanity workout burns calorie wise. Plus with all the research they put into each program I am sure they are more accurate.

    Are you using Team Beachbody right now?
  • nmlnana14
    nmlnana14 Posts: 1
    Do you look trimmer? Have friends mentioned a weight loss Don't depend entirely on the scale. YOu are probably shaping up and gaining muscle. Just stick with it.. You will see results soon. I agree, 3000 cals is too many, but don't go too low, probably stick to around 1500 at your height and weight. Good luck.
  • Victoriadalziel
    Victoriadalziel Posts: 2 Member
    When doing an intense workout regimen such as Insanity it is important to keep in mind how your body is going to react to it. This type of activity is going to shock your body, that coupled with decreased calorie intake is what will force your body to change. You will gain muscle mass and lose fat. Remember that muscle weights more than fat and that during this time you are also increasing your water intake to hydrate your body after each work out. Some of the weight you have gained could be muscle but a lot of it is probably just water weight. Don't worry, in time your body will become acclimated and this will even out!

    However, it is important to remember that refueling your body is SUPER important!! Most people think that if they reduce the number of calories they are eating even more than what their workout plan calls for that they will lose the weight faster. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! At this point our bodies go in starvation and survival mode. Our bodies think they are being starved so they start to store EVERYTHING and let none of it escape. So instead of burning fat and building muscle while you work out, your body is using nutrients it would otherwise use to build muscle to fuel your body and store any fat it can find. In reality your body is doing the exact opposite of what you want it to!

    If you have any questions or are looking for advice, don't hesitate to message me! I have a degree in nutrition and am extremely active with beach body products so I have some credentials :)
  • AccioHotBod
    AccioHotBod Posts: 44 Member
    Are you measuring yourself? I'm currently doing it, and while I haven't lost a lot of weight, I have lost about an inch off my waist in 3 weeks.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    The beachbody book told me to eat 1800, but i'm only 5 1..... I dropped it to 1500 and lost 15 lbs and 5 inches off my waist the first round. Do keep in mind what everyone else said:

    - You will retain water at the beginning
    - You will see lost inches way before pounds
    - The loss tends to be back loaded (you'll see more month 2)

    One thing I found is are you keeping within the general guidelines of the meal program - in that they want you to eat fairly clean, 5 small meals a day, and 40/40/20 macros. When I was closer to that, I saw better results - although others may vary.
  • Insanity tells you to eat a lot because it is focusing on increasing your metabolism rather than focusing on weight loss. If you want to prioritize weight loss, that's fine. You'll still increase your metabolism, but perhaps not as much.

    For eating during Insanity, you should make sure you eat enough protein that your muscles are not sore. They should hurt during the workout since you're supposed to push hard, but they should not still be hurting 2 hours later. If your muscles are aching, it's because your body can't repair them as quickly as it is supposed to repair them. That usually means you don't have enough amino acids from protein, but it can also be some other mineral deficiency (take vitamins if you have to during Insanity).

    It's normal not to lose weight the first couple weeks of Insanity if you weren't active before, so just give it another couple weeks and you'll start seeing results. I think I lost 1 pound total in my first 3 weeks, but then started losing a lot for the rest of the program.

    Good luck.
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