Stomach Flab?

I'm really new to exercising, most of the time I just sit around on the computer, so I don't know exactly what to do. My legs are fine because I walk and bike a lot, and I'm doing the Shake Weight for my arms. My question is, what are some exercises to do for my stomach? That's where ALL my weight is, and I'm too weak to do sit ups or push ups. Help? If there are any YouTube videos with like a 6 to 10 minute workout that I could follow along with easily, that would be perfect.


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You can't target fat loss. What you can do is keep working- doing both cardio AND strength training. Losing the weight will make your tummy flatter. But its ok to work on toning it, too, so that when you do drop the weight, you will have something to show :) has great exercises for your whole body. I LOVE their workouts. You can take a look at the workout list and pick the area you want to work on. I have seen great changes doing their workouts- plus they are FREE and you can do them at home!
  • bluefever
    bluefever Posts: 93 Member
    I'm really new to exercising, most of the time I just sit around on the computer, so I don't know exactly what to do. My legs are fine because I walk and bike a lot, and I'm doing the Shake Weight for my arms. My question is, what are some exercises to do for my stomach? That's where ALL my weight is, and I'm too weak to do sit ups or push ups. Help? If there are any YouTube videos with like a 6 to 10 minute workout that I could follow along with easily, that would be perfect.

    First of all belly flab is belly fat so no amount of sit ups and crunches are going to get rid of it. You need to reduce overall bodyfat to get rid of it.

    that being said core exercises are a really good idea just for overall fitness.

    try You Tubing for quick, sweaty, at home workouts.

    I would lose the shake weights, and try doing bodyweight exercises, you can start with pushups from your knees, sqauts, lunges, planks etc...
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    can you do crunches? it's easier than full sit ups. hula hooping and jumping rope are good for that. plus it's a lot of fun! um I just started doing the bodyrock workouts on youtube and they are amazing!! It's hard, but you definitely feel it afterwards!
  • If you have the time, you should walk everyday for around 30-45 minutes and find your target fat burning heart rate. Just subtract your age from 220 and take 60% of that and that is your target rate. I wouldn't recommend doing endless sit-ups or crunches because that will only build your muscle and make your stomach appear larger. Once you have lost the majority of the "flab" around your stomach, starting an ab routine would be fine. Hope this helps :)
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I'm going to say something scandalous... you CAN reduce fat in specific areas. *cringes from flying tomatoes* Or at least the perceived amount of fat.

    If you increase muscle in certain areas, then the shape will improve of that area. By adding challenging and versatile full-body workouts (which include core exercises) you will be increasing lean body mass in areas that you most want to see toning. couple this with good diet and cardio, and you have yourself a perfect equation for "spot reduction"... which is more like overall fat reduction and muscle increase.

    Agree with aforementioned...
    It's the best out there, in my opinion.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Hey! FIrst...biking and walking IS exercise!! Who knew exercise could be so fun?!?!?! :)

    Second, when you say you are too weak for situps, I'm wondering if you are trying to do full sit ups. It's better for your back and body to do crunches for your upper stomache and other types of exercise for your lower stomache (toe dips for example). It's of most importance that when you are doing these things (IMHO, i'm not a doctor or a personal trainer, but I learned this in five years of martial arts training where I got abs that could take a full force punch!) that you keep your stomache held in so your lower back is always in contact with the floor. If you are doing toe dips, for example, and your lower back comes off the floor when you lower your toes 3", then 3" is how far you go until you can keep your lower back in contact with the floor for four inches. I hope that makes sense.

    Also, many weight exercises also work your stomache. Squats come to mind. Use your weights you been using for your arms, stand with feet shoulder width apart, and do some squats. While you are doing it, don't just let your belly hang loose- tighten it up. This protects your back while doing the squat (which is designed to target your legs I think) but you'll notice is works your abs to do this. Since the Squat is designed to get your legs, I think it shouldn't tire your belly out too much, while still strengthening those all important core muscles!

    I'd also say yoga is a good way to start stomache exercises. Cat-cow specifically.

    And also- the fact that you are going to start working stomache muscles won't neccessarily target stomache fat. It'll strengthen muscles which is great and will tone those muscles and any newly tones muscles will increase your metabolism....*but* stomache fat is just one of those things that can be really tenacious. I say this because I've lost 40 lbs, weigh the least I have in my adult life without being anorexic and I still struggle with this belly. I been begging MFPers to help me out and I always get told that (1) I need to reduce my overall body fat to get rid of the belly- I can't target it with exercises, and (2) "abs are made in the kitchen"....which I think means I have to cut back on carbs but I"m still trying to figure that one out! So my recommendation, after 1.5 years on MFP, losing 40 lbs, losing 8" on my waist line, and still having belly fat is (1) do stomache exercises because strong belly = safe back; (2) keep plugging away at over all Body Fat % (calorie counting, HIIT, etc.) and (3) as much as is womanly possible, switch to eating whole grains, veggies, fruit, cut back on carbs, no white bread/rice, and reduce carbs (I struggle with this still).

    Hope that helps.
    and if you think it helps, friend me and keep me updated on your progress!