help for leg workout

i looking for leg plan for gym does anybody have plan?


  • Bovus2017
    Bovus2017 Posts: 34 Member
    To put on size nothing beats deep heavy squats. Maintaining proper form throughout is vital for preventing injury so if you have any uncertainty reach out to a personal trainer and ask for an assessment of your form. When going heavy, having a spotter is also important - you don't want to get stuck "in the hole" with hundreds of pounds on your back. I also wrap my knees when squatting anything over 405 lbs.

    A good rotation for Leg Day:

    * Leg Extensions & Leg Curls to warm up (3 sets of each, relatively lighter weight, 12 reps per set)
    * Squats: 4 sets, 12 to 8 reps per set, increasing weight for every set
    * Leg Presses: 3 sets, 12 to 8 reps per set, increasing weight for every set
    * Lunges: 3 sets (if doing walking lunges then make sure it's a distance & weight (dumbbells) that leaves you wiped out after every set. Recover. Repeat. Can also do them with a bar or on the Smith Machine.)
    * Calves. Don't skimp on working calves. Make 'em burn and congratulate yourself for an outstanding Leg Day

    Some people split leg training between quads and hamstrings but my favorite has always been working the whole leg; calves to glutes. Vary the workouts often enough to keep hitting every muscle with enough variety to prevent muscles from attenuating to a static workout. I.e. Single leg exercises vs both legs, walking lunges vs Smith Machine lunges, squats with a wide stance, shoulder width stance or close stance, and increasing reps per set. Once a month my trainer had me doing sets of 100. Grueling but oh so sweet the payoff.

  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Squats, squats, squats. You can have a legit session by doing nothing but squats. That is as long as they are done properly. Get nice and warmed up in the bike, stair stepper, active dynamic stretches, ect. Start with a light weight and bang out 5-8 reps working up to your first working set. To get strong use sets in the range of 1-5 reps per set. To get bigger work on sets 10+... really IMO 15+ to build dem wheels. I myself do a mix of both. I use the 5/3/1 meathod and then switch to first set last from Wendler. Then I just start banging out sets of 20 @ 135. Usually 5 sets or so. If you can still walk after that I do a little accessory work... lunges is a popular one for me and or single leg presses. I will spend at least 30-40 min in the squat rack alone on my leg days.