Binge help

laineylou291 Posts: 3 Member
edited March 2017 in Motivation and Support
I've been binging every day since sunday. This is the most days in a row that I've binged and I feel like a failure and out of control.

Usually I can get back control after one day. I only have about 7 pounds left to lose and am struggling to stay on track. I'm trying the usual things: small calorie cut (0.5 pounds per week) and filling up on protein, healthy fats and lots of veggies. I still eat carbs too. I have macros set to c50 p20 f30 but usually end up c45 f30 p25 ish.

I exercise to earn more calories but I just want food and lots of it. I've craved chocolate and cake the last few days and have had about 4000 per day, I should have 1550 to lose 0.5 pounds per week.

What's wrong with me? I just want to get control back!


  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    Sounds like your depriving yourself too much. Give yourself one free once a week day but again go easy.
  • GtbFitBrit
    GtbFitBrit Posts: 42 Member
    I have the same problem!! Except it went I for 3 weeks !!!! Gained 20 friggin pounds ! So now I have to work really hard to stop . Today is my day 1 again even tho I've been on my journey for like 2 yrs and have lost 60 lbs . I just can't stop myself from eating everything insight after getting groceries :( I need help staying motivated !!!! Add me as a friend if yu like :)
  • Ocean_Breezy
    Ocean_Breezy Posts: 55 Member
    So it's easier said than done, but you have to train your brain to say enough is enough. I post my meals ahead of time and prep in advance so that I have something to look forward to. It's hard and it takes time to cut things out but over time you will be better. For example: I was putting milk in my oatmeal because "i was looking for the taste of milk". After a while I started to replace water a little at a time. Now I don't use milk in my oatmeal. The smallest things will count over time.
  • susanrobison32
    susanrobison32 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have any advice, but I'm in the same boat. I've been eating everything in sight for the last couple of days. But tomorrow is a new day. We can start over tomorrow. We can plan our meals we can exercise (I'm taking the kids and dog on a trail). We got this!!! We can do it!!
  • SnowChick17
    SnowChick17 Posts: 15 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am a recovering binge eater. I used to binge while I was alone. I would go to the grocery store and pick up donuts, chicken fingers, chips etc and eat it all within an hour. Easily 2000-4000 calories in one sitting. I was so ashamed and embarrased, I would hide all the evidence from my husband by burying the wrappers at the bottom of the trash.

    Exercise I think is my saving grace. It prevented me from gaining massive amounts of weight.

    For me to stop binging, I have to surround myself with people or keep myself busy. If I am around people, I don't eat. If I'm working out, I'm not eating. So the 2 hours I have at home by myself after work before my husband gets home, I go workout or spend time with friends. Sometimes just talking to people on the phone helps keep me from eating constantly.

    Lots of water and very very slow eating helps me feel full too. Sounds like you have a sweet tooth like me. I get a really high quality chocolate bar and eat 1 square. I let it melt in my mouth and savor it. That helps me control cravings.

    Don't give up. You are so close to your goal!
  • laineylou291
    laineylou291 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2017
    Thank you to everyone that replied. I have been doing all the eating while on my own, I told my husband I've been eating a lot this week but he doesn't know the scale of it all! I'm too embarrassed.

    I think it's a habit that I've got in to this week and hope that now it's the weekend and me and my husband will be together all the time there'll be no chance to eat in secret, so hopefully I can break the habit.

    I also have a couple of hours in the evening before my husband gets home from work because I finish earlier than him. I've been thinking of joining a gym to occupy the time.

    I've been planning meals in advance but to be honest I think I've got bored of it all and felt a bit restricted, the binging is rebelling against it all I think.

    It's the Easter chocolate that's in the shops everywhere at the moment! I tried reducing added sugar so I probably went to far and it's backfired.

    I know this habit has to stop. It helps to know it's not just me going through this.

    Thank you. We can do this!
  • Astinaara
    Astinaara Posts: 1 Member
    Try to refocus on meeting your calorie goals and place less emphasis on the macros, just for now, to help you regain control. You can even go to a "maintain" calorie goal for a bit if it will help. I've found that restricting the calories AND depriving myself of any and all sweets and treats is a recipe for disaster. I work a small treat into my calories for the day, like some really good chocolate, a favorite cookie from the store or, yes, a Cadbury egg. :) your mileage may vary, but this helps me. And some days I find I don't need the small treat at all.

    Best wishes, and don't get too down on yourself. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone here! I am still struggling to get out of binging..mine went on for 3-4 months...have a good couple weeks...something stressful happens then I went another 4 months. I am now back at almost my heaviest weight and am super disgusted and frustrated that I did this to myself. Three years ago I weighed 70 lbs less than I do right now, actually enjoyed exercising and loved eating healthy. Oh how could I let myself do this. I am so angry still and know that I just need to get over it and move on as the damage has been done but every single day is a damn struggle where I catch myself saying..I'm so big again..why bother with trying. I wonder how the hell I stuck with it to drop those pounds and why I can't seem to do it again. How did you all get over the anger?!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I got over my anger when I was on the verge of having to buy yet another size larger clothing and said "enough". I refused to gain any more and started logging again. But this time I'm going more slowly, eating more and losing more slowly, so that I don't binge as often. When I do binge on a Sat night, I go back to lugging on Sunday. You just have to get started. Bite the bullet and say "enough". In a year you'll be very glad you did!