
Has anyone ever taken slim-tox? I recently bought some and was wondering if it worked? And did it cause any side effects? I have a minor heart condition, so I don't want it to elevate my heart rate. Thanks in advance!


  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    I wouldn't take random things with a medical condition without asking my doctor.
    I agree with this post! Op you could be putting your health at risk. If I were you I would stop and ask speak with your doctor about your health concerns.
  • Pinkpanther_15
    Pinkpanther_15 Posts: 17 Member
    How does your doctor feel about you taking this with your condition?! Is this one of those laxative teas with extra caffeine? All those products are just a scam and a waste of money and laxative abuse is a dangerous habit to start. Throw in a heart condition on top of that and there's just red flags popping up all over.

    It's a "pill" that supports fat loss and appetite control. I was just curious if it worked. And I will consult my doctor first. Thank you

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I am no help. I have never heard of that. However, if it's another "magic" promise pill - then No!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    Can you get a refund?
  • Pinkpanther_15
    Pinkpanther_15 Posts: 17 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Please, help me out here. I'm not able to follow.

    Why didn't you ask if it worked and look at side effects - especially since you have a known condition - before buying it?

    I ask the sales representative at the health foods store and he sounded very informative. He told me it is organic, and won't increase my heart. BUT I was curious if anyone else has taken it, and if it worked or caused side effects.

  • Pinkpanther_15
    Pinkpanther_15 Posts: 17 Member
    I diet and exercise I was just going to try something new. But I think it's time I take this back to the store! Thanks everyone.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How does your doctor feel about you taking this with your condition?! Is this one of those laxative teas with extra caffeine? All those products are just a scam and a waste of money and laxative abuse is a dangerous habit to start. Throw in a heart condition on top of that and there's just red flags popping up all over.

    It's a "pill" that supports fat loss and appetite control. I was just curious if it worked. And I will consult my doctor first. Thank you


    The only thing that supports fat loss is a calorie deficit. I would return it ASAP and ask for a refund.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Please, help me out here. I'm not able to follow.

    Why didn't you ask if it worked and look at side effects - especially since you have a known condition - before buying it?

    I ask the sales representative at the health foods store and he sounded very informative. He told me it is organic, and won't increase my heart. BUT I was curious if anyone else has taken it, and if it worked or caused side effects.

    Most people here avoid gimmicks, fads etc. as they simply don't do anything for weight loss. Put simply, you were sold BS.

    Biggest issue in the diet world is the amount of pure BS that sales folks sell and people buy. If you want to lose weight, read the stickies in these forums and don't waste your money on crap such as this (or any of the other literal millions of products out there).
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Please, help me out here. I'm not able to follow.

    Why didn't you ask if it worked and look at side effects - especially since you have a known condition - before buying it?

    I ask the sales representative at the health foods store and he sounded very informative. He told me it is organic, and won't increase my heart. BUT I was curious if anyone else has taken it, and if it worked or caused side effects.

    That sales representative likely has no medical training, has no idea of the history of your specific condition, and may not even fully understand what is in the product (sometimes they contain things that aren't on the label). And he may have gotten a commission from selling you the product. How much medical training do you think he has?

    Just because someone sounds informative doesn't mean they have actual, useful knowledge to share with you.

    I would never trust a sales representative to help me manage my heart condition.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Please, help me out here. I'm not able to follow.

    Why didn't you ask if it worked and look at side effects - especially since you have a known condition - before buying it?

    I ask the sales representative at the health foods store and he sounded very informative. He told me it is organic, and won't increase my heart. BUT I was curious if anyone else has taken it, and if it worked or caused side effects.

    Of course he is going to tell you it works and it is great, because he gets paid to do so! Does he happen to be a cardiologist or have graduated from medical school?
  • Pinkpanther_15
    Pinkpanther_15 Posts: 17 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Please, help me out here. I'm not able to follow.

    Why didn't you ask if it worked and look at side effects - especially since you have a known condition - before buying it?

    I ask the sales representative at the health foods store and he sounded very informative. He told me it is organic, and won't increase my heart. BUT I was curious if anyone else has taken it, and if it worked or caused side effects.

    Most people here avoid gimmicks, fads etc. as they simply don't do anything for weight loss. Put simply, you were sold BS.

    Biggest issue in the diet world is the amount of pure BS that sales folks sell and people buy. If you want to lose weight, read the stickies in these forums and don't waste your money on crap such as this (or any of the other literal millions of products out there).

    I agree, I guess I was just wanting to try something new but that's okay. I am doing great from exercise, and counting calories. I will never buy these things again, I am taking them back.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    I'm glad you're returning it--good decision! I'd really suggest avoiding all diet pills with your heart condition. Just not worth the risk, you know?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Please, help me out here. I'm not able to follow.

    Why didn't you ask if it worked and look at side effects - especially since you have a known condition - before buying it?

    I ask the sales representative at the health foods store and he sounded very informative. He told me it is organic, and won't increase my heart. BUT I was curious if anyone else has taken it, and if it worked or caused side effects.

    Honestly, he's just trying to sell stuff! You'd get better advice from a rock.
  • Pinkpanther_15
    Pinkpanther_15 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm glad you're returning it--good decision! I'd really suggest avoiding all diet pills with your heart condition. Just not worth the risk, you know?
    Yes.. thanks