Too fat to EVER get pregnant?

Too ashamed to talk it out with family and/or friends, so I’m seeking some support/advice here!

A bit of a background story:

Lost 100lbs on MFP a few years ago; went from 275 lbs to 175lbs.
Gained all of it back plus more over the course of 3 years, due to an initial “happy relationship” gain (after moving in with my now husband) and then total neglect of the healthy habits I had taught myself.

New starting weight: approx. 305 lbs
Current weight: 295 lbs

Now for my… concern

Went to a gynecologist after a 10 day TOM, after not having my period for months. This has been a problem for 2 years now, and we’ve been trying to conceive in the meantime.

Told the dr. I wanted to check if everything was ok downstairs, and then I’d go to a dietician and/or endocrinologist to get some input on my infertility, hair loss and generalized fatigue.

He told me verbatim: “That will do nothing for you. Look at yourself! You’ll get to 400 lbs in no time and have family members wash you and take you from doctor to doctor. Get stomach reduction surgery, then you can talk to me about wanting to get pregnant. Here’s the surgeon’s name… Look for him first thing tomorrow!”

What? Left bawling my eyes out and with a million things racing through my mind; which for a chronic over-analyzer and depressed individual can get pretty dark, really quick.

I’m all for tough love from family and no sugar coating at the doctor’s office, but that? He reacted as if I had told him he has to get me pregnant, and got instantly disgusted.

Got back on MFP, been going just fine for about 2 weeks.

My concern is…
Is getting pregnant impossible when you’re obese?

I know it comes with more risks and can be a huge strain on the body, but is it such a far fetched idea?

I’m giving myself a year to lose as much as I can and then start trying to conceive again (we’re not preventing it either).
But if even in the 220’s I can’t get pregnant, will it still be because of my weight, or would I be safe to go back to a gyno and not get traumatized by their response?

Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to leave their 2 cents!


  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited April 2017
    I do recommend trying to lose more weight because it will help make the pregnancy easier if you ever chose to. Right now you would be considered high risk eat at a deficit, work out, and eat back half of the calories.
    I wouldn't worry about pregnancy right now enjoy your marriage.
    Sorry about the doctors comments it was super rude feel free to go to a different doctor instead for your hair loss and fatigue issues. And also about the fact you haven't had your period in a little bit it.
  • ashleyminnich1
    ashleyminnich1 Posts: 60 Member
    I have low progesterone, and have a hard time getting/staying pregnant. I have found that when I lose I get pregnant MUCH easier. That does not mean I don't need help staying pregnant, though. I had to do supplement with progesterone this last pregnancy, because it was super low. i have not been a big as you are currently, but I have had doula clients your size before. I will say that labor and birth are much harder when you are overweight.

    For that doctor to say that is just beyond helpful! You have lost before. You can do it again.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    First: he was a jerk and you need a new doctor
    Second: I got pregnant at my highest adult weight at the time. It's possible but riskier compared to a healthier weight.
    Third: you personally may have underlying fertility issues unrelated to weight. However, obesity is linked to reduced fertility for some women.
    Fourth: you are you own best advocate. You know yourself best. Be strong and build a team that supports you and your needs.

    Best of luck!
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Also; you may have to lose some weight on your own to convince your OB that your issue is not weight related, and have him get you checked out for other issues- although from what I've read, obesity can cause some infertility, so either way losing some weight over the next few months would show him that, 1- you don't need weight loss surgery, and 2- that it's not a weight issue causing interfility.. although if your weight is hindering it a bit, then you could possibly get pregnant, so it's a win win! If it were me, I would try losing some weight on my own, then find a new OBGyn because I wouldn't want the same arrogant one you have ;-)
  • KhadijahOwos
    KhadijahOwos Posts: 40 Member
    I have had a very similar situation when I visited my gyn recently. I left really upset because she told me that there was 0% that I could get pregnant due to my weight and the fact I have PCOS. I told her whilst I was there that my friend who is around the same weight/height as myself at the time, who also has PCOS, that she is 3 months pregnant. The gyn had no answer for that. She was adamant I'd never get pregnant. She said that I would need to try IVF and even then I would have loads of trouble. I left incredibly upset and (although I had already lost a stone (14lbs) in my journey, I was so upset I went home and started emotional eating for about a week (which damaged my weightloss) though afterwards I realised I shouldn't let what one stupid woman said affect me so much. She also gave me an absurd goal to lose 70lbs in 6 months, which isn't even healthy. I realised at that point she just had no clue about anything and I decided to let it in one ear and out the other. My plan is to get to a good healthy weight before I consider getting pregnant. I wouldn't consider it before I reach 230lbs, however ideally I'd like to reach my goal weight (170lbs). The plan is not to worry about it until I reach that weight and if I still can't get pregnant, seek help from someone more professional and knowledgeable.

    Good luck to you and your husband. Focus on yourself, your health, and I'm sure the rest will follow! Don't stress yourself out about the fertility. It won't help you, it'll only hinder you. (And I know it's easier said than done...) but just try to enjoy your journey.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi, I'm so sorry that you had such a negative experience with your obgyn. As others have said, obesity does lower fertility. Fat cells produce androgens (precursors to testosterone) which disrupt a female's estrogen balance and can cause you to stop having periods. Obesity is one of the risk factors for PCOS, a medical condition which is characterized by fewer periods, hair growth, acne, decreased fertility and in the long term diabetes and heart disease. Your obgyn is responsible for screening you for these conditions!!

    That said, many women who are overweight or obese do get pregnant, depending on their predisposition for fertility problems. It's best to maintain your weight during pregnancy as much as possible to reduce potential complications. Since you have shown you can lose weight through diet and exercise, I would stick to those methods before attempting more extreme interventions. Good luck to you and your family! Rooting for you!
  • WyattsMomKimberly
    WyattsMomKimberly Posts: 59 Member
    ABSOLUTELY NOT! I was 320 pounds and my doctor told me I had a less then %5 chance of ever having a child. That the only way I would be able to have a child is if I had surgery or adopted or just got a bunch of pets (yes that was actually said to me). I set out to prove them wrong. This was in November of 2014. I lost a silly little 20 pounds and I got pregnant. Just because you are overweight that does not mean your doomed to be childless. I encourage you to get healthy and continue losing but please don't listen to the fraud of a doctor. I have PCOS as well. IT isn't impossible but it is harder. Don't give up!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    This doctor doesn't respect you; dump him.

    It is possible to get pregnant at any weight, so be careful if you want to wait. My 36-year-old overweight daughter was told she couldn't get pregnant, and now I have a grandson; wonderful surprise! She didn't gain any additional weight during pregnancy and he is a wonderfully healthy little guy. She ate very healthy during the pregnancy.

    Try to get support from some wonderful organizations like overeaters anonymous or TOPS, or whatever is available to you for that in-person support and accountability.

    You are going to do great as a mom!

  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    You have time to lose weight, and have time to get pregnant. Start now, by October/November you will be more at reasonable weight.
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    I would continue to work on losing weight and getting healthy because but also do On my way! Investigation as to the psychological basis of your eating habit is to make sure you maintain the weight loss for the long will just get harder after having a baby.

    First thing, find a new doctor. I've had to fire some asshat doctors before for similar judgmental behavior and crappy care (I actually had one assume I was a lesbian simply because my husband wasn't the primary insurance holder then proceed to lecture me on my nose ring and tattoos...WTF?) And here's a tip with the new doctor: tell them WHY you fired the last one and they will usually do their best to not repeat the same behavior. There is no reason why your doctor can't look into all possible reasons for infertility in addition to counseling you on how your weight might effect it. It's his job for christ's sake.